
3 Friend

The three big creature that I sensed before, now shows their self in front of me while looks like they're bowing to me and calling me master.

My mind tries to comprehend what happens because the scenery in here was like a master and servant gathering. Wait, did they... Just speak?

'holy... I thought the creature in this lake is just as big as a shark, but they are bigger than anything that I know, not only that even they can talk like a human.'

There is this feeling like I know these creatures. But there is no way big creatures like this exist 5000 years ago. If there's a creature like this 5000 years ago, I believe they will be killed by any nation, because of the dangers they can make. They're big as a building in the town. I assume the eagle was as big as the dorm. The koi fish maybe half of it. And for the snake, because I can't see his whole body. Maybe he is bigger than those two, his head is as big as a mini truck, so I can assume he is bigger than those two.

"you can talk? This is my first time seeing a monster like you. Why did all of you call me master?"

I really don't know all these creatures, how can even I know them? I was meditating for 5000 years, you know. And they claim that they are my friend? Let alone friend, I even didn't eat, drink, and sleep.

"no thou art our master,"

said the big snake.

"hahh? I told you I'm not your master. I am just a man who meditates in this place and wakes up 5000 years. so there is no way I'm your master. are the villager tell you that I'm the master/Lord of this place?"

While sighing, my face shows an expression of exhaustion. I really didn't like, when someone calls me master/lord without any reason. The village elder has not yet explained to me the reason I became the master/lord of this place.

"No, we're not. Instead, we are the ones who told the villager that you're the owner of this island."

wha... so the influence of the villager calling me master/Lord is because of these three monsters? Finally, one question is already answered. The reason why the villager calls me master/lord because of them. But this is weird. Why did the three of them call me master? The villager even follows it blindly. Is there any reason for calling me master/lord?. I tried to ask them the reason.

"so the reason for this village calling me Lord/Master come from the three of you? Why did you call me master? And besides, I don't even know the three of you, I just wake up yesterday. after all, what makes you think I'm your master?"

I believe they do not call me master/lord without any reason. They can talk. I think they can think clearly. That's why I assume did the three of them mistaking me for someone else?

"No, thou are our master, thou are the one who raises and takes care of us when we are just as big as a normal animal."

The Big Koi Fish said to me.

"Indeed, thou shalt the only one who worth receive our loyalty,"

Now the Big Eagle was the one who spoke to me. For me, this creature looks like an eagle, but he has a bulky hand and somehow a foot like a human. Is like the depiction of Garuda in Hindu culture. It's amazing, but at the same time, it's freaky because I have never seen a creature like this. I don't know the official name of this creature in this world. So I only can call him an Eagle.

"raise and take care...? what do you mean? I just barely wake up... wait.." Suddenly I realized something, something that is most likely impossible. And there is no way I believe in this if this is the world 5000 years ago. From what they said, they said I'm the one who takes care of them when they're small. The only animal that I take care of was when I was in the dorm, In the little zoo. Then if what they said is true... the three of them was...

'there is no way... but...'

I tried to didn't believe what I'm thinking, but this is the only answer to why did they call me master and all of it.


I tried to call the name of one animal that I take care of when I was in the dorm.


The big snake answer.

"Ying Yang?"

"I am"

the koi fish answer.



And The big Eagle answer too.

WHAT THE HELL IT'S THE THREE OF THEM? the hell I supposed to react? The three of my pet when I was in the dorm has become this big. Holy shit, this world has really become weirder. How can they still alive? I have a feeling that all animal in the zoo has become big like this too. If that true... I don't want to think about it anymore.

"This is so weird! somehow I should try to get used to it."

I put my hand on my face and cover my face.

"are the three of you really Red, ying-yang, and Albert?"


said the three of them in the union

I still put my hand on my face while making a confused face and exhaustion.

'This is getting really weird, I still don't believe them. How the heck the three of them getting this big? Moreover, Albert has a leg and a hand? I'm sure more believed if I'm in another world right now, wait...'

"wait a minute... There is no way the three of you are Red, Ying Yang, and Albert. All of you are supposed to be dead 5000 years ago? how can you still alive?"

I tried to deny their existence. Because how can they suppose to be alive? I still don't believe it. The three of them looked at one another while looked confused.

"ooo Elder art thou not gave our master the book?"

ask ying-yang to the elder.

'book what book?, its the first time I hear it.'

The elder who looks like an old woman, Hoshi. she answers while kneeling in front of them.

"No, we didn't have a chance to tell him. We want to give the books to our Lord, but he said he wants to go around the village before we could give the books. And he already aware of your presence. So he came here."

"I see, then Master Thou must read the book first. then we will answer all of the thou questions."

said, Albert.


I don't know what they mean by the book, but it looks like the book is important. I should follow their instruction for now.

"and master thou shalt lower thou presence, thou presence can make another monster come here."

Albert gives his advice to me. I don't know what he means by the presence. But I vaguely know the presence that Albert talk maybe some short of power or what it inside me. Since yesterday I always feel my body is uneasy.

"what do you mean by presence? is my presence really that big?"

I asked him back.

"yes, thou presence is incomparable. Thou magic is so big. Thou shalt control thou presence."

Says Red, He informed me that it's dangerous to not control my power.

Well, it gives me a quick shock. But my presence really that big, huh? are that mean I have magic? I shouldn't have the magic, but maybe something is awake inside me. I'm afraid this may be dangerous. I should ask the elder to learn to control it.

I turn around and looked to the elder behind me while making an apology face.

"I'm sorry if this is inconvenient, but can you teach me how to control this big presence?"

"we will, And it's not inconvenient for us. On contrary, this is a greater honor for us!"

They make a pose of respect to me. I too make a sign of respect for them. The elder really blindly follows the three of them, because the three of them now the villager to call me master/lord, well, for now it's not important. I must find the reason why the three of them became really big and trying to control my presence.

"Hey, I don't know what this book that you three mentions. but the answer of the three of you are in that book right?"

I asked them to confirm so that I can find the answer.


answer Red

"if you say so, then I will read it. just you wait for me."

After going back from the lake, the elder teaches me to control the presence and magic. The elders said, first you must feel your energy In the body, the second is to control magic and presence you must have to make a focus on your mind and set yourself how much energy you want to use. Basically, this is training to control your body and mind. Luckily I have already mastered that test when I live in the dorm. Because that's how the dorm teaches us, it is like becoming a monk or a priest you must clean your mind and body first before making it to the test. This is one of the easy ways to control your emotion and mind.

"so it's like that? if it's like that, maybe I can do it quickly."

I close my eyes, And I tried to focus my mind and feel the energy inside and outside. The moment I focused, I can feel my power. I'm surprised that I have this big Energy and Magic from me. After I get the gist of how big my power is, I felt another power coming from the outside of my body. It's like I devoured the surrounding area. I can feel little by little the energy outside me is being absorbed. I get a little shudder when I felt it, so I slowing down my focus a little.

'wow, what is this?' Somehow this is weird.

I can feel it. In my imagination, my magic is as big as the lake. And I can feel, Is like I'm swimming in the lake. I don't know the average someone magic, but I can sure my magic power is so big that it needs half of my focus and energy to control it.

'well, it looks like what Red said it's true. I will try to control it.'

I focus on how much energy I want to have. I decided to have this much power...

Then I open my eyes, I feel...

"yep, this is it. I should hide all my power like this"

yes, all of the power that comes out from me already gone. I'm glad it works. I just want to be normal, after all. I still didn't know the average so I hide all of it so I will not become the attention.

"Amazing!!, as expected of Lord Galen this level of control is really comparable. it's like you want to cast a lost Magic!"

Said Arashi excitedly, the beastman Elder.

"I..it's that so?"

Asking him back. It looks like my plan to hide all my power so that I will not become the attention backfired on me.

"yes, someone who can have full control of his/her magic is only the Saint or Advance magician can do it, but there is no guarantee even they can do it!"

Arashi answering me while informing me.

So that's the case. Well, maybe I will leak some of my magic a little. Luckily Arashi informs me if he didn't tell me, it will become troublesome later.

The Elder wants to teach me all the thing about the world and magic that they know, but they said is easier for me to get an explanation from the book first, they said. The more they mention about the book the more curious I'm of what is the book they mention.

The Elder took me to aula, the place where I live right now, and show me the place beneath Aula. It was a secret room, they cast light magic and guide me to that room, in front of the door there is a Magic Formula, I never see an alphabet like that maybe is it the rune?. one of the elder cast some Magic and then the door is open.

"Woah, there is so much a book? which book should I read? or should I read all of this?"

The room is filled with the book and the room it's like a private place to study.

"you can read any book in here, this book is a diary of all the Elder of this place before us, the diary content is about their current world, information about outside/inside the island, monster and there so much more

the Elder before us make this so that when you awake, you can get all explanation from all of this diary. And by the way, you don't need to worry about the written language. it's still the same as the one you know my lord."

Warren explains to me.

Well, I'm happy that the written language is didn't change. But to think that all the elders before them write this book for me... what are they expect from me? Did they really believe what the three of them said? What I mean is red, Albert, and ying-yang.

".... I really really appreciate them making this diary. even though they don't know who I am, even I don't know them."

The Elder ignored my apology and kept giving me information.

"We already arranged the diary from the first till the newest, and.... before you read all this book. All of this diary book is giving us instructions to you. to read this two-book first."

Two books? What is so special in there? Is there an answer to my meditation in there? If that so, maybe that diary book was teacher Wessel's diary. But I'm not so sure he writes the diary, or I'm not sure the book survived for 5000 years.

The Elder taking out an old Box from one of the bookshelves.

I look at the box. There is some magic encryption in it. The elder cast it and open the box. The Elder gives me the book that was in the box. the book looks so old there is no color in them, the judge from the look the book have a really fragile paper, and some of the pages may be already eaten by termite I must carefully open it. I open the two-book carefully at the same time, and I see the name of the people who write this diary.

"Diary Of Tian Wessel"

"Diary Of Andrian Vega"

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