

ˋWhere am I? Who am I? What is this? ˋ

„Welcome host you are reborn and can begin your journey."

ˋI don't get it...?ˋ

„The host seems lost. Would you like to start the tutorial?"

ˋYes please..ˋ

„Welcome to the Dungeon Kingdom System! You were reborn in this world and now its time to begin!

If you think ‚Menu' you can open the System menu. Here you have access to your Character page, your inventory, and the quest menu.

On the Character page, you can see your Status and all the other stuff.

In your Inventory, you can store and take out anything (besides living beings, like birds etc.).

At the Quest Menu, you can see the Quests the System gives you from time to time.

Do you understand or want to repeat that?"

ˋI understand... I think..ˋ

„Ding! Hidden Quest solved: Tutorial (beginner version) (view the Quest Details in the Quest Menu)"

„Claim the rewards of the Quest: Standart rookie-pack."

„Would you like to open the rookie-pack?"

A torrent of notifications can be heard from the System.

ˋAhh sure..ˋ

„Open the pack...



You get:

- 1x Mana sensing skill

- 1x Body modeling

- 2 x Goblin Worker"

ˋOk... I don't really get it what should I do? And why can't I see a thing? ˋ

„System-hint: Check the Character page."

ˋOk. Open Character page! ˋ


Name: Lucian

Title: -

Age: 1 Day

Race: Dungeon Core

Rank: Rookie Core


LVL: 1

HP: 300

MP: 100

STR: -

DEF: 200

SPD: -

(More options will follow if you get them)


Rating: I don't even notice you... but nice defense for a noob.


ˋOk, my name is Lucian? Nice to know. But why I have no skills? The pack gave me a skill a moment ago. ˋ

„System-hint: If the Host wants to use a reward from the System (that includes Pack items, Quest rewards etc) the host needs to activate the Item in the Inventory."

ˋOk. Open the Inventory! ˋ

— Inventory —

- 1x Mana sensing skill

- 1x Body modeling

- 2x Goblin Worker

ˋUse the Mana sensing skill.ˋ

After Lucian said that his surroundings become clear as if he can see everything in the room. He was in a cave, in this cave was a lot of mana and a shiny rock about the size of an adults fist.

ˋWhat?! I am truly a rock?? ... Great.ˋ

„System Quest: Use the Body modeling and visit the outside world."

„System Quest: Begin the work on your Dungeon."

ˋAnd two quests at the same time... Great... Well, it's not that I have something better in mind. System use the Bodey modeling.ˋ

Just as Lucian said that his body begun to feel heavy and like it was split in two.

After an hour of pain, he felt like he can move without restriction.

"Congratulations Host! You have gained a second body. On basis of the population of this world and your previous world, the race was set to Human.

System Note: that you can get multiply bodys as long as you, the Core, is not destroyed but every other body comes with a big resource price.

System Note: If your body is destroyed your core gets a certain amount of damage too.

System Note: Because of your new body your status as changed please read your Character page."

"Oh, I can talk now. That's much better. System what do you mean by previous World?"

"System Error: You don`t have access to this informations. Please raise your power to gain access"

"...If you mean it. Then open my Character page."


Name: Lucian

Title: -

Age: 1 Day

Race: Dungeon Core

Rank: Rookie Core


LVL: 1

HP: 300

MP: 100

STR: -

DEF: 200

SPD: -

Secound Body:

LVL: 1

Race: Human

Title: -

HP: 200

MP: 100

STR: 12

DEF: 150

SPD: 10

(More options will follow if you get them)


- Mana sensing

Rating: I don't even notice you... but nice defense for a noob.


"System Note: Please understand that each body has other starting stats because of the differences between the races."

"Ok... with that I think I have a good starting point. But what about this Goblin Workers? System Open the Inventory and activate the Goblin Workers."

After Lucian says this before him two little cracks appear and two little Goblins stood before him. The Goblins looks like walking Rats with a Dog face, they have claws and wear leather work clothes. At the back they have each one shovel and one pickaxe.

Both of them Bow before Lucian.

"Dungeon Lord!"

"System Note: You have gained the Title of Dungeon Lord!"

"System Note: You have summoned your first workers! Now you can truly begin your journey."

"Ding! Hidden Quest solved: Summon your first Workers. Reward: One Bronze Gatcha ticket."

"System Note: Because you have got a special Item you get the new function Gatcha throw. With this function, you can use Bronze, Silver and Gold tickets to try your luck on the Gatcha throw."

"System how many other functions do you have?"


"No answer? Ok use the Gatcha throw with the bronze Ticket."

"Start Gatcha throw..... Congratulations you get the Dungeon Boss: Vampire Lord."


Vampire Lord

Race: High Vampire

Position: Dungeon Boss

LVL: 25

HP: 2000

MP: 1500

STR: 240

DEF: 300

SPD: 200


"System Note: Because your low Level you can`t use your Dungeon Boss outside your Dungeon."

"I greet you my Lord." says the Vampire Lord.

"Ok, I think of names for you all after I go out and have a look. After that, we take care of anything else."

After that, all Lucian gets impatient to get out of here and see the outside World.

Second chapter :)

As I have said in the comments of the first chapter it takes a while before a chapter comes out but I will constantly update this novel :)

Maybe I can increase the releases over the time I work on it ;)

Greetings ^^

PS: Thanks again to Avatar00 for the tip with the Grammarly plugin it helps a lot :D

Skazcreators' thoughts