
Where am I

Verges: Damn what happened and why am I in the forest. Argh my ears why are they so sensitive and why does everything smell so different from normal.

I wake up in a lushly grown forest with my sense of smell and hearing more sensitive than I remember.

Verges: What the hell is this place, where am I (hears something in the trees). Who is there.

Shinobi: Who are you and why have you come.

Verges: My name is Verges and where am I.

Shinobi: Your in the land of fire near the border of Konoha and are trespassing surrender peacefully and I will spare your life.

Land of konoha that means I reincarnated into the naruto world. The hell when did this happen.

Verges: Alright I'll come peacefully but would like to ask some questions. By the way what's your name.

Agrus: My name is Agrus. Please follow me I answer any questions you have on the way.

Verges: Alright, so who is the Current hokage.

Agrus: the fourth hokage minato namikaze why do you ask.

Verges: Alright ThankYou I guess that's all I need to know.

I can't believe I'm in the time before he dies Which is awesome I actually get to meet my favorite character in the series. I just hope I can make a good impression.

At the hokage estate I'm taken straight to the hokage will I'm bound so I don't try anything

Minato: so your the mystery man call verges who suddenly appeared at our borders and just surrenders without a single complaint am to be worried.

Verges: No Sir I'm just as confused as you. I don't know why I'm here or how I got Here.

Minato: so are you a shinobi or not.

Verges: No I'm no shinobi and I don't think I have the ability to use chakra.

Minato: What do you mean you think I don't understand.

Verges: What I mean is I have never attempted to use chakra so I have know idea if I could.

Minato: Well take the normal stance to see if you have chakra and we'll go from there.

I take the stance and sense something but not chakra. It fell like a raging fire unrelenting and unquenchable like a raging dragon wanting to burn everything. I focus on it and my body erupted into flames.

Minato: What happened are you alright?!

Verges: yes I'm fine I'm not in pain and it's as if I'm resistant to fire.

Minato: I see well then forgive me.

Verges: What?!

Minato: attack with fire style see how it goes.

Shinobi: Yes Sir, fire style fire ball justu.

And just like that the shinobi attacks and I'm left motionless. As the fire engulfs me my body reacting as if in instinct and eats the fire leaving the hole room slack jawed.

Verges: (To self) so ima dragon slayer in the naruto verse.

Minato,Agrus,and the shinobi: What just happened?

Minato: that was not chakra. What was it.

Verges: It was the power of the fire dragon

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