
The lizards name and cultivation.

(Void Eater Method? What on earth is this.)

Filled with questions John looked towards the lizard to ask what the message meant and also about the Void Eater Method but found that she was looking into her little book with a look of shock and surprise. As John tried to call out to her he realized that to call her lizard would probably be very insulting so he waited till she came to her senses on her own. After a few minutes she seems to gain back some of herself and starts to stare at the page while mumbling under her breath. A very cute image but there were more important things to discuss.

"Um are you OK?"

"Ah Ye.. yes I am just confused by what is going on."

"Is it that strange for this message to appear? Oh also what should I call you?"

"First yes I have never heard of a dungeon master receiving a message like this before. Secondly your only asking that now!"

"Sorry but with everything going on it slipped my mind"

"Fine I won't complain and just call me Liz that's what my friends call me and we'll have more than enough time to become friends"

"OK with that settled can you explain what this gift is that came with the message?"

"It's obviously an accompanying cultivation method to help with practice. Wait ,don't tell me you didn't even have cultivation on your world as well!"

"Yup you got it right so can you please tell me what this cultivation thing is about Liz."

"Your world really sounds like hell but to put it simply for you cultivation is the path to gaining true power here in Orthorix. It comes in two basic forms Mana cultivation and Aura cultivation. For Mana cultivators the focus is on spells and for the most parts spell are all at a longer range and are usually very complex but they also tend to hold less of a punch compared to what Aura cultivators can deliver. Aura cultivators tend to be more close range fighters that can pack a much greater punch. To put it simple for Mana cultivators never fight at range and for Aura cultivators never fight close up."

"OK but how do you even cultivate to begin with?"

"Well you need to first absorb ambient energy from around you and then refine it into what you need. After that its all about gathering more and increasing how much you can hold. That's the basics of it."

"That sounds a lot more simple than I thought it would be. Are there rankings for cultivation?"

"Yup there are different stages and each stage has nine levels. Once a person passes the ninth level completely the stage is complete and each stage in addition to it's energy increase has certain aspects. For example the Mortal stage is where you adapt your body to better use your chosen type of energy. At latter stages you can even choose to specialize in an element like fire or even space if you have the talent for it."

(So it's a lot more complicated than I thought.)

"Hmm. Liz how do you start to cultivate and where can I get a method to cultivate?"

"To start cultivating all that you need to do is be able to sense the energy around you. After that it all relies on the method you use. By the way that method you got is an accompanying method that helps with cultivation but doesn't actually allow you to cultivate."

(If the method I have is only there to allow me to cultivate easier then where will I get an actual method?)

"Liz how do I find a cultivation method?"

"You might want to slow down first you don't even know what kind of method will suit you to begin yet."

"How do I find out then?"

"Well for us it's just as easy as buying the affinity stone from the catalog in the rewards tab."

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