
001. The discovery of Lilot Disease

"What is more endangering than living in a world with the beasts?"

This was the sincere statement of the young school boy who was just 16, but engrossed with discovering the world of the apocalypse, whether true or fallacy, as he do learn always from his desired series, which seemed to him incredible, and simultaneously horrible.

How could such a horrific world exist?

How could man feed on themselves?

What could have made man feeds on his flesh?

And if at all it exists, what the hell could have caused this inhumanity?

And if not, what has triggered this writer to have imagined this?

These are questions, Smart, as people, most especially his colleagues used to call him, as per his quest for hidden truth and curiosity on things beyond the human thought, finds quite hideous and constantly seeks more light and even eye witness to it.

His name was Arnold Syn, from a middle-class family of three, him and his younger brother, Terry Syn, and their mother, Sessamy Syn, who gave birth to the last child four months after the death of Harry Syn, the father.

Sessamy, being a very strong woman, stood the test of time and break the barriers by educating her children in the most respected format and with high quality technology, this might have probably made Arnold so curious about things that happens in another world, or in the world they live, which is maybe strange to their own living.

Arnold knows quite well about technology, and since it was during the year when technology was at its highest peak, and thus getting acquainted to the use of them, isn't a thing of option, but compulsory in their world.

It was in the year 5021, when the world was on its most advanced stage, when everything works more perfect and smooth days happen with technologically advanced applications in everyday life.

"The Land of the Dead"

This is the favorite series that always interest Arnold, and motivate him and augment his curiosity to know more about the proposed fictitious land, where the dead never dies. It was written by groups of 3 writers, Kyle Lay, Myer Zak and Tyra Ray, whose identities are really unknown, except their afore-mentioned names. No one knows where they originate, what they look like or how they discovered the land, the people and what they write in general, whether it is real or fallacy.

The story centred around a proposed fictitious arena called "Arkaym", where this particular land (Land of the Dead) served as the settings. The land, according to the story, was inhabited several hundreds of years ago, peacefully with a tribe called "Arkaym" and its inhabitants were referred to as "Arkaymian", this was a very far east of Amayhem, a continent which was very far from where Arnold, lives, or probably from where his world dwells.

Although, this place "Amayhem" was a very known place, but not even a single person has heard of "Arkaym" before, nor being there once. Perhaps there are some people who are aware of the place anyways, but then, it seems it was only Arnold, who reads this series from a very rare, if not an unknown website.

The people of Arkaym were known to be very skilled and had knowledge of science and technology. They had quite a large numbers of curious scientists who spent nights looking for a way to better the environment with most advanced science and technology. And of course, if a person is known for something, he'll always try to perfect that thing and be always ahead of others in those fields.

Among the popular scientists that lived during this flourishing moments of Arkaym were Mayhem Dahz, who discovered the relationship between temperatures. Kym Lace, who was able to invent successfully, a life working robots, who were able to think and make decisions themselves. This he made possible with his careful selection of technological products, which made the robots seems harmless, nevertheless, not perfect.

How then this interesting society got hijacked by the demons who feeds on human? Well, they aren't strange demons, rather a man-made demons, artificial ones.

No one is really perfect, and thus, one who works towards perfection will only have himself blamed on the long run, as the word 'perfect' itself blamed itself being a word, as it has no fans.

It was one of the great scientists of that time in Arkaym, with the name Alyn Berj, a very knowledgeable and intelligent scientist of the time. He has discovered and invented several things that has really helped better Arkaym and its inhabitants, even beyond. Thus, he was always praised and worshiped for his great inventions.

He was always engrossed in making new inventions to provide his community with new things and one day, just like the other days, he was working on a very important project, which he has thought would made him know all around and beyond his locality, as it'll be able to cure the virus affecting some groups in Arkaym, and in their neighbourhood.

Lilot, the name of the virus, had during this time spread across only few groups in Arkaym, and its neighbourhood. It was caused by an unknown pest, by one of the farmers of Amryl, a state located at the North of Arkaym.

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