
Chapter 1 Beginning?

Life is said to always be filled with surprises and that there are as many mysteries in the world as stars in the sky, but those who first said these words to me likely did not think that they would come to my mind as I die in the streets!


How should I start? My name is John Cantwell your average , if slightly nerdy, college student with know idea what he's supposed to do with his life and even less idea how.For awhile now my life has been a long and dull routine of going to class taking notes doing assignments and reading anything that can keep me sane another day. As always I was walking home after a particularly boring English class and had just past an intersection when it hit me. No, not an idea but a truck that had swerved to avoid some idiot in a hoody that just jumped on the road.

The truck careened onto the side walk and the three people in its way. It smashed one into a nearby fence another onto the road and finally I was ran over by it. The truck smashed through the fence and into the building behind it with that first unlucky soul.

In my life i had been a few accidents but this was one I wouldn't be coming back from. My organs could be seen squished into the concrete and the tire tracks on my stomach were a clear sign that there would be no chance for me to live.

As the warmth left me the sounds of people screaming and running resounded everywhere. I couldn't really see what those nearby were doing as my glasses had been thrown off as i got hit. Weakly struggling to get out my phone and navigate it I get to my contacts and manage to press the call button to my Dad.

"Hello, son what's wrong?"

"Dad I'm sorry"

"John , what's wrong your voice sounds off?"

"I got hit. I wanted to say sorry for not listening to you over the years and I want you and Mom to know. Sorry"

"John! Don't stop talking. Focus and breath. You have to keep breathing!"

The world was fading of all colour and John had already lost any feeling of warmth when the person on the hoody appeared above him.

"Do you want the chance to live?"

"...cough I do"

"Then I'll offer you a deal. You'll get the chance to live and I'll be able to send some help to Elisabeth. Well even if your not much help she needs all she can get. When you get to her tell her that Aileen sent you well when you can remember that is"

It was then that a black swirling mass formed in the person's hand and this mass pulled a small but solid light from his body.

"My what a good soul! With this he could have lived another hour or more. Well at least he'll be a good match for Liz."

The figure through the soul surrounded by the black mass into the sky where it disappeared before even going higher than the buildings.

"Now for the other one"

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