
Chapter Two

We sat in silence which Lexy decided to break ." what are you going to order?" She asked from across the table. I looked over my menu for the third time ." Um... I think miso ramen with pork and a boiled egg " I said a little unsure ." how about you ?" I asked her. "Well, since I never had ramen before I'll take the same as you " she answered, and then she smiled at me, something she does a lot and which I am not quite used to. "I'm glad you trust my judgment," I said laughing . She shrugged, just as the waitress came up to our table ." ready to order ?" She asked if she didn't improve our date she didn't show it, like most Japanese people. Something I'm glad for ."hai, Two miso ramen with pork and a boiled egg .and two glasses of water " Lexy said before turning to me to make sure it was right ."anything else ?" Asked the waitress. "Hai, two cups of green tea please, " I said. She nodded and went off with her small book where she wrote everything down ."I didn't know you could speak Japanese "I said to Lexy ." Well I studied it And if you watched Sub anime you catch a few words " she answered. I nodded at her and began to make further conversation the rest of the evening.it wasn't long before our food came and we ate. After that, we went to the train station and headed our separate ways. I made sure to keep my eyes open when I walked back to me and my grandma's shared house .seeing as it was well past midnight. When I got inside My grandma was asleep upstairs. I went to my room trying to make no noise, Which I did successfully. I sat down on my bed and took off my shoes, I climbed in bed and fell asleep.

It's been a week since my and Lexy's "date ". A week since my first date and of us talking on Line. We talk every chance we can get, and by now my grandma knows. She just told me to not get too attached. I'm now on my way to work when I see Ino outside of the flower shop sweeping. She sees me coming and waves, she's wearing her favorite color as always. I wave back to her. Ino, unlike me, goes to school and she had a somewhat normal childhood. She only works on Saturdays while I work every day from 7:30am to 10:30pm. I smile at her as I finally get near ." Hey, Hana " she said calling me by the nickname she gave me ." hey, Ino " I said. We give each other a hug before going inside and doing our normal routine.

It's 11:30 when we close up, our boss wanted us to work a bit over time since he was running a little late ."I still can't believe we had to work overtime " Ino said, she still hasn't stopped complaining ." I know, why don't you come with me to karaoke ?" She said. I must have drowned too much of her complaining this time since I have no idea where that came from ."They'll be boys there " she said smiling trying to get me to come ." actually I already found someone " I said blushing a tiny bit ." really ? Who ? Tell me everything" she said excitedly ." well, I guess I can tell you " I said as we walked in a park ." it's a girl " I began ."well I expected a guy but oh well, tell me more " she said ."her name's Lexy "I said "she has red hair and deep blue eyes " I began the describing her ." also she has a nose piercing "I said ."really? I never you liked the bad girls, Hana" Ino said wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed at this "well, how about you? Any new guys ?" I asked ."well there is this one guy," she said taping her finger on her chin ." he has Black hair and brown eye's " she added, " also he's a total smarty pant, like more than the other guys but he's really funny".

"Wow, never thought you liked the good guys," I said as a retort to her tease before. She blushed "yeah, but he's different," she said. I laughed at that "well, have you tried anything ?" I asked ."not really, but I'm planning to," she said. I nod to her "well good luck " I say as we head away from the park and towards the train station. We walk our normal way, passing buildings, and the usual shops. When went down the steps I froze. There stood Lexy in one of the lines. She wore a black t-shirt with jeans and some Converse. She stood out like a sore thumb between the normal-looking Japanese people. I blinked as Ino Shook me out of my trans ." earth to Hanako " she repeated " huh ?" I asked confused not taking my eyes off of Lexy ." you just froze ..." she trailed off before following my line of sight. She made an oh sound before dragging me to the lines. We went in line, Ino not taking her eyes off the person in front of her. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate. I took it out, thinking it's from my grandma only to see it's a text from Lexy. I opened the line and read the message.

again with the staring


I typed back confused. Ino turned around before just looking back in front.

Don't play dumb, I saw you.

I looked up seeing Lexy staring at me, she waved before walking onto the train. And at the same time, our line went in. I walked in before taking a seat with Ino. I couldn't see Lexy anymore since she was in a different cart.

