

What will you do if you, as an heiress of a mafia organization in this modern world, suddenly jump into another dimension? Historical era? The worst in this world is when a girl needs to be girlish, polite, wearing a dress with thick layers, and too traditional for her liking! But, of course, she will ruled this world, too, right? *Reminder: English is not writer main language so read at your own risk. ~~~~~~~~~ ::VOLUME 1 : WHERE IS THIS WORLD?:: => Ariana Rose Conrad, heiress of Mafia from Black Eagle Organization in modern world suddenly jump into another dimension which totally different than the world that she know. ::VOLUME 2 : MARRY THE ENEMY:: => New life of Ariana as a Duchess. She also began to focusing on her mafia organization here. Her first case to investigate regarding the disease suffered by her mother-in-law. Love also started to blossom between her and her husband but something like this definitely not that easy as they started as enemies. After a big event, Ariana decided to leave the Silver Palace and divorce. ::VOLUME 3 : THE STRUGGLE OF LOVE:: => The Duke does not want to give up and keep on searching for his wife desperately even if she already left him. Reunite at some point but Ariana refused to coming back. Things getting complicated after Zayn collapsed, making Ariana have to make another big decision in her life. ::VOLUME 4 : THE FAMILY:: => The Basileious and the Conrad are now in a tense state after what Ariana said to the King, her own father. The empire also is in uproar because of that. People opinion is now divided into both of the household. ~~~~~~~~~~

Aira_Rin · Fantasy
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206 Chs


"What do you trying to do?"  Mr. Smith, who was in pain at that time still managed to look at Ariana with a cynical look.

"I mean, we only have one bullet left and you clearly can't help me with the fighting with this condition. We also didn't know when help is coming, while our enemy is behind us and in front of us holding a weapon. If you ask me, I didn't want to die bathing with blood, even if it is my own."

"I think that's probably my future in a couple of hours now." Mr. Smith managed to joke while laughing a little.

"Stop laughing. You make the blood come out more. " Ariana scolded.

"So our only option is..." Ariana looked at the cliff behind which under it there was a sea that was raging.

She took a very deep breath before looking towards the enemies who were still advancing, approaching. She needs to make the decision now!

"Even if it's just a 1 percent chance, I trust myself the most."

"Should I be worried?" Mr. Smith asked.

"Don't worry Mr. Smith. I'm quite a lucky person and I proved it right time and time again."

"You know you are not sound very convincing right?" Mr. Smith knows that very well.

Swiftly, Ariana unbuckled the seat belt that Mr. Smith was wearing at the time before she now pushed the driver's seat back a little before slipping in between Mr. Smith and the steering wheel. She on the engine, changed the car gear into reverse mode, and wait for a while to find the perfect timing.

Even if she doesn't yet have a driving license and learn how to drive, she always observes her brothers do this all the time so she gets the basics.

"Here goes nothing."

"Hey! What are you trying to do? " The man was on alert as he heard the car engine start, but clearly he didn't know what will be coming next.

"You know you are surrounded right? Even if I can't see your face because of the car tinted. If I aim my gun at the car mirror you'll be dead just like that. So, let's make it easy Conrad. I will give you a chance to fight me one by one before I finish you. So that you will not lose your mafia dignity."

"Tch, what son of the bitch." Ariana cursed under her breath and without hesitation, drive the car in reverse to the cliff.


Now, she can hear the faint sound of the enemies screaming because they definitely didn't expect that action but Ariana didn't really care anyway. What's most important right now is her and Mr. Smith's life!

Using the left bullet, while still in the car she shot at the windshield of the car to break it. It's easy as it already creaks a little before when they were struggling with the enemy.

What's left is that she can only pray both of them can survive the impact of falling into the sea before she can try to swim for their lives.

She knows, usually, the car will float for a few seconds before sinking entirely. Her plan is to escape the car and try to survive in the steep surroundings until help arrives. If she is really lucky and survives, that's it!

It's a lie if she said she wasn't nervous as the car plunged down so fast before,


People might see it in horror, a big car suddenly fell into a gorge with a deep sea below it. But to Ariana, she gambled on this moment.

