
The Dreammaker's Reality

"Lord, we believe in you. We will sacrifice ourselves for the future." "Aurelius, my friend, let us old men pave the way for you." "Aurelius, thanks for believing in me when no one else did. Let me create a path for you." "Emperor, don't worry. We will shed our blood for the future." "Lord..." "Emperor..." "Aurelius..." These voices echoed in his head as he gazed at the lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield. The earth was soaked with blood, and the sky was dark, punctuated by the sound of relentless lightning. Aurelius looked on with bloodshot eyes, a scream building in his throat. He wanted to shout, to ask, "Why?" "Why is life so unfair?" "Is it really that difficult to achieve peace?" "What if I had changed the past? What if I hadn't let go of friends because of some prophecy?" "What if I had saved everyone?" As these wild thoughts raced through his mind, Aurelius's red eyes grew even more determined. "I will change the past." "I will rewrite destiny." "I will break this timeline and forge a new one." "I will change my past. Not even the Grand Dao can stop me." but will he?

Baig · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Soul Awakening

After a week in Chile Town, Aurelius found himself sitting in his modest abode, reflecting on his progress. The small house, while simple, was furnished comfortably, with a cozy bed, a wooden desk cluttered with notes and herbs, and a single window offering a view of the bustling town square.

Aurelius pondered his journey so far, a thoughtful expression on his face. "After a week of gathering herbs, I've only managed to earn 10 merit points," he mused aloud. "It seems the same rule applies here as it did in life—the more dangerous the mission, the greater the reward."

Determined to accelerate his progress, he decided it was time to cultivate his soul and increase his abilities. "First, I need to visit the library," he thought. He reached for the sleek watch on his wrist, a marvel of underworld technology that combined the functions of a mobile phone with advanced capabilities far beyond anything he had known on Earth.

With a few taps on the watch's smooth surface, he brought up the town's map and searched for the library. The route displayed instantly, and he memorized the path before locking his door and stepping out into the vibrant streets of Chile Town.

After a 15-minute walk through the bustling streets, he arrived at the library. The building was an imposing structure, its exterior adorned with intricate carvings that depicted scenes of ancient lore and mythical creatures. Large, arched windows allowed natural light to flood the interior, illuminating rows upon rows of shelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls.

Aurelius stepped inside, greeted by the scent of old parchment and the quiet rustle of pages being turned. The library was a sanctuary of knowledge, its vast collection meticulously organized. At the center of the library, a grand spiral staircase led to an upper balcony where more specialized texts were kept.

He approached the front desk, where a tall, slender librarian with sharp features and piercing blue eyes greeted him. "Welcome to the Chile Town Library. How can I assist you today?" she asked, her voice soft yet commanding.

"I'm looking to cultivate my soul," Aurelius replied. "I need access to texts on soul cultivation techniques and practices."

The librarian nodded thoughtfully. "Follow me," she said, leading him through the labyrinthine aisles to a secluded section of the library. "Here you'll find the most comprehensive collection on soul cultivation. Take your time and choose wisely."

As Aurelius delved into the book on soul cultivation, he discovered that the library only covered the first two levels of cultivation. Before embarking on the initial level, he learned about the crucial stage - Soul Awakening Realm. This realm was essential, as it allowed the soul to sense and attract soul energy particles, marking the true beginning of a cultivator's journey.

The first stage of cultivation was known as Soul Refining Cultivation. During this stage, the soul was purified and refined, becoming more distinct from the physical body. This purification process was vital for establishing a solid foundation for future cultivation stages. Achieving complete purity was a rare accomplishment, reached by only a few.

The second stage was called the Soul Acupuncture Opening Realm. In this stage, cultivators focused on identifying and refining the 180,000 acupuncture points within their soul. Each refined point became a reservoir for storing and manipulating soul energy, greatly enhancing the cultivator's spiritual power and abilities.

After absorbing the knowledge of these stages, Aurelius understood that breaking through the second level of cultivation fulfilled one of the conditions to become a knight.

Leaving the library with newfound determination, he used the GPS on his watch to navigate to the shopping center. The bustling streets led him to a shop specializing in cultivation techniques and various resources.

Entering the shop, he was greeted by the shopkeeper, a middle-aged man with a friendly demeanor. "How can I assist you today, sir?" the shopkeeper inquired.

"I'm looking for cultivation techniques and their costs," Aurelius replied.

"Certainly, sir. We have a wide range of cultivation techniques, but only the first two levels. For higher levels, you'll need to visit a larger town," the shopkeeper explained.

Aurelius nodded. "I'd like the first level of a cultivation technique and three soul awakening pills."

The shopkeeper smiled. "What type of first-level cultivation technique do you need, sir?"

After browsing through the catalogue, Aurelius decided. "The Nether Soul Refining Technique."

"An excellent choice," the shopkeeper said. "The Nether Soul Refining Technique is 50 merit points, and the three soul awakening pills are 15 merit points."

