
The eight headed dragon

Quiver_9263 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Attack the Hydra

One day I woke up and went to the cafe nearby and got my black coffee and went back home and cooked some food, after eating I went to take a bath.After taking a bath I checked my phone.It was about 11AM I got my tools and went to the station where I had to guard.When I went there I heard this loud roar I thought it was just one of those trolls then I saw guards and soldiers running through the streets toward that noise.That when I realized it wasn't a troll it was a 3 headed dragon or maybe a 5 headed dragon...Wait a second its a Seven headed dragon.It banged its head on buildings and then blew magma out of his mouth.The wizard had put magic chains to trap the beast but the dragon heads broke free from the chains.I ran towards the dragon I held my sword and tried to chop the one of the heads but the neck of the hydra was almost as strong as steel I ran to the sword stations and grabbed the sharpest sword I could find.I leaped to the dragon and then successfully chopping one of the beast's head.