Also, you look nice today, Your dress matches your hair.

She mentioned my pink hair, which I dye every time my roots show. I touched my hair without thinking before reading the next text.

Want to come with me, to the anime cafe?

I thought about it before going to my grandma's contact .and texted her to know I'll be later than usual.

Yeah sure, which one?

It's an Attack on titan Cafe.

It's not far from here, is it?

No, not really.

Oh, Ok.

We texted each other back and forth and met each other at the Cafe after she told me where it was. She was really shocked that I didn't know Attack on titan or watched the anime.We walked inside ." I still can't believe you haven't watched Attack on Titan," she said as we sat down ."I haven't watched any anime in my life," I said Picking up my menu.she froze and looked at me like I grew a second head." then how do you know what anime is?" she asked ." my grandma is a huge fan " I said ."Best . grandma . ever" she said, I laughed at her.The waiter came up to us, wearing what I assume was an Attack on titan cosplay." ready to order ?" he asked.Lexy answered and ordered for us both.Something called, wall maria.When the waiter was gone we went back into the conversation ." so, what more is there about your grandma ?" she asked, her arms on the table ." what do you want to know ?" I asked Doing the same as her ." well what's her name?" she asked ."Hayden "I said ."how old is she ?" she asked ."She's 70 " I say Looking at the waiters in their clothes ." wow, She's old " she laughed ."yeah but you'll think she's in her 50's, "I say taking my eyes back to her.She went from putting her arms on the table to folding them and sitting back." really ? wow " she said smiling ."yeah, How about you? what is your grandma like ?" I asked.Her smile fell "I wouldn't know " she said her voice barely above a whisper ." oh "I said before changing the subject ." well, I know you like anime. But do you read ?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her.She smiled " never opened a book in my life, "she said proudly with a smirk.Now it was my turn to look at her like she was crazy ." joking, joking " she began putting her hands up in defense.I let out a breath of relief until she said "I read in school"I froze ."You ... "I trailed off ." you poor child," I said putting my hand on my chest."hey," she said pouting.She looked adorable, I giggled .wait, what.She folded her arms again"what you laughing at?" she asked a slight smirk coming back to her face ." nothing, nothing " I said she raised her brow before opening her mouth .but she was cut off by the waiter putting our food down ."anything else?" he asked.I nodded before asking for a strawberry milkshake.He nodded and went on his way.I picked up my chopsticks and take a piece of the food.But I was suddenly stopped before I could go for another piece ." Na ah, your not getting away that easily " she said with a grin ." what are you, talking about ?" I said confused ." why were you giggling ?" she asked And took away her chopsticks so I could get a bite ." I don't know what you're talking about "I said after I took a bite " and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you" I added and went for another one.I smirked playfully at her as if taunting her ."Why you little-" she was cut off as the waiter brought my Attack on titan-themed Milkshake.He said the same thing as before and went back to work.I took a sip of my drink, my tongue hit with a number of flavors.I moaned before taking another sip, but I stopped as I look at Lexy.Who is looking at me with a smirk ." what ?" I asked her and took another sip of it ." nothing, nothing " she said mimicking my words before.I gave her a raised eyebrow look before rolling my eyes and going back to eating.Lexy took a bite of her's as well before beginning to speak ." so if you had to pick another job, what would it be ?" she said and took another bite ." I don't know ... I love my job " I began and looked down at my food ." probably a book writer or librarian " I added, "but I'll probably have a hobby with gardening ".She took another bite and gulped it down ."I'd probably be an artist of some sort" she said looking up.I looked at her arm, Where from her wrist until her elbow she had tattoo's ." like a tattoo artist ?" I asked looking back at her deep blue eye's ." yeah, maybe " she said " do you have any tattoo's ?" she asked her eye's roaming my bare skin ." nope, haven't had the chance " I said .my inner voice popped up for the first time in a week, which is new .'keep telling yourself that' it said.I shook my head trying to shake it out, which I did successfully ." well if you did have the chance, would you do it ?" she asked and took another bite of her food ." well ... sure, if I did "I said ."what would it be of ?" she asked ." a flower " I said immediately.She laughed and nodded ."I thought so " she answered smiling at me, I smiled in return.This is going to be bad at all.

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