
My Affinity's

"Affinity stone? What does it do exactly?"

"Well first it shows what your body is best at. For example if by nature you are fast or have great dexterity the number shown will be higher. After that it shows what elements you'll have the easiest time cultivating but that's not important to you just yet. Lastly it shows what natural ability's you have if any. This is for things like having good affinity with certain animals and or bloodline skills."

"It...it really shows a lot huh."

"Yep so lets get one from the reward tab and while on the way we can see how many units of dungeon energy we have."

Hearing this John returned to the reward area and brought it up. He looked around for the units of dungeon energy and found them in the top right corner. He had one hundred points in his account and he could also see another smaller hundred to the side of it in smaller lettering. This was probably Liz's balance. After that he started to look for the affinity stone by limiting what was shown to the stone section. This was easier said then done because there were over a thousand items available with stone in the name like fire stone and slime stone whatever that one was. John found it after ten minutes of scrolling and reading.

"Here it is but I can't but individual ones so I have to buy the 20 pack for one point. I guess these things are pretty cheap huh." John said after buying it and a bag landing on the ground in front of him after somehow materializing from the screen.

"So these are Affinity stone. Hay Liz how do I yous these?"

"It's pretty simple, First take one in your hand and close it. After that get ready for a stabbing sensation in your hand and a few moments latter your results will be on the smooth part of the stone."

"OK here goes nothing."

John closes his hand around the stone that was a little bigger than his palm and waited. A sharp stabbing pain hit his palm like a knife causing him to yelp in surprise. He didn't drop the stone though and after a little bit some writing began to appear on the stone.

>John Cantwell

{Strength 20}

{Speed 15}

{Dexterity 10}

{Defense 40}

{Vitality 100}

{Intelligence 30}

>Elements top 5







Canine Affinity

Hunter's Walk

??? unawakened

Liz hopped onto Johns arm to see what the Affinity stone was showing and was shocked by what it was showing.

"What on Othorix is with your vitality!"

"Eh... Um is it that strange?"

"Yes a normal humans values don't go above the average of ten but your vitality is insane! And a hundred is just how much it can show your vitality may be even higher."

"So what does that mean? Some of my other values are pretty high to."

"Well what this means is that at the least you will recover from injuries a lot quicker and you will live a lot longer than a normal person."

"Oh...OK so I'm essentially going to be really healthy for my whole life?"

"Not just that! With this you can practice powerful methods without worry of over straining your body like so many others and remember with cultivation all of your abilities get stronger. With a vitality this high you may be able to even regrow limbs without issue in later stages!"

"So as long as I don't get myself killed it will be easier to become strong especially with the dungeon."

"Yup, but its to bad about your highest affinity."

"Eh is light element bad?"

"Well it's not that its bad more like it isn't useful in combat except for a few high energy cost attacks like the spell Suns Wrath. It's mostly used by illusionist or a way to temporarily blind enemies. Life and earth though are pretty good for making barriers and healing while lightning will be good for attacking. I'm not very familiar with fate though, it wasn't really used by anyone I knew but should be for things divination."

"So your saying I have two bad affinities and three good ones. What about my Bloodlines?"

"Well the first two are actually pretty good. With canine affinity you will have an easier time when travelling through area with canine type monsters and your hunter's walk will make doing things like sneaking a lot easier or even surprise attacks but for that last one that isn't awakened it may be better to just not think of it."

"Why? Wouldn't it be better to have it than not to?"

"Well it's just that awakening a bloodline isn't easy. Most bloodlines are awakened during early childhood usually from 3-7 or even 12 at latest. After that it just isn't worth it to try and going by how you talk your easily in your late twenties despite how you look."

"I'm only 22! ... Wait what do you mean 'despite how you look'?"

"Well you look like your 15 at most."


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