
Test Part 3

'To prepare for what is to come I think I should do my daily mission and level up my ability until I get a new skill.'

Liam got on to the floor in a position to do a pushup. While he was doing his pushups he was also training his ability.

'We're pushups always this hard?'

Liam could only do 6 or 7 pushups in a row, which caused it to take significantly longer to finish his mission than he predicted.

~A while later~

[You have completed the daily mission.]

[You have reached level 2.]

[You have unlocked a new system skill.]

'I don't think my arms will be working for a while after that workout, I'm more out of shape than I thought.'


[Liam Hack]

[level 2]

[XP 1/20]

[HP 10/10]






[Which ability would you like to see]

[Dirt lvl 7]

[System lvl 2]


[System Skills]

[Item Inspection]

<Allows the user to see information on an item of their choosing. Has a Cool down of 1 hour.>

'Is the system actually an ability? If so then how did my dad manage to obtain an ability artifact?'

Not getting anywhere in his thoughts, Liam went and grabbed a new sword from the crate. He looked straight at the sword to test his new skill.

'Item inspection.'

[Very Rusty Steel Sword]

[Magical rarity: None]

[This sword was found inside an F rank skeleton dungeon tucked away in a storage crate. After a few swings it will most likely break.]

'Interesting, with this I won't have to get the dungeon artifact appraised, but I have a bigger problem right now though. I left the food and water by the dirt wall I made for the room with three skeletons.'

Liam started down the hall way reaching the first room soon enough. From inside the first room he could see the skeletons down the hall way.

'I have a new plan this time. I cut the shield skeletons legs then deal with the other skeleton.'

Liam ran down the hall way to the skeletons with the shield one still taking the lead. Once the skeletons noticed Liam they started to go toward him at the same speed as the rest of the skeletons. The sword skeleton was following close behind the shield one.

When Liam reached his sword range he cut low on the shield skeleton, but the other skeleton also swung at Liam, cutting the right side of his chest as he tried to dodge.

[You have lost 1 HP]

Liam quickly stepped back while his shirt started to stain red.

'I was to cocky, I should have never gone for the sweep with the sword skeleton behind him. I have to fight him head on and finish this quickly.'

Liam dashed into the skeleton's range, and once he saw the skeleton start to swing down his sword, he swung in return to parry.


Metal clashed metal, and soon after the skeleton went for another swing from the left.


'I just got to keep parring until I get an opening.'

In an upward diagonal motion the skeleton swung again.


'Their it is!'

As fast as Liam could swing his sword, he cut horizontally at the rib cage, and the skeleton fell to the ground. In that some motion Liam's sword had broke, but for some reason he heard the a few system noises.

[Your sword mastery has reached level 1.]

[A new tab in the menu has been unlocked.]

[You have unlocked a new sword skill.]

'What? There are hidden tabs. Who's idea was that?'

Liam pushes away his distraction, and proceeded to finish off both of the skeletons, by stomping their skulls.

[You have earned 1 XP.]

[You have earned 1 XP.]

'I need to bandage this wound, it's still bleeding.'

Liam ripped his shirt to make a strip of cloth. He wrapped it around him self and tied it very tight to put pressure on the wound.

'I should let this heal a little bit before I move on, but in the mean time I should check out this new section.'


[Liam Hack]

[level 2]

[XP 3/20]

[HP 10/10]



[Weapon Masteries]



'There really is a new tab.'

"Weapon masteries."

[Weapon Masteries]



[Sword Skills]

[Instant sheath]

<Instantly teleports the sword in the users hand to its sheath. Has a cool down of 0 seconds.>

'I think the world is playing a joke on me. Scratch that I am confident the world is playing a joke on me. I have gotten five skills now, non of which have been useful for combat. At least I have my food now, but the next skill I get better be useful, or I won't be able to clear this dungeon.'

Liam continued down the hall until he got to the food and water. After eating he continued to train his dirt ability for a very long time only taking breaks to eat or drink water.

~Many hours later~

[Your dirt ability has reached level 10.]

[Your have unlocked a new dirt skill]

'I did it! I finally did it! I have been working on this so long that I received a new daily mission while I was training. If I got a new daily mission that means I have at least worked for more than an outside day.'


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