
To make a dungeon and Food

"So what kind of dungeon should we make? Lot's of traps. Confusing puzzles. Maybe a labyrinth."

"All of those sound like good places to start but we should probably make the first floors a standard dungeon with some monsters and some fairly hidden treasure. Ah, also a few not so deadly traps."

"Got it. So how much does a room and hall cost?"

John began to look into the dungeon creation tab and first checked the prices. A standard room about 30 feet by 30 feet was 3 points while a hall way depended on the length, for every ten feet of hall way it would cost a point.

"Liz is it OK to leave the dungeon making to me while you decide on the rewards like the affinity stone or lesser skill stone like spark? You are More familiar with dungeons then me."

"OK. I'll put them in while your designing and you can approve them as you go. if I notice anything weird about the dungeons design expect complaints though."

"Got it. Well lets do this."

John thought for a time and decided on a small maze with 5 rooms and 15 hall ways each 20 feet long for the basic first floor. This would cost about 45 points with only the standard cobble stone look. Other looks cost points like the wood look cost 2 points extra or how the white marble cost 30 on its own. This felt a bit exaggerated but John didn't know how much marble cost so he couldn't say much. After a bit of time he got the maze into a good layout. So he signaled for Liz to check the map and choose the rewards while he looked at some other things available for the dungeon.

While waiting John looked into how much other things cost like some of the other skill stone. There were a lot but any of them that looked good to John cost a ridiculous amount. The skill stone for the Limit break skill cost nearly a million points for the basic skill, not to mention that there was an advanced version of the skill that cost ten times more! Good thing most skill stones were on the cheap side even if he and Liz couldn't afford any really good one right now.

John got a notification from Liz for three places where rewards could be put one was at one of the dead ends, another in a room that Liz wanted about 5 monsters to occupy, and lastly the best one was put into a false wall that could be made pretty cheaply only costing an additional point. John approved and placed the rewards as Liz suggested. The rewards were a small bag of affinity stones for the first place ,a spark skill stone for the second and lastly a decent quality sword. This all cost about fifteen points. One for the Affinity stones 5 for the skill stone and 9 for the sword plus one additional point for the false wall.

In total 61 points for the whole dungeon. This brought the total wealth of the dungeon between me and Liz to 139 points.

"Good. Now with this basic plan for the start of the dungeon we just need to find a place with people to set it."

"Liz that reminds me. Earlier you said we were in the great ruins of the forgotten lands. Just how far are we from the nearest city or even village for that fact?"

"Um~ From what I remember it should take about a month to get to the nearest village but it's been a long time since I went into hibernation so it might take longer."

"OK. Then what about food and supplies? I don't know much about surviving in the wild you know."

"Well for food the dungeon can supply basic rations but those are really bad even if they come free."

"Are they really that bad?"

"You can give it a try if you want but there not taste at all."


John looks into the interface and searches for food. After looking he sees many different types of food from steak to sandwiches. The ready made stuff was twice as expensive as the ingredients though. Right at the very bottom was a brick looking food that cost no points. John bought it and a moment later a slightly soft brick fell into his hand. It was a pale yellow with a moist sheen to it. HE brought it to his mouth and bit down. His body stiffened.

(Why does this taste like potatoes but without the goodness of potatoes? It feels like I'm chewing on a foamy paste that's also somehow solid. It was honestly awful but not inedible.)



"How hard is it to forage?"

"Not that hard but you'll have to get better quick if you don't want to eat that again or eat some poison berries."

"Got it. That really wasn't bad but it isn't something I want to eat again."

"Told ya. Luckily I don't need to eat more than once a day but you aren't so lucky. Hope you know how to cook"

"OF course I know how to cook. IT would be strange if I didn't with both my parents working as chiefs at one point or another. I'm just worried that this worlds ingredients will be to different from mine or else it's going to take me years to make food the way I like again."

"What kind of food do you like?"

"Food with a good balance of taste but I always focus a lot on the right seasonings."

"Well it shouldn't be that hard. Luckily ingredients from the dungeon rewards come in bulk. You can buy nearly 50 pounds of orc steak for one point after all."

"Orc? Like the green muscly humanoid with tusks?"

"No, the bipedal pig. Just what kind of monsters do you have in your world?"

"Well we don't really have monsters more like strange animals that get called monsters. Oh! That reminds me what are monsters actually like in this world?"

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