
C30 - The King

We sat there; kneeling before the dais that held the country's rulers. The members of the court stood silently all around us on the periphery of the room. The King stood from his ornate looking golden throne and began walking off the dais. 

The King spoke, "Romano, Ragna! Stand, please!" My father and mother both stood. They had smiles on their faces. He continued, "It's so good to see some of my southern cousins!" 

The Duke chuckled and said with a smile, "It's been too long since we spent time with each other. Sadly, we're due to return tomorrow." The Queen likewise stood from her throne and descended towards us. She pulled my mother into a hug. 

She said, "Ragna! It's been so long since I've seen you! We heard about that nasty attempt two days ago. Is everything alright? You got our message from Herlaug?" Indicating the blind Minister of Finance that visited us to offer his and the royal court's condolences. My father had hinted that he was the one who tried to have me killed via Mona. 

My mother, ever the schemer, feigned ignorance and replied, "No he didn't mention your wishes, only his own." From my vantage point in Mona's arms, I could see Viscount Herlaug. He was standing in the periphery of the room with the other minor court members. I could see his blind face overcome with a mixture of guilt and anger. 

"I'll have to have a talk with him!" She announced and there was another murmur that went through the crowd. Anything to inconvenience that scheming blind foober was fine by me. 

After an awkward pause, the King asked, "Are these your children?" Anna stood gracefully to greet the King. Mona, holding me, remained kneeling. I smiled at the King when he looked at me and he couldn't help but smile back. 

The Duke said, "Anna is my child, but little Dam here was gifted to us by the gods." 

The Queen said with a tense smile, "Oh? He's not your blood?" 

The King turned away from us to look at my father, jokingly asking, "Is that why you came to court? And here I thought you just wanted to see your cousins." 

The Duke nodded and said, "It is indeed. I predict great potential in him. Thankfully, the High Priestess of Shani happened to be visiting because he was quite ill when he came to us." 

The King asked, "Why was he not taken to the orphanage if he was left at your door?" 

The Duchess smoothly said, "Calo City's orphanage is mostly run by the older, parentless kids and closes for the night. We intended to take him in temporarily, but he wiggled his way into our hearts." 

The Queen smiled and said, "I see! He is rather adorable!" I smiled at her, and I could see her smile go from one of tense obligation to one with more sincerity. 

The Duke said, "Cousin…Your Majesty, I'm here to request Right of Adoption." 

The King ignored his request and instead asked, "The High Priestess, you said?" There was a murmur in the crowd. 

My father looked tense and said, "As I explained, he was ill when he came to us. She had thankfully been visiting at the time and she healed him." 

The King's eyes narrowed, and his voice dropped in volume as he said, "Don't try and fool me, cousin. I know he is a summon." The King paused for emphasis and continued, asking, "Does he have the blessing?" 

The Duke quietly replied, "I don't know what you're talking about. Even if he was summoned and possessed the blessing, he's merely a baby. We will be raising him as a loyal servant of the kingdom regardless." 

The King's scary look faded and the tension disappeared, and he quietly said, "Then my fears are unfounded." He nodded at his wife. 

She spread her arms dramatically and announced to all, "Right of Adoption is granted!" The King came over to Mona, motioning her to rise. 

The King also announced to the court, "I declare this child to be Damiano Calo, of House Calo." The court clapped politely. I could see that there was a range of emotions from the assembled court. It was interesting to see enemies of a baby. I couldn't do anything about them now. I could, however, continue to grow out of spite.

The Duke said softly to the King, "One more thing. I would owe you a favor if you refused to see the next person in line. He slighted me in the waiting room."

The King said, just as softly, "Who is it?"

Duke Calo said, "The Loresian Ambassador."

King Koll rolled his eyes and said, "He's a pain in the ass anyway."

We ended the conversation there. Instead of leaving immediately, we stuck around. Observing court was an intriguing experience. Especially when the announcer sent the ambassador packing. The court could hear his yells from the anteroom. Eventually he left and the court continued. We saw nobles requesting assistance, funds, or manpower. There were foreign dignitaries requesting aide in battle, requesting aide by ignoring a battle, and other political maneuverings.

When fourth bell rang, our group filed out with the rest of the court. Everyone was heading to their respective locations. I was riding in Mona's arms out through the maze of hallways and rooms. We eventually arrived at the grand foyer we entered from. No longer pressed for time, we examined the articles much closer on our way out. Most items on display possessed mana, though what type of mana I couldn't tell. My mana sense was still only at "basic" level. I was carried along with the group to our carriage which was surrounded by our guard. Thankfully, the ride back to the villa was peaceful.

Before bed, I took my wooden toy dagger and playfully sparred with Fazio. It was fun to spend time with him and he seemed to enjoy it as well.

After we got tired of playing, Fazio said, "You're going to grow up to be a demon."

"Eemon!" (Demon) I replied, making Fazio laugh. I checked my status one last time before bed.

Name: Damiano Calo (Callaghan O'Shea)

I'm mostly writing this to enjoy my own imagination. So enjoy the ride with me! Don't forget to like, comment and subscribe!

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