
His goal

"It's here, my lord," Noah announced as soon as he barged into the room in the estate they infiltrated. He turned his head to his right and went in when Samael walked towards him. 

Noah's eyes instantly landed on the coffin lying in the middle of the empty room. 

"My lord, this…" he looked back at Samael, who was by the door with furrowed brows.

Samael gazed at him with a complicated expression before setting his eyes on the coffin behind Noah.

"This feels wrong," Samael muttered, which alarmed Noah.

"Is there something wrong, Your Grace?"

"I don't know yet." 

Samael didn't waste a second as he marched towards the coffin and kicked it with all his might. The coffin didn't fly away despite the impact, but it left cracks on it until it shattered completely.

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