
The Dumonts: A Birth of History

What if I told you that everything, and I mean absolutely everything, you've ever dared to imagine – from the tiniest microbe to the most formidable deity – exists in this vast, intricate cosmos? Would you tremble with unbridled terror? Would you revel in the sheer grandeur of it all? Would you embark on a relentless quest to uncover the truth, knowing that the very fabric of reality had irrevocably shifted? These are the profound questions that shall accompany you on this extraordinary journey. So, sit down, my friend, and lend me your undivided attention.

Dumont_foundation · Fantasy
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43 Chs


A darkness crept across the land, a shroud that suffocated the light of day and promised only annihilation when night fell. Shadows stretched and twisted, swallowing all in their path, leaving nothing but desolation in their wake.

Hen're'it felt an ominous chill clutch at her heart, its icy fingers tightening with each passing moment. Something stirred in the depths of her soul, a primal instinct warning her of impending doom. She couldn't comprehend this feeling, but as she watched the sun vanish into the consuming blackness of the sky, she knew she had to act.

With a sense of urgency burning within her, Hen're'it leaped to her feet and bolted into motion. She had to find her life mate, to ensure their safety in the face of this encroaching darkness.

Meanwhile, Geo'rgge stood vigil over the horizon, his senses attuned to the subtle shifts in the world around him. He felt the very fabric of reality tremble with uncertainty, as if the fundamental laws of existence were being rewritten before his eyes.

Just as he turned to ready himself for whatever awaited, his life mate appeared beside him, her presence like a gust of wind in the stillness of the gathering storm.

"~I know, my shining star. Something is here.~" Her voice carried a note of apprehension, a rare vulnerability in the face of the unknown.

Hen're'it's expression shifted, her eyes widening in alarm as an unfamiliar sensation washed over her. A primal hunger gnawed at her gut, a voracious craving that eclipsed all rational thought.

"~T-t-they s-s-smell INCREDIBLE!~" Her words tumbled out in a rush, barely coherent amidst the rising tide of her hunger.

Geo'rgge watched with growing concern as his life mate's essence surged and shifted, her very being undergoing a profound transformation. The atoms that composed her essence danced and flickered with an otherworldly light, mirroring the insatiable hunger that consumed her.

Meanwhile, Zobi and his guard worked tirelessly to quell the growing panic within the encampment. Each member of his retinue stood on edge, their nerves frayed by the palpable aura of death that hung heavy in the air.