

Ashu 19-year-old boy setting off on his journey to explore the world filled with horrifying and unsettling mysteries and enemies so powerful that will make you or force you to fall on your knees. Defying the logic and sense of adventure waiting for his arrival. With his future friends, he will discover unsettling mysteries and enemeis. join in with his adventure thankyou

Ashu009 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 14: Have Some Fun

Chapter 14: Have Some Fun

"What should I do now?" Sigh...

"Max's words are still ringing inside my ears; they keep on reminding me that I cannot escape the grasp of my family and my father."

What now? I don't want to return to that hell hole. For now, I think I should do as I ordered. I don't like the owner and his family to get hurt.'

What should I tell them, though? What reason...




"I returned!"

"Good timing! Kai, come, dinner is ready."


"Is something wrong? Why do you look so gloomy? "

"Rebecca, I-I..." I need to go back..."

"Huh!? What do you mean? "

"T-Today I found out that my mother... she died out of sickness."

"!! …"

"I'll need to go back, so..."

"A-Are..." "A-are you alright?"

I didn't reply.


"Will you come back?"


I remained silent; I couldn't say anything.

"I cannot imagine how much it's tough for you. But... be strong and don't worry. Whenever you feel like... you can return to us. "

"What about others?"

"D-Don't worry about them, but they will miss you though…"


"Thanks for everything." I was one step from crying.

"You idiot..." We didn't get to spend that much time together, but the days we spent together were fun. Sorry, I'll feel like crying. "


"I need to go now."

"Bye, and be sure to write to us whenever you get the time."

"I will."






"Now that's done, I think I should now head to the palace."

I'll miss them,' I thought as I looked back.

" Now, where is the castle? Hmm..."

"Buddy! Can you tell me where I can find the castle? " I asked the man in the suit.

"I don't think you can go there, I don't know why, but there's tight security around the castle premises. I suggest you don't go there."

"Don't you worry, brother? I'm a bounty hunter, I'm going there for work."

"Oh! I see. Well, if you go to block 3 and head straight, you'll be able to spot the palace from there on. "

"Thank you, brother,"

And just like that, I arrived at the palace. Just like that man said, security was no joke. Everywhere you looked, you could spot guards with weapons in their hands.

I should return my hair to its original colour. Now that I think about it, it was a good decision to change the colour. I mean, with hair like mine, I will surely attract the attention of those around me.

I head towards the main gate.

"Hey, you!! "Return, you're not allowed here."

"I'm from the Edgardo family. I was sent to protect his majesty's life."

"Hey, look at his hair!"

"It's silver!! Are you the infamous Silver Slayer? "


"You!! GUARDS!! Defend the entrance... Do not let the intruder anywhere near the palace. "

"Inform the majesty right now!"

"Hey-Hey guy, I'm a sell-sword. Your majesty inside offered me to pay if I save his life. Don't you think you asked the king and his family about me before you do anything hasty? "

"…A man with a 20 million bounty, what right do you have…"

"You idiots..." Every minute we waste, your king's life will be in danger. If I was the criminal, then why would I come through the main gate and stand here just to ask your permission? "


"I-inform his majesty, ask him, what to do with this man."

"On it sir!"'sigh...' I stood there, as menacing eyes stayed on me.

After a few minutes of waiting, I was allowed inside.






{Inside the king's castle}

Now that the intruders are dead, I need to see the king and return to my family.

"Now, but where is the king?"

"Let's see, I think he ran towards the courtroom upon hearing about the intruders. So, the courtroom might be the best place to find him.'

I walked towards the courtroom. Upon arriving there, my eyes were on arriving there, my eyes were wide open out of shock, and one word came out of my mouth at that moment.

"Wait, what the fuck!"

I see the king's body lying in a pool of his red blood, a sword pierced through his neck.

I was shocked, not because the king died, no I was shocked because of how he died. Not only that, I sensed the number of intruders that had entered the castle. I killed them all. Now the question is, how did he die?

"Hmm..." I think it was someone from inside. But that's no matter now. What should I do?

"GUARDS!! Capture the murderer! "

"Holy shit!" was the only word that I could utter as several soldiers surrounded me with their weapons aimed at me.

"BROTHER!! -Brother! What have you done? "

"Wait, at least here I am out. I wasn't the one..."



"Guards!! Kill him! Kill him instantly."

'Shit! What now? Is it possible for me to flee? No, I can't...

"Wait!! My lord, I don't think, you should kill him, right now. " A familiar voice entered my ear, I turned my head towards the voice. The owner of the voice entered the courtroom; his figure became visible to my eye.

As his figure became clear, my eyes were wide open due to the shock. The man was none other than Grey, and behind him was Max.

Gray looked towards me with his smug, arrogant face. I was contemplating the situation I was in.

"What are you saying?" "Explain yourself!"

Max came forward, and with a serious voice, he spoke. "My lord, what we are saying is, why don't you execute this heinous criminal, murderer of their kind king, in front of the people of this kingdom." "Show them the person who killed their beloved king."

"That way, people can know that you're the only one left in the next line of thrones, and you can announce your coronation at the same time."


Now I understand! So, I was set up. They never wanted me to save the king in the first palace, but what I don't understand is why me. I mean, if they wanted a scapegoat, they could have used someone else. Why me?'

"Guards!! Take him! "

As the king's brother said those words, all the soldiers circled me. One of them came forward and forcefully took my hand and handcuffed me.

The looks on all the soldiers are mainly of two types: one is anger, and the second is sadness. The look on their faces tells me that they are truly sad for their king. They loved their king.

" My gut tells me something about this whole situation is funny. I'm sure of it. The King's brother: Oh! So that's why!' as I looked at the slight smugness on the king's brother's face. when I was dragged away from the courtroom.

Max, didn't look me in the eyes on the other hand grey was all smiling and had a smug look on his fucking face.




And just like that, I now ended up in prison. This whole place was dark, not even a ray of light could be seen in this place. With my hands and legs tied up, I was thrown into this place with no water to quench my thirst.

As I spent my day in prison, I now knew the whole story...

But not that matters now, I have already accepted my fate.

I'm tired of all this, tired of living this fucking life...

"No! I can't die, not now at least. Not until I accomplished the promise I made to her...

I'm sure now is not my time... I just need to be patient. "

To be continued….