
Races and Plans

"Liz this has bugged me for a while now but what are you exactly."

"Uh. Well how should I say this... You may not want to know actually."

"Why? It's not like your some tentacle monster under that cute appearance right."

"OF COURSE NOT!!! That's a terrifying image. Haa. Huu."Liz looked up into Johns eyes. He could see a clear hesitation in them. Was Liz's race really that bad or did it have some kind of reputation to it?

"The truth is I'm ... A dragon"


"Oh I figured this would end ba"

"That's amazing!"


"Dragons are so cool! Wait does that mean you'll grow up to be a stunning dragones!?" John's voice was both a bit high pitched and greatly excited.

"Eh um ye yes?"

"Doesn't this mean I'm going to spend the foreseeable future with the coolest fantasy creature in existence!"

"Ye yes?"

"Wooooooo" At this Liz couldn't take the atmosphere any more and thus she jumped up and gave John a solid knock to Johns head with her tail.

"Calm down already! Why are you so exited anyway?!"

"How could I not be excited! Dragons are so cool and beautiful. They are the epitome of fantasy."

"Fantasy? Wait! could it be dragons don't exist in your world? What about the other races."

"Other races? Sorry but humans are the only highly intelligent race on the Earth. The closest you'll get intelligence wise is elephants and dolphins, maybe some types of apes but that's it."

"No no no. That's clearly weird. You know. What about elves and beastkin?"

"They all sound like fantasy races to me. Just how many races does this world have?"

"You, seriously. Well to put it simply there are 7 main races and many other subraces. The main races are dragons, gods, humans, elves, dwarves, beastkin, and the forgotten. Each races has something that makes them special and thus above the other races. For instance dragons have overwhelming strength and power. Besides the seven main races there are many subraces like the kobolds who served the dragons because of their high dexterity. The subraces tend to be a lot weaker than the main races."

"Amazing this world really is amazing. I really want to see the other races."

"Um well before that there is something else I should tell you."


"The truth is that currently all dragons except me are either enslaved by the gods or sealed within the forbidden mountains."

"How did that happen?"

"Before I threw my soul into the dungeon core a great war happened. The gods claimed a dragon had attacked and killed their crown prince and this sparked a war. The dragons and gods were at an equal match till suddenly both the elves and the humans joined in as the gods allies. This caused the power balance to shift not because of the elves and humans power but more because of their numbers. In the end half of dragon kind were enslaved while the others sealed themselves into the mountain range now known as the forbidden mountains. While I was sent on a mission to become a dungeon master in the hopes of becoming strong enough to unseal them at a later date."

"That. Why didn't the dragons call for help?"

"We tried. But none of our envoys returned. The other races were either paid off by the gods or simply didn't dare to help."

"That. So does that mean your the dragons only hope?"

"Yes. This is why I was so happy to finally be able to access the dungeon core but because of this you got dragged into this whole mess. Even then will you please help me?"



"I don't really know anything about war but can I really help? I am just a normal person you know."

"Of course you can help! With the dungeon and your insane vitality you can easily become strong. Even if you don't fight just strengthening the dungeon would be a great help."

"OK I may have been thrown into this lot of life but I might as well do something good with it."

With a small smile all Liz could say to John was "Thank you."

"So were do we start. Travelling? Gathering info? Raid a palace? Just don't sign me up for something shady OK."

"Hahaha~ First we design the dungeon and then we have to start cultivating only then can we really get started."

If anyone has some pointers for writing please comment because I'm going into this blind.

BookishHymncreators' thoughts
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