
Dangers magic and memories.



Liz rushed to Johns side while calling his name. He had completely passed out and wouldn't respond in any way.

(Why!? Why did he pass out? Could he have used to much Mana? That shouldn't be possible with the Law Eating method.)

Liz used her sense to examine Johns body by touching his chest, specifically right above his heart.

She could feel that he still had plenty of Mana and Aura within but he was still out cold.

(This. Could he have somehow lost control of his mental energy?)

Mental energy was a strange and anomales energy. It could be found within all living beings and couldn't be quantified under any means due to its nature. Some correlations though had been found , such as having a higher intelligence stat seems to be found with those that can better use mental energy. Mental energy was used by cultivators for a few things such as split thinking that's involved with spell casting and by professions like beast tamer and necromancers to control large numbers of beings. It had also been found that it was possible to loose the ability to control ones mental energy when exhausted. The loss of control over ones mental energy is usually accompanied with an extreme head ache.

(Before John passed out he clutched his head like it was hurting. Could he some how have lost control of his mental energy when he cast the spell? Spells shouldn't be able to make a person loose control of their mental energy though. Could it have something to do with him being from another world? Is his mental energy somehow different from beings of this world? This might make things more difficult in the future.)

Liz looked towards John and realized that he likely wouldn't wake up for a while. She then looked towards what she could see of the sky and came to the conclusion that it would be best to find a place to sleep for the night but how was she to move John?

(Well only one option. Hope he doesn't question the bruises when he wakes up.)

She got close to John and bit onto his robe and began to pull him towards the stairs.


The same old routine. Go to school, take out of date classes, read in the corner of the playground during lunch and recces, more classes, and finally go home. A long and boring day every day, only interrupted by the occasional idiot with to much time on their hands.

The air was cold with an evermore chilly wind even with the sun shining cheerfully. As always John sat in a far off corner reading as always even if he had more on his mind then just his book. The sound of foot steps on dirty concrete approached him.

"Hey fatso what you doing?"

(Not this idiot again.)

John had had this scrawny kid with to big a head bothering him for a while now and had gotten used to how he works. Walk away while he curses at you till you get to a teacher tell teacher the situation he gets a talking to and doesn't bother me for the rest of the day. This has been on repeat for nearly a month now but he just never gets board of this routine. Just how board is this guy? Today however he finally hit the wrong nerve.

"I'm talking to you asshole. Did your Dad really kill the robber who broke into your home?"

(People never know what to not ask.)

John turned and gave sharp glare to the scrawny kid.

"What's it matter to you?" His voice was dark and filled anger. People just couldn't help but ask him about what happened.

"Nothing just wondering what it feel like to be the son of a killer."

"It's called self defense. If Dad didn't do what he did we would be the ones dead."

"That's not what I heard! Your Dad bashed the guys skull in bare fisted and the rest of his body to."

Rage began to bubble in John. Ever since that day people had been all to 'concerned' about what happened. Others had even tried to stir up more trouble by saying that his Dad wasn't suited to take care of a kid. The lot where idiots who didn't even bother to actually learn what happened and just went off the rumors they heard. As the rage bubbled he remembered how this mess hit.


It had been a normal weekend. John was boring his parents with the plot of a book he had read recently but was ,as usual, bad at getting the plot across well enough to be understood. As he was about to get to the end a large bang came from the door. It was suddenly kicked open and a man entered. He had wild stringy hair, a thin frame, his skin was taught on his bones, and he had eyes that leaked insanity onto all that was before him. He had somehow kicked the door in even with his starved look. In his hand was an old single shot rifle.

"Get on the ground or'll shoot!"

Johns father raised his hands.

"Hey there easy, easy. Don't shoot. Johnny, Lily get on the ground."

Doing as his father told him he got onto the ground and was soon followed by his mother and father.

"Good. Now tell me where your money is."

"I only have thirty on me besides some coins. There is nothing else." Johns family was on the poorer side but they still managed to eek out a decent living standard for the area.

A deranged and cruel look surfaced into his eyes.

"Oh really now. I wonder how that's possible. I was told this house belonged to some people with good money."

"We really don't have more than that here."

" I don't believe you. I wonder what I could do to make you spit out more. Maybe a shot to your pretty boys head."

The gun barrel pointed towards John. He could see right down the barrel into it's inky blackness.

"You come up with more money by the time I count to three or he dies."

"We don't have any more!"


