
C9 - Baby's First Spell

As my MP continued to replenish itself, I decided to delve deeper into the database, seeking more information on the intricacies of spellcasting and the specific elements required for different spells.

I said that void is more for absorbing and nullifying, what are the broad uses of the other elements?

The properties of heat and cold are straightforward, often utilized in tandem with other elements to induce a reaction. While referred to as lightning, its nature is more akin to electromagnetism, a concept likely nonexistent in this domain.

Matter, in this context, refers to tangible substances, utilized for the creation or manipulation of matter itself. For instance, when casting a water-based spell without access to water, one would need to include matter in the spell's composition to conjure the necessary water.

Before I could finish answering myself about the other types, the process of creating flame became instantly clear to me. It required a combination of matter and heat, a realization that seemed glaringly obvious given my newfound understanding.

In a flame spell, the magic must conjure something flammable and then provide the heat to ignite it. Perhaps the flame on the wall fixture even conjures oxygen to prevent asphyxiation. Drawing on my knowledge of chemistry, engineering, and physics, I could envision crafting such a spell.

Tutorial Quest Received!

Cast your first spell!

Rewards: 20 EXP

Oh, hello there!

I set to work immediately, eager to experiment. Despite not having fully regenerated my mana from before, my excitement drove me forward. I conjured a pea-sized quantity of mana and moved it over my crib, ensuring it was positioned safely away from anything flammable. The last thing I needed was to accidentally set something ablaze and find myself in a precarious situation.

With the mana hovering before me, I compressed it down, feeling its energy slowly dissipating. I attempted to alter its elemental makeup, hoping to ignite a flame. However, my efforts yielded no results. I tried visualizing flames, commanding the mana to transform into matter and heat, but nothing changed.

My attempts at spellcasting seemed futile, leaving me puzzled and somewhat disappointed. Hmm. I was conjuring something that was combustible and sparking it with heat. So, I instead visualized hydrogen, a combustible gas.

I could sense a shift in the mana, a subtle transformation taking place, although the specifics eluded me. It was clear that something was happening, a sign of progress. This limitation in my mana sense likely explained why I couldn't discern the details of the enchantments on the walls; my ability to perceive mana was still rudimentary.

Lacking knowledge of the current ratio of matter to raw mana, I focused on visualizing the heat component of the spell. I imagined the hydrogen atoms within the mana clump vibrating more rapidly, increasing thermal energy and generating heat. Once again, I felt the mana respond to my visualization, but the changes remained mysterious and undefined.

Uncertain if my spell would manifest as intended, I decided to complete the process. I concentrated on a chain reaction, picturing a small, flickering flame hovering over my crib. The outcome was uncertain, but I remained hopeful that my efforts would yield results.


Quest Completed!

Rewards: 20 EXP

I gazed upon a tiny flame, reminiscent of a candle's gentle flicker, hovering above my crib. A surge of emotions welled up inside me, bringing tears to my eyes. I felt a mix of frustration at my limitations, elation at my success, and a deep curiosity about the extent of my newfound abilities.

The candle-like flame burned steadily for several seconds, illuminating the room with its warm glow, before gradually shrinking and disappearing. The experience left me both exhilarated and contemplative, eager to explore the vast possibilities that lay before me.

What affects the amount of time the flame lasts?

The duration of a spell is determined by the correlation between the quantity of mana expended and the size of the envisioned flame. A spell fueled by a small amount of mana with a large flame will be short-lived, whereas a spell powered by a substantial amount of mana with a small flame will endure for a significantly longer period.

Sorry to interrupt myself earlier, please continue on with the other elements.

Interrupting my explanation - the complexity of manipulating matter results in an exponential rise in mana expenditure. For instance, conjuring iron is less costly than conjuring a specific type of steel. Further, shaping that steel into a sword incurs even higher costs. The refinement of matter directly correlates with its costliness, potentially necessitating the incorporation of other fundamental elements to fabricate more intricate materials.

Right, so next is space and relatedly time, I assume?

Space mana is utilized for spells involving movement. In the previous example of conjuring a wave, if water already exists, the spell would primarily require space mana. However, time manipulation appears to be beyond the scope of this skill and is considered a more advanced subject.

If we move things with space mana does that mean you can move things faster than the speed of light?


As a result of your ingenious thinking, Magic Basics increased from Rank 1 to Rank 2.

Cool! Nice reward! Hmm, back to the question though.

Theoretically, it is possible. However, in practical terms, it is highly improbable. While specifics in this realm are nebulous, the mana required to move an object is directly proportional to its mass and the desired speed. Consequently, moving an object of significant mass at such velocity would incur prohibitively high mana costs.

Last uncovered topic is Life. Please elaborate, me.

In this context, 'Life' encompasses all living entities, including humans, plants, fungi, and the like. For instance, altering a flower's petals from red to green would necessitate the use of Life mana. Similarly, healing spells primarily rely on Light and Life mana for their efficacy.

Again, with the Light? Are you sure it's not just like holy energy?

I am certain. While the concept is somewhat nebulous, 'Light' pertains to literal light, akin to sunlight.

I resolved to set aside any self-perceived eccentricities and instead focus on refining my understanding of the flame spell through further experimentation.

Following the same procedure as before, I expelled mana equivalent to five MP and condensed it into a clump. This time, I opted to experiment with different fuels, selecting methane or natural gas instead of hydrogen.

Despite visualizing the same process, the spell failed to ignite. It seemed that the complexity of methane's molecular structure posed a challenge beyond the simplicity of pure hydrogen, resulting in the spell's failure.

I'm mostly writing this to enjoy my own imagination. So enjoy the ride with me! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!

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