
The eatable heaven

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What is The eatable heaven

Read The eatable heaven novel written by the author Kenny_noralus on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is History stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


The Selfish Family In the old days passed the sky was very closed to the earth and on these days people didn't need to work hard to get something to eat, cause anytimes they have got hungry they just took a piece of the sky and eat it life was very easy .but one day a selfish family came and cut a very big piece of the sky even the members of his family couldn't eat it and they throw the rest away.then the sky became angry and move hight from the earth and life became hard and people now need to work very hard to get something to eat. (just because of that selfish family) Don't be selfish and life just do for others what you expect from them .

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The Equivalent Exchange System (EES) is the reason why life still exists in this Universe! Like!? and Hate!? True!? and False!? Strong!? and Weak!? Those words are the example of opposite words, that equilibrium effect to counterpart the other one. Like the Ying and Yang in Chinese culture, the other one won't exist if the other one did not. The same as risk and power, if you want a stronger power you have to accept its drawbacks and weakness. The stronger your power you can think of, the greater the risk you will receive. The equivalent exchange system is the reason why the Virtual Reality (VR) game called Z-ONE is famous throughout the world. Z-ONE is the first VR game in the history of mankind that can fully immerse 100% into the game. Inside the game, you can choose what power you want at the beginning and improve that power along the way to the top and become the game's Game Masters (GM). And one person has an idea on what power he will choose and that was LUCK either the system can provide him with that power or not it doesn't matter to him as long as he can avoid being misfortune even once in his life he can die without any regrets. And that person is the protagonist of this story TYRO who is a very unfortunate person since birth. His childhood friends called him Jack of Misfortune, nicknaming him JM instead of Tyro. That name he uses until he reaches college. Then the game was released in the 5th year of his degree in Engineering. By the time he graduated, he ignored everything and focus on the game to change is the destiny of being unfortunate.

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Ageless as Time

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In the year 2300, some scientists from Helios world finally found the way to travel faster then light. when this news spread wide and far, all the human on this planet started celebrating because finally they can explore the stars. During one of the test flight, they accidentally opened a different dimension. which brought Helios world to the ruin. even after many research and experiments they couldn't figure out the reason. can only watch as the humanity lost 50% of its population in the blink of an eye. but the appearance of a person brought a new hope for them , who could control fire like in the movies and novels. after certain period of experiments they come to conclusions that , when the air( virus/ different energy/ mana) from the different dimension leaked. it didn't only brought ruin to our world but it is also brought something magical. since then humanity took a different turn and started welcoming supernatural being who has the power to destroy a city with bare hands. this changes not only happened with the humans but the beast and plants aswell. Ethan our protagonist however was unfortunate and didn't awakened any superpower. making him a losser in the area he lived in. but one day ethan went to forest in anger and tried to hunt beast but unfortunately he had to run away with a grave injury. on the verge of dying ethen got a system which saved his life. but ethen was not happy because it was the weakest system in history. Ethan: if you think, my system is really the weakest then it's your loss. ( hello readers, if you want to read this book just persist until the 30 chapter and if you don't like the book even after that than I can only say sorry And if you like my book for it's story and then pls leave a honest review. no matter how your review is. i will appreciate it very much.)

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