
Chapter Two

They all agreed to play truth or dare including Quinn who just smiled when he was invited to join. One of the girls whom Alyssa identified to be Wendy pointed her jaw at me and asked if she was willing to play. Before Alyssa could answer, Tina replied, " Of course she will. She is already an adult" She giggled softly and whispered something to Quinn's ear which he also laughed in response.

It was quite awkward seeing how Quinn and Tina were flirting with one another. Not exactly flirting but she felt they should at least have some respect for her position as his wife.

" Let's get started" Wendy announced and others cheered.

Alyssa felt something drop on her thigh and looked at it only to see it was a man's palm. She felt sick in the stomach and swatted his hands away only for it to return back to my thigh again. She raised her head only to find him smirking at her.

Although her dress covered her thigh, she still felt disgusted at his touch. She helplessly turned to Quinn only to find him gazing lovingly at Tina. Who said that she needed to accompany him to prove to the public that cared to know about their relationship that they were indeed married? Here he was,flirting with his girlfriend in her presence. Her mouth twitched as the palm on her leg trailed up and moved under the silt of her gown. She jolted in surprise knocking off the wine on the table where she was seated, sending down to laps. She pressed her lips in thin line when the hand on her lap went away. Raising her head up, she felt all eyes on her. They surely thought she wanted to gain Quinn's attention. She quickly stood up and excused herself out of the room. As she made to move, she felt a warm hand on her wrist that sent waves of shock down her heart. She glaced at the hand then at the person who held her.

"Are you okay?" Quinn asked, concern evident in his husky voice.

" I....I'm fine" She replied prying his hand and ran out to the.

She took a deep Breath and washed her face lightly. She stared at a reflection in the mirror and heaved a sigh. Her eyes went to the necklace on her neck that seemed like a burden rather than beautifying her. All she wanted was to live a peaceful life but she got more than she bargained for. After cleaning the stain on her elegant dress, she walked out of restroom looking straight ahead with her shoulders squared just as she had been taught by the governess. To her surprise, a hand pulled her back into the restroom and closed the door behind her. She wanted to scream but stopped seeing the person's familiar face. A teary smile replaced her sad face as she was pulled into embrace.

"How? How did you find me?" She asked in a low voice taking in his scent. She missed him so much.

Mason laughed softly, his chest vibrating against her ear. " What do you think? I was drawn by your soft scent" He joked patting her hair lightly earning a jab from her.

" I saw someone that looked like you and followed. I must say, you've really changed Softy"

Alyssa glared at him. " I'm not a softy" She protested but her wobbly voice betrayed her. She looked away seeing his piercing gaze.

" Where have you been? You disappeared after the event that night and your phone has been switched off since then. Care to explain?" He asked in a serious tone. Alyssa looked at him and tugged his sleeves. She smiled at him showing the dimples on her right cheeks knowing it would make him relent.

He dragged his hand down his face and sighed.

"You've changed a whole lot " He commented. Alyssa stared at his amber coloured eyes and moved backwards a bit.

" How have I changed?"

" Your hair is longer than before, you're prettier too." He looked like he was contemplating on saying something to her. " Your clothes obviously cost millions and the necklace..." He trailed off like he remembered something. His jaw dropped as he stared at her in disbelief. " Is there something you're not telling me? Does it have anything to do with your disappearance and your appearance in this place?"

Alyssa gulped as she stared at the door that suddenly appeared more interesting than her conversation with Mason.

" That's... The thing is that....I..." She stopped hearing the excited voices of the ladies approaching the restroom. Her eyes widened, if they should meet her with Mason, the outcome won't be great. She returned her eyes back to Mason. " I will explain to you later. You need to go now." She opened the door and pushed him out of the restroom.

"Softy...." He held the knob stopping her from closing it. " If you encounter any problem, you must let me know. Okay? I will always be there for you" He moved closer to her and placed a wet lingering kiss on her forehead. He withdrew and smirked. " See you around." He walked away without looking back.

Alyssa bit her fingers as she walked towards Tina's private room where the party was going on. She couldn't stop thinking about Mason's last statement. Could he have come to this place because he knew she would be attending or was it just a coincidence? Again, it won't be a surprise if Mason already knew what happened on the night of the event that took place three months ago. The thought made her feel dirty.

She was still engrossed in her thoughts when she entered the room. The sight that welcomed her made her stand rooted at the entrance unable to move or breath. She was at loss and didn't know what to do. She made to turn back and run out of the room unnoticed but was stopped by a voice.

" Oh...you're back? Sorry you had to see that " Tina apologized blushing in embarrassment. She hurriedly stood up from Quinn's lap and returned to her seat.

Quinn turned to look at Alyssa and a look of guilt flashed past his eyes.

Alyssa squeezed a small smile at Tina and trailed her eyes to Tina's full lips that was slightly swollen and reddened due to kissing Quinn. They must have kissed for a long time, she thought.

She avoided Quinn's gaze and sat on her seat.

" You don't need to be sorry. It's no news that Quinn is a single married man" A guy said and the rest burst out laughing.

" What do you mean by single? He's in obviously in a serious relationship with Tina" Wendy said sending a glace in Alyssa's direction.

" That's right" Logan agreed nodding his head. " I was really hoping you guys get married this year. I guess it's not possible since something filthy caused an obstruction" He said sadly sipping his wine.

Alyssa sat rigidly on the chair, her fingers digging into her palms. She should have known there was no way she could get along with everyone at the party. It's okay if they can't accept her but it's not okay for them to continue talking about Quinn and Tina's relationship in her presence. She stole a glance at Quinn and saw him feeding Tina. She couldn't help but think he brought her to the party to show her her place in the society.

" I was also shocked after noticing the *rose tears* on her neck. I think it suits Tina better. She has the perfect neck for it" Lana said throwing a look of distain towards Alyssa.

" You guys are seriously... " Tina shook her head with a laugh. " You should really stop talking can't you see she isn't comfortable with your conversation " She scolded them in her pleasant voice and then turned to Alyssa " I'm sorry about that dear, they love speaking their minds. Don't take their words serious!"

Alyssa bit her lips and thought that they were indeed right. Tina indeed has a nicer neck than hers and she is obviously the prettiest among the both of them. Who would like an ordinary girl like her with nothing special about her looks.

" Tina is sooo kind. There's no need to apologise to her since we're only stating the facts. I really don't know what Quinn sees in her. The news could have easily being suppressed rather than getting married to her" Wendy whined glaring hatefully at Alyssa.

" After all she was the one that climbed on his bed. "But I must ask," she turned to Alyssa " You must feel very happy being Mrs. Winters right? I mean from grass to grace. You must feel accomplished now since the world is at your feet. " Wendy sighed and placed her hand on her chin.

" Wendy! You shouldn't talk like that. She is your sister in-law. Have some respect " Quinn said causing Wendy to pout.

" You don't need to get mad at me. I was only stating the facts. Isn't that right sister in-law"

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