
Bizzare Birthings

Ghork, the great grey rock floated around mindlessly in the void. On its uneven surface, lay a giant worm like beast. It had a giant gaping hole for a mouth. No eyes were to be seen. It had uniformly placed folds on its hickory brown body from which oozed a sticky green substance. Copious udders densely populated its bosom.

Absurd screams escaped its mouth as it wriggled in pain, quite slowly due to its sheer mass. Its cries became increasingly louder and weirder. From the folds of its skin, emerged purple slime like creatures. Soon, an infinite number of slimes flopped around the rock.

They had stopped appearing from the folds. The behemoth wasn't in pain anymore. It released a horrible stench from its folds which attracted all its children. It experienced great pleasure when its offsprings gulped the pitch black liquid from its teats.

Many aeons went by. The purple slimes looked very different than before. They had evolved. They now had somewhat of a definite form. All of them had progressed uniquely. Most of them had developed eyes and ears, though very different. Some had grown tentacles while others had grown claws. The bodies of some creatures were more streamlined than others. Few had no bone while few were made of nothing but bone. Strange polyp like things had grown on some of them. One feature they all seemed to have developed was a beak like structure, though all of them had it on different places.

Their mother released that same foul smell. Chaos broke out. Some walked while some slithered in the direction of the stink. Once they reached the source, it was a feeding frenzy. The black liquid spilled everywhere as the creatures sunk their beak into the udders. It did hurt the collosal beast but it had become masochistic and it moaned with pleasure.

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