Aurelius expected the cost and handed over the merit points. The shopkeeper retrieved the items and handed them to Aurelius, who then opened his GPS application and set a course for the Soul Awakening Hall.

As Aurelius arrived at the Soul Awakening Hall, he was struck by the imposing structure towering above him. The hall, with its intricately carved façade and shimmering runes, radiated an aura of ancient power. Entering the building, he was greeted by a scene of bustling activity. Numerous individuals of various races filled the hall, all waiting for their turn in the awakening process.

After waiting in line for about fifteen minutes, it was finally his turn. Approaching the official at the counter, Aurelius handed over his ID. The official, a demon with sharp features and a stern expression, scanned the ID with a small, sleek device. 

"Your ID is verified," the official said, handing it back along with a small, metallic token. "Please wait in the designated area. Your turn will come in about half an hour."

"Thank you," Aurelius replied, taking the token and his ID.

He moved to the waiting area, finding a seat among other anxious individuals. The hall was a hive of activity, with officials and attendants moving briskly to manage the steady flow of visitors. The air buzzed with a mixture of excitement and tension.

As he waited, he couldn't help but observe the grand architecture of the hall. The walls were adorned with murals depicting legendary figures and mythical battles, and the ceiling was a dome of shimmering lights, mimicking a starry sky. The grandeur of the place was a testament to its importance in the underworld hierarchy.

After what felt like an eternity, an attendant called his token number. "Token 47, please proceed to room five."

Aurelius stood up and followed the attendant down a long corridor. The walls here were lined with glowing runes, casting an ethereal light that added to the hall's mystical atmosphere. They arrived at a heavy wooden door marked with the number five.

The attendant opened the door and gestured for Aurelius to enter. "Good luck," he said before closing the door behind him.

Inside the room, a serene ambiance prevailed. At the center was a large, circular platform inscribed with complex symbols. An elder, clad in flowing robes that seemed to shift colors, stood by the platform, awaiting his arrival.

"Welcome, Aurelius," the elder said, his voice calm and reassuring. "Please step onto the platform and close your eyes."

Aurelius did as instructed, feeling a subtle hum of energy beneath his feet. "What should I expect?" he asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"The process will awaken your soul, allowing you to sense and attract soul energy. It might feel strange at first, but remain calm and focused," the elder explained.

Aurelius nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. As he closed his eyes, he felt the elder's hands hover near his temples, channeling a steady stream of energy into him. The sensation was both alien and familiar, like an ancient power awakening within him. The elder's touch was gentle yet firm, guiding the flow of energy with precision.

He then took the soul awakening pill, a small, luminescent orb that dissolved instantly on his tongue. Almost immediately, a surge of potent energy coursed through his veins, igniting every fiber of his being. His soul purity began to increase, moving from 7% to 8%, then 9%, and finally nearing the pivotal 10%.

"Feel the energy around you," the elder's voice was a steady anchor in the whirlwind of sensations. "Let it flow through you, awakening your inner essence."

As his soul purity approached 10%, the platform beneath him began to glow, releasing radiant waves of soul energy that cascaded over his body. The light was brilliant, almost blinding, and it felt as though the very air around him hummed with power. The energy permeated every cell, every atom, further awakening and refining his inner essence.

Aurelius focused intensely on the sensation. He felt a warm, tingling energy spread from his core to every part of his being, like a gentle, electric current. His senses heightened, and he could hear the faint whispers of ancient spirits, feel the soft pulse of the universe itself. Images flashed before his closed eyes—glimpses of past lives. Each image was vivid, filled with emotion and clarity.

The sensation grew stronger, more intense, as if his very soul was being illuminated from within by a divine light. He felt a profound connection to the cosmos, as though he was a part of something far greater than himself. The energy pulsed, surged, and then settled into a steady rhythm, aligning perfectly with his heartbeat.

He felt a euphoric, electric sensation—a profound evolution from his innermost being. It was as if something fundamental had shifted within him, like a door that had long been locked had finally swung open. He realized he could now perceive everything within a one-meter radius with remarkable clarity. Every particle of dust, every flicker of light, even the faintest heartbeat of those nearby, all became vividly clear to him.

"You have done well, Aurelius," the elder said, a note of deep approval in his voice. "Your soul is now awakened. This is the first step on your path of cultivation."

Aurelius opened his eyes, and the world seemed sharper, more vibrant. He felt an incredible sense of clarity and strength. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with gratitude and wonder.

"Take this time to acclimate to your awakened state," the elder advised. "And remember, this is just the beginning. The journey ahead is long and arduous, but with perseverance, you will succeed."

Aurelius nodded, stepping off the platform. As he exited the room, he felt a sense of immense accomplishment and excitement for the challenges that lay ahead. The Soul Awakening Hall had marked the beginning of a new chapter in his life, one filled with potential, promise, and the thrill of untapped power.