"We don't"


"Listen to me!"


Right as the man's finger neared the trigger Johns father burst towards the gun like he hadn't even been on the ground to start with. He knocked the gun away deflecting the bullet just inches from John. The man pulls a knife from his belt and stabs it towards John's father. It sinks deeply into his arm.


Johns father tackles the man to the ground and starts to punch the man down. His mother springs for the phone and calls the police in a panic. Johns father punches and punches.

At first the man was trying to fight back but with a sickening crunch his arms broke under punch after punch. He try's to yell but with a thud his jaw is broke. Johns father keeps punching. Crunch after crunch the mans body changed and soon only a bloody mass is left below Johns father. Even then he keeps punching. His eyes crimson and without even a shred of the formerly good tempered father. Only a primal rage and will to kill.

The police arrive and are terrified by the bloody mess they find. They don't wast any time tasering the berserk father and calling backup. The man laid long dead with John only a few feet away stunned by all that happened.

John wasn't scared but was glad that his father had saved him. When he finally woke from his stupor he rushed to his father and hugged him while crying.

"Thank you, thank you."

Johns father having returned to normal returned the hug as his wife came and joined in. All crying and thankful to be alive while the police began to investigate. Johns father was taken to the hospital for the stab wound while accompanied by an officer.


"What does it matter? My Dad killed a madman who wanted to kill us. Nothing more."

"Really I wonder how you can say that. The guys whole head was cracked open! Your the son of a killer and you know it."

"He's a hero. He did what was right."

"He's a killer. He's a killer.He's a killer.He's a killer.He's a ki"

John's rage had finally hit a boiling point and he punched with all he could. He felt the scrawny kids nose give way and watched as he toppled down blood sprayed from the smashed nose. A teacher quickly ruched over and other kids did as well. Chaos started to spread as news that the son of the killer tried to kill another kid. In all this John simply looked at his hand. Knuckles torn and bleeding. He was shocked at how he had suddenly exploded like that. He just kept staring till his Dad came.

"John are you OK?"

"Um What. What did I do."

"You knocked another kid out"

"I... I punched him?"

"You did and a good punch at that." Silence spread as John just stared into his fathers eyes. After abit of time a kind of determination formed in his fathers eyes.

"Son there's something I have to tell you."


"Do you know why I never let myself get angry?"

"Because it feels bad once you calm down?"

"Yes but there's more. When people from our family get angry we loose our selves to it a lot easier than others. Just like when that bad man tried to shoot you, I became so angry that I forgot how to stop and just kept going till the police stopped me. Everybody in our family is like this."


"I don't know. All I know is that nothing good comes of this rage. I learned to stop it at least under normal scenarios. You can learn to as well. It took a while but I found a way to make myself calm."


"First you need to start taking deep breathes. Imagine as if your breathing out the anger like a dra"



John suddenly sat up from where he laid. Sweating and feeling as if he had had a long and arduous dream.

"John! Thank goodness your awake." He looked toward the voice and saw a big lizard with beautiful eyes shining in the surrounding darkness.

"What happened?"

"You strained your self to much. Looks like people from your world aren't very good with magic."

"Really? Well that sucks. Um Where are we?"

"We're underground in the ruins."

"Well that explains the darkness." John tries to stand up but feels like his body had been turned into a punching bag at some point. He remembered that the only way down the tower he had seen was a lot of stairs.

"Liz. Why do I feel like I have fallen down a few hundred flights of stairs?" John eyebrow at this point was twitching.

"Ahaha. Sorry! You wouldn't wake up so I had to take you somewhere safe and I couldn't exactly carry you."

"Haa~ Well at least I'm safe. OK now explain to me what that headache was."

"Um I think that you might have somehow lost control of your mental energy."

"Mental energy?"

"Mental energy is what allows a person to use magic and all living beings have it. I think your mental energy might be different from normal on account of how you lost control of it so easily."

"So I can't use magic?"

"No you can use magic but not in the same way normal people do. It's rare but I have read of people who can't use magic in the normal way."

"So I'm kind of screwed?"

"No of course not! People with this condition tend to have much stronger magic. It's just that they all have to find the special way that they can use it. If only I knew more about those people then we might be able to find a way for you to use magic."

"So we now have another thing to do. So how should I defend myself for now?"

"Looks like we'll have to buy some Aura techniques from the rewards tab."

"Great! More using our limited points."

Next chapter