As soon as the car made contact with the sea, Ariana was so surprised as the impact was so strong. She even felt dizzy, but her determination was much higher. She wants to survive so desperately. But she didn't want to survive alone.

In a life-and-death situation at that time, Ariana took a deep breath, grabbed Mr. Smith, who is helpless, and with all her might, she swims through the broken car door.

"I'm sure we will be fine. So stay with me, Mr. Smith! " Ariana said as she can see Mr. Smith was miraculously still awake.

They are lucky as the sea was not so violent at that time, but as Ariana has been just a small girl, she did struggle as she attracted Mr. Smith with her.

Huff! Huff!

All this time, even hours of practicing martial arts, fighting with enemies, or even running from Mr. Smith, all that fatigue could not be compared to the fatigue he felt at this moment.

During the swim, Ariana's eyes wandered to the bottom of the gorge and it turned out that her gamble for her luck was not in vain. There is a flat place and there in the upper part, looks like a cave which is suitable for hiding.

"Perfect. Let's just hope there are no wild and poisonous animals there. " She said while swimming faster as her confidence and enthusiasm increased.

Mr. Smith, who also saw the place also tried to swim by himself at that time, helping Ariana, so that she didn't use so much energy.

As soon as she comes in contact with the plateau her first action is to reject Mr. Smith tried his best before thinking about himself.

But, before she could even try to raise herself, suddenly both her legs convulsed and she began to feel that a force from the sea began to pull her strongly.


Not having time to do anything, Mr. Smith could only scream.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the sea, Ariana struggles to escape from the force which she does not know the cause of. She tries very hard to calm herself to see her surrounding inside that seawater but she can't detect anything.

She knows she can't hold her breath any longer and her strength is gradually disappearing. At this point, her mind remembers her parents and her four brothers. Thinking she might be able to see them again.

As her consciousness is disappearing, she finally wholeheartedly admits defeat and lets go of her last breath. At this time her eyes suddenly caught a bright light as if covering her and binding her eyes so suddenly.

This situation made her start to feel scared. A feeling of fear that is much stronger than death that she knows she will face. Surprisingly, she just found out that she was still breathing, inside the water!

Feeling curious, but also scared of what just happened, Ariana finally closes her eyes, losing consciousness.

5 minutes? No, 10 minutes? That's how long she felt she closed her eyes and know nothing but weirdly she also feels like she is aware of what happened. Very mysterious!

During that time, Ariana felt that her body seemed to be floating on water not inside. Her whole body felt too weak and she also seemed unable to open her eyes yet at that time.

What crossed her mind now was,

"Am I already dead?"

This time darkness is coming in.

'Child, my child...'

Ariana forced herself to open her eyes now because she was called. Her body is still feeling very tired, but not so much as before. Slowly, her eyes open, but her surroundings is only darkness.

'What? ' She started getting panicked.

'Don't worry, you are fine just fine.'

How surprised she was when she saw that the one who was talking to her at that time was a bright light. It was like a light that enveloped him when he was in the sea earlier.

"A light that can speak?" She knows she sounds so ridiculous right now, but she also can't help but speak her mind.

"Wait a minute, is this the afterlife? Am I really dead? " She makes her own conclusion now.

The light now sparkles more than before.

"You are certainly not dead my child. But the life that you once knew before will change."

Ariana frowned, not really knowing what to think.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"This whole world, there are so many secrets that no one can unravel. And let's just say you are the one chosen to jump into one of the many secret worlds. Just be who you really are, and you will survive anywhere that you go."

Ariana blinked furiously. She is back to forth between understanding and not understanding a thing.

"Remember Ariana. The most important thing that you can learn from all of this story is, finally, you will be happily ever after..."

This time Ariana was really shocked. The light sound just like her mother's voice and the advice is the one that her mother always gave to her when she was young.


Then, the force that brought her into the sea returned, but this time it felt like a strong wind pushed her back, making her float.

"Wait!" Her scream only sounded as if swallowed.

After a few seconds,


Ariana found herself awake with a sweaty body and rapid breathing. Her eyes started darting here and there before she slowly got up to sit up.

There she is sitting on a mattress in a big room that unfamiliar to her. It's clearly not the room that she knows her entire life in the mansion!

"Where am I?"

Then... There's our FL jump into the other world!

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