
the Adventure

"we ready?" Joseph asked. "ready as I'll ever be" Lucifer says. " I'm ready as well" Sea Breeze said calmly.

The trio started to walk a path into the forest. "Not much monsters here," Lucifer pointed out. "Well that's because we are not deep enough in the forest" Joseph said. they are all in their human forms so they won't be tempted to fly.

As they got deeper in the forest, the trail started to fade. it was getting close to Dusk so they stopped. and got out their tents and food. once they started eating there was weird noise. "Uhh do you guys hear that?" Sea Breeze asked. "Yeah" both the boys said, scared. "Let's make a plan so we can stay safe" Joseph suggested.

The plan was. someone would have to guard the tents and themselves every one hour of the night. they switched turns. of course they would be sleepy in the morning but they have to do whatever to be safe.

When it reached dawn they were all still sleeping because they were very tired. when they finally woke it was close to the afternoon. But they continued their journey.

Shockingly enough they got to fight some monsters. and they succeeded of course. Joseph was getting no help what so ever because he still didn't know what element he was.

Days past now. nothing. nothing changed. they past a few states. fought a lot of monsters but nothing new.

but one night when Lucifer was asleep, Sea Breeze and Joseph were just talking about life until...

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