
1st level Mortal stage.

John began by first trying to meditate again while thinking about what the method described. The method was honestly confusing especially when it talked about the so called law fragments. These law fragments were the most important part of this method and yet their description was rather lacking. He continued to think on them and then remembered something that he had learned while young and that is that the world responds differently when it is being observed compared to when it's not.

As John began to think of this the Law Eating method came to mind and John started to come to a question. Why did cultivation exist on Othorix but not Earth? What if the difference was that this world responded more to observation then Earth. This was a small hypothesis of John's but what he didn't know was as he thought of this things began to change around him.

As John was sitting the air around him looked as if it began to twist and sparks paced through it. Light seemed to gather onto him like it was being drawn in and he somehow began to float. The ancient stone of the ruins even began to vibrate as if the were being shaken from the inside. Lastly as if time was shifting he seemed to be both on the ground and in the air. In all of these fantastical happenings John was simply meditating while thinking of the hypothesis he could neither test nor confirm.

(Good I feel that I'm ready to try and practice.)

John started to try observing the energy around him and although he noticed it felt less chaotic as before he began to will a bit of it towards his mouth. As it got closer his senses began to respond to it. He felt a warmth on his lips and a strange but inviting scent in his nose. At last he opened his mouth and tried to take a bite. It felt like he had just swallowed a soup at just the right heat. IT tasted like he was eating something both sugary but also earthy like fresh greens. He let it flow into his body and began to use the Law Eating method.

He felt the warmth go into his stomach and dissolve. After that step by step he felt the energy flow into him first from his organs then into his veins. From his veins to his flesh. The warmth was addicting like being in a soft blanket fresh from a drier. At last he felt the energy wave exit his body with about half of it staying and then settling into his body.

The settled energy began to let out a slight itch but it wasn't anything bad. The phenomena faded out from around him and he settled gently onto the ground again. John finally opened his eyes and stood up feeling amazing just like he had had an amazing meal with alight nap afterwords. He turned and saw that Liz was halfway across the floor looking at him with her mouth open.

"Um did something happen?"

... Liz POV

A little after She had separated from John, Liz began to think of all that had happened today and how absurd her new companion was.

(Today really has been full of surprises. Not only did I suddenly get woken up by the dungeon core signalling that a compatible soul was found and successfully integrated into the core without me even feeling any rejection from it but it was even the soul of a human. Well I'm half convinced that he isn't human with his insane vitality or are humans from other worlds just fundamentally different? Heck even the confirmation that souls can cross the boundary is amazing. Dragons had discovered that other worlds exist and even managed to view them if only briefly but for a soul to pass through really is amazing. I'm also lucky for getting a partner who can calm himself quickly. This will make things easier in the future especially during the battles against the gods. Now that I think about it just how long did my hibernation last 10 years maybe 50. I just hope that those who got captured are still alive and in one piece. The way he used his core interface was strange. It kind of looked like a water screen that recording crystals make when turned on but different. He could even use it like it was second nature to. It took me a week to even understand how my little book worked. It's a good thing he can get used to the situation so quickly, but he could also just be trying to distract himself. From what I could understand from when he first started to freak out he can remember how he died. Most block it out but he managed to calm down even in such a situation. Just what kind of life does a being have to live to become that 'distant' even from their own death? Well with him like this it should mean he can make hard decisions with less trouble. Wonder how his practice is going? Should I go to make sure he doesn't put to much strain on himself? Ya that would be best.)

Liz finished settling her thoughts with the decision to help John if he encounters a snag. She suddenly feel the air around her change and even the laws in the surrounding began to stir from the direction John was in. Liz immediately turns and begins running towards his position but stops halfway there as she see the mystical scene around him.

(How! Why are the laws reacting so much and their actually being docile. They should be wild and raging not wanting to be swallowed by a living being. How is he making them so willing?!)

Laws have always been present in the world and law fragments are the little chips of them that float and exist in all things. This makes finding specific ones easy because all that needs to be done is to go to places with the law happening most often like when researching the law of burning you go to a forest fire or even just make a big bonfire. The laws though are still really hard to understand and use though but for them to even willingly obey a person is impossible even for those that understand them well. Just why are they cooperative with John then?

At this time John had finished his meditation and returned to the ground and after a few minutes got up. To Liz's astonishment he had somehow gotten to the first level of the mortal stage! He turned and in a slightly confused voice at the sight of Liz and asked.

"Um did something happen?"

Next chapter