
The Dragon Lord's Apprentice

A young stable hand lives a uneventful and simple life, until one day when she looks to the skies and sees opportunity for something greater.

Extinct_Vessel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Midnight Terror

"Geez its dark!" Durgan whispered next to Kresha. "I can hardly see a thing!"

"What did you expect!? Fireflies to illuminate our path?! She said back quietly and dripping with pure sarcasm.

The two friends sat on their stomachs atop the hill overlooking the stable below. Waiting eagerly until Drest put out the lantern and went right to sleep. It would be a while by the looks of it. He was reading. A skill that Kresha did not think he was capable of possessing.

"Well, looks like we're going to be here for a while." Said Kresha frustrated. She rolled on to her back to look up above. Durgan immediately copied her and hastily rolled over as well crushing the grass beneath him. Both stared directly above into the starry night sky with the moon shining bright in the distance like a white glowing flame.

"Wow.., There amazing." Said Durgan. Staring above in absolute bewilderment.

"What you never seen stars before?" Kresha Joked. Sniffling her nose and swiping away at a few mosquitoes picking at her skin.

"Well, I have. Just never so clearly. The night torches in the city make it hard to see them fully at night. And my parents don't allow me to go outside of the gates after dark cause its dangerous."

"And yet here you are." Said Kresha. Smacking a mosquito against her arm quickly.

"Yeah, here I am.." He chuckled.

The two started a game of trying to spot and connect constellations for about an hour. Both wanting to see who could find more before the other did first. Kresha was out here laying atop the hill most every night so of course she won.

"No fair! You live out here! You see them all the time!"

"Yeah..." She said dejectedly. "I live out here..." Kresha started Itching at her mosquito bites deeply troubled.

"You ok?" Durgan asked concerned.

"Hey Durgan, If you could go anywhere in the world. What would be the first place you'd visit?" Kresha asked seriously. Durgan started rubbing his hand's through his bristled hair, thinking hard about the question and wanting to provide his friend with a good answer.

"Gee, I never really thought about it. I've lived in Brostta my whole life. Don't really know of any other place."

"If you had to. Just name one place. Anything that comes to mind. Kresha said eagerly. Smiling as she waited and put her hands under her chin to hold up her head off the ground. Staring into his eyes.

"Well.. I always heard Karuga was kind of nice. They have beaches there, fish, and ocean.

"Ocean? You can't swim." Kresha smirked.

"Can you?" He replied.

"...,Fair point." She smiled.

"What about you? Durgan asked. "Anywhere come to mind?" He then ripped out a patch of grass and started playing with it bored. Letting the blades fall through and from the gaps in between his thick fingers.

"Anywhere but here." Kresha said sternly. Brushing her hair behind her ear again, only now with a bit of sadness. "As soon as I save up enough, I'm going to leave and never come back."

"Really? Durgan said in a sorrowful voice. But,... It's nice having you around here."

Kresha smiled amused by her friend's sincerