
Chapter 20 The News of the Clock Tower

"The Clock Tower is the most eye-catching and mysterious place in the Mage Academy."

When the topic was successfully shifted to the Clock Tower, Lo's heart beat faster. But he still pretended to be calm. "Oh? Why did you say that?"

Gil showed a puzzled expression. "Huh? Haven't your family taught you these?"

Lo had already prepared the explanation: "In fact, the Stephen family cares more about the slave trade than magic. That's why our family gave up the enrollment quota at the beginning."

"Oh, I see." Gil felt relieved. Knowing that Lo also didn't understand something, he was a little proud.

He raised her eyebrows and took the initiative to "show off" his knowledge.

"The Clock Tower is located in the center of the Mage Academy. But it's more accurate to say that the Mage Academy is built around the Clock Tower. And Mage Academy is in the center of the whole kingdom. So the tall guy is also the center of the Gloria Kingdom."

"The Clock Tower standing on the suspended island is thousand meters high. It has more than two hundred floors in total, and each floor records different things, from astronomy to earth veins. It is said that for thousands of years, there is nothing that cannot be found in the Clock Tower."

Lo listened in a daze, and sighed.

"Oh my God! I didn't expect Mage Academy to control such a great thing."

Gil gently stretched out a finger, shook it in front of him and smacked his mouth

"You're wrong. The Clock Tower is never the property of Mage Academy. It belongs to all the human beings. Even the most powerful mage in the academy has limited access to the Clock Tower. Moreover, even if he enters the Clock Tower, it doesn't mean that he can read the books in it."

"Why do you say so?"

"The origin of the Clock Tower is always a mystery. It is surrounded by invisible restrictions. Once you enter the tower, everything will be controlled by the tower. How many floors does the tower allow you to go, what does the tower want you to read, what does the tower doesn't want you to read, how long does it want you to stay, and when it will drive you out."

"All of this is a mystery."

Judging from the expression on Gil's face, he didn't seem to be lying, but what he said just now was too vague.

What was "Everything is controlled by the tower?" And what was "The origin is a mystery." Could such a big tower appear out of nowhere?

Lo couldn't figure it out. Perhaps only when he personally experienced something could he know.

"So do we have the right to enter the Clock Tower?" He asked tentatively.

Gil quickly denied, "Of course not. Not only the Clock Tower, we don't even have a chance to get close to the suspended island. There are teachers and security guards on duty there, patrolling around the Clock Tower. The purpose is to prevent someone from coveting the Clock Tower."

Then, he pressed Lo's face with a smirk and joked: "Especially for people like you who have bad intentions. When you secretly inquired about the information about the Clock Tower from me, you wanted to sneak in, didn't you?"

Lo was very frightened by these words, thinking that his purpose had been exposed, he turned his head and said perfunctorily.

"No, no, no. I just asked casually. I'm just curious. Well, I just asked casually."

Gil pretended to be "I know you" and patted Lo on the shoulder.

"Ha ha, don't be shy. It's not strange. Every student wants to enter the Clock Tower. After all, if you learn some legendary spells from it, wouldn't it be invincible."

The Clock Tower was a mysterious and magical place, which is just right for the appetite of their aged children.

Not to mention the Clock Tower when the students talked about it. Even if many people really tried to sneak into it.

Most of the students who tried to cross the guards were caught on the spot, but a small number of them still succeeded in sneaking in. This made the academy more and more troublesome. They often added security guards and enchanted barriers.

"Once upon a time, there was a senior who used magic to cross the guards, passed through the suspended island and arrived in front of the Clock Tower. He was the only person who successfully sneaked into the Clock Tower, but was finally shut out because of some reason."

"Since then, that senior has been depressed and has no mood to listen to classes, and his grades have been dropping sharply. He was infinitely delayed by the academy to persuade him to leave. Till today, he is still a legendary figure in our mouth."

Gil's chubby face was full of admiration. It seemed that in his mind, only such a person could be called a "hero".

Lo also listened with interest. He didn't expect that there was such a person in the academy.

His purpose was also to enter the Clock Tower. Wouldn't it be great if Lo could ask him for advice?

""The senior you are talking about, is he still in the academy now?"

Gil replied, "Of course. But he stays in the dormitory every day and doesn't go anywhere. He needs someone to send food to him in person. Someone says that he has some mental disease."

Afterwards, he quietly leaned to Lo's ear and said cautiously in a small voice.

"In fact, we always think that the legendary senior must be planning the next sneak in his room!"

Suddenly, a pair of big hands put on the shoulders of Lo and Gil at the same time, which startled

"If you dare to sneak in while I'm on duty, I won't spare you!"

They didn’t know when Musk started standing behind them and said in a serious voice.

It turned out that the class was over. Musk ended his teaching of the magic history. The students in the classroom fell asleep on their desks.

Then they turned to look at Clark, who was standing next to them as punishment, looking at them with an evil smile on his face, as if he was waiting to see a good show

Gil murmured fiercely: "Lackey, just wait and see!"

Clark snorted, ignoring Gil, and walked back to the classroom.

"I warn you, if I find out that you are violating the discipline in class next time, you will not only be punished to stand there, understand?"

Lo thought in his heart, he and Gil were chatting happily outside. T there was no "punishment".

But he still answered with Gil, "I know, Mr. Musk."

Mr. Musk smiled and patted the back of the two.

"Let's go inside and have a rest. We have to go to the next class later."

Then he adjusted his gold rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, put the book under his armpit and slowly walked away.

"What's the next class? Offensive magic?" Lo asked. In fact, after what had happened last time, he was looking forward to the next offensive magic class. Now that he had the star necklace and could perfectly master the fireball magic, but he doesn't know which magic them has learned in the current teaching progress.

Gil shook his head and said, "Although I also want to see the beautiful Ms. Catherine, it's a pity that the offensive magic will be performed tomorrow afternoon. The next class is defensive magic."

"Well, I hope it won't be as boring as the magic history."

"Don't worry. That won't happen. Let me tell you a secret. The teacher who taught us defensive magic is a pervert."

"Pervert? Why do you say that?"

"He likes it the most when other people beat him. The harder they beat him, the happier he will be."