
Andrian Diary

Summary of Teacher Wessel's diary is, teacher Wessel doesn't know anything about my reason for a time skip. He gives me that task for just a prank, but accidentally something like a force/barrier surrounds me. They can't go in, Even I can't go out. World War 3 has begun when I meditate. At the end of World War 3, Andrian said he makes A Frequent EMP Bomb to the Earth. Making the Earth back to the stone age again and the big Earthquakes happen. Making this place become an island, plus some Meteor Rain happens that makes humankind near extinct.

This island is really blessed, isn't it? Survive from the Nuclear War, big Earthquake, and even the Meteor Rain. I can't even imagine how can the island survive to this point.

"After reading all of teacher Wessel's diary. It looks like there is still not an answer about me, huh? the only thing that teacher mention is only the barrier surrounding me. What the hell is that thing? But when I wake up, there's nothing surround me like a barrier. Is the barrier was the one who makes me Meditate for 5000 years? But who is the one who make that barrier? I doubt humans can make it in that time.., is it the work of god??"

I tried to assume the possibilities of what happened to me while scratching my head.

"but if it's really the god, then shouldn't he come to me and give me an explanation about it? argghhhh, there is no end to thinking about it. I will try to read Andrian's diary. maybe there is some clue about me."

It is pointless trying to find the answer that can't be answered with the common sense of humans!.

I open the diary book of Andrian.

"June 16 20XX"

"I make a diary for research Galen Meditate. It's been three months since Len(Galen) meditate on that island. It looks like there is no sign that he will wake up. He even didn't eat or doing anything. My conclusion the barrier was the one who makes him In deep sleep. And the barrier may be is easy to destroy from the inside. Galen must wake up and destroy the barrier from the inside, we should try waking him up."

so Andrian makes this diary after I got to meditate. He purposely makes this diary for me.

"June 18 20XX."

"The method of destroying the barrier can't be found for some reason. We try some C4, Acid, and any other method, but the barrier is still in there. I will not give up on him. there is no way I will give up after all this time."

"July 22 20XX."

"This place is officially closed because of the Galen incident. But Me, Evie, and Rein are still in here. We will not give up finding a way to destroy the barrier. Teacher Wessel blames himself because of the Galen incident. we try to cheer him up, but it's useless he still blames himself for it."

What I afraid was becomes real. Teacher Wessel blames himself because of me.

"October 1 12 20XX."

"It's been 1 year. The barrier still can't be destroyed. Galen not even waking up. I saw on TV the world war 3 has begun, and it was the nuclear war. I'm afraid some nuclear will come to hit our place. I hope our place gonna be safe from nuclear"

"October 5 20XX"

"The Military come to our place, they demand me, Rein and some youth from the village to join the military they forcing us to join. But Evie volunteers herself to join the military. I, Rein, and Teacher Wessel try to oppose it. I want Evie to protect Galen and waiting for him. But Evie will not give up on what she chooses. We can't oppose her. She said 'if you two going to the War then I will go with you. There is no way I will leave you two. Galen is fine in here with that barrier protecting him. I'm sure he gonna wake up soon. And we will greet him again when he wakes up' that was what Evie said.

I'm really really sorry to teacher Wessel because we leave him alone. only the elderly people in the village and some animals in our little zoo that will accompany him. I really feel bad for him, but there is nothing I can do about it."

"October 12 20XX"

"I, Rein, and Evie are in the same squad. We get some exoskeleton armor to our bodies. the military said this is to enhance our power combat in the war. I'm surprised that technology is already this advance."

"November 23 20XX"

"it has been one year since this war begins. I feel so stupid to join this war. There is no merit only loss occurs in this war, but I can't run away from here. The nuclear weapon sometimes has still been used. These fools country really want to destroy the world."

"Augustus 9 20XX."

"I get promotion to rank of colonel Rein and Evie too. It was a miracle that we can still survive in this meaningless war. Sometimes we send a letter to the teacher. The use of electronics is being restricted without permission from the military. The military is afraid that the internet or the network can be used to make the enemy country to destroy this country or get the info from it."

"October 15 20XX"

"4 years already since I join the military. I have already become a general, Rein and Evie have become my subordinate. Near all the previous general before me was already killed in the mission. The military is really needed for manpower. They abduct some of another country's youth to make them our soldiers, another country has already done it too before ours. They abduct the youth and making them their military power. This world has become crazy. They use humans as a tool to make their own profit. I can't stand it in the military anymore, but this is the only way to save some kid even if only one of them. I tried to hold my position even if I'm feeling disgusted with myself. Rein and Evie helping me too. I'm glad that there is nothing changed from them."

"February 2 20XX"

mark of 5 years

"I send all the kid and youth and that I already save to the teacher. I hope they're doing well. I even give a letter and fund to the teacher. The war has already become too chaotic. The population of the world has already been reduced by 40%. I don't know when this war ends. But with my status as general, I will save another person as much as I can."

"Febuary17 20XX"

"Today I read the report. Rein And Evie failed at the mission, and they have been capture by the enemy. I tried to make a team that will save them. But the preparation needs 3 days to finish. I'm afraid they gonna died first. I afraid to tell the teacher that I'm failed to save them."

The next time I flipped the page. The content of the diary was gone. some of the content of the book is already gone. At first, I thought it was because of the termite, but when I look at it again. There was a mark of the book has been shred. It means this page is has been shredded by someone.

'Why the hell there's someone who shreds this page? What is the content? Is there something that the content was too risky to read? Or What? I will ask this to the elder later now I must finish reading it first.'

"Febuary 29 1 20XX"

"the war is already over. I put frequent EMP bomb in the satellite that will explode constantly for over 50 years. With this, that fucking nasty experiment and all other things will end. I hope Rein and Evie can rest in peace. I'm really sorry about them. I wonder how Galen reacts if he knows that I'm the one who kills them. by the way is Galen already wake up? I don't know. I sent all my subordinates first to that place. I will go back to the dorm where teacher Wessel wait."

I'm really surprised and can't hide my shock when I read it. Andrian killed Rein and Evie? What happened in there?.

'Tch, why is the most important piece, is missing in this kind of time? Who the hell shred that page? I'll punch them really hard if I know the culprit!.'

I furiously flip over another page. How can I not be furious? The story of my friend that I was waiting for is missing. What the hell happens in there? Why Andrian kill Evie and Rein? What does he mean? I really don't like this. This hanging feeling was really making my heart hurt for want to know what happens to them. I read the next line of Andrian's diary even though my heart still hurts.

"April 4 20XX"

"There is a big earthquake 2 days ago. For the two days, I got the info that this earthquake make the American continent split in two, and some of the Europa continents are getting drowned by the tsunami. I must get back to the dorm quickly. I'm worried about everyone in there."

"April 20 20XX"

"not long after the Earthquake, There is Meteor rain. The meteor's size is about 50 centimeter, but some of them have a size of about 30 meters. I thought I'm gonna die, but I still survive because I take shelter in a bunker with some of my subordinates. I hope the people that I sent and the dorm is okay. I will take a detour first, I will search for another survivor and bring them together."

"July 10 20XX"

"it's been 2 years since I took a detour searching for the survivor. I bring about 20 people who still survive, to the dorm. I'm surprised that my dorm stills survived and has already become an island. Not to mention, the teacher Wessel is still alive. The youth I send too And even some of the animal in the little zoo is still alive. But the one what I care about is that Galen is still alive he still meditates state and not aging. That bastard really gives me worries. Teacher Wessel was crying when he sees me. I tell him what happened to the world.

"September 2 20XX"

"3 years already in this island, teacher Wessel already passed away. We bury him in the backyard of the dorm. all the elder of the village already passed away before teacher Wessel."

"October 1 20XX"

"10 years passed, something strange happens in this place some of the people at the dorm suddenly make a fire from their hand, some of them can make water or electricity this has become weird. We call this phenomenon was the element phenomena. I try to research this phenomenon before something bad happens. I write my research in another book"

"December 25 20XX"

"Albert, the eagle, and Red the snake come back to the dorm. But people in here panicked because their body has become really big. As big as a human. Even the koi fish that we take care of already became big as the two of them. I moved three of them to the place near the lake where Galen meditate, to protect Galen. If someday I already dead they are the ones who protect him. I assume they become bigger like this because of Element phenomena."

"January 2 21XX"

"It has been 140 years. I am still alive somehow. My research about the element phenomena was true. The element phenomena were the ones who make people become life longer and strongest. The source of the phenomena is from the meteorite that hit the earth 155 years ago. This thing becomes a part of the world and makes human evolution faster than before. there are some people in the villager have a fur-like an animal, some of them have a long ear, and some of them become smaller than human normally."

"December 1 22XX"

"I already finish all the research of element phenomena. Many of the villager going out from this island they said they want to explore the world. I feel my death already calling me. Before my last breath, I want to talk to Galen who still alive and meditates."

"December 2 22XX"

"ah, maybe this is my last diary. I come to Galen's place today, and for the first time, I can pass that barrier. I cried, finally I can touch my best friend again. I tried calling his name and waking him up, but he is not waking up. well, it's okay maybe he will wake up in the future. I don't know what reaction he gonna make when he wakes up. I will put my message in here."

"My friend, if you already wake up and reading this, that means my message has already been delivered. I told my descendant and to the one in charge in this village to always make a diary and take care of you when they reign. So you don't feel confused when you wake up.

My friend, I want to tell you something, my time with you in this dorm is the best time of my life, I really glad to know you. And I'm sorry I will not be in there when you wake up. Rein, Evie already passed away they are the first to leave us. I'm sorry that I'm the one who kills them. Teacher Wessel is the second he still has regret about you, he believes you will wake up in the future, and he can't apologize to you in the face. Then I'm the last. I already feel my time is close. I know, Is hard to believe what you see when you wake up. But please don't ever lose hope in yourself. Please live for all of us who believe in you. We may be already dead when you wake up. But we want you always to remember. We, the four of us, will always be with you 'Len'. I hope that when you wake up, you will find the world more beautiful than the world we live in. goodbye Len until we meet again. I'll wait for you on the other side. until then, please live to the fullest, okay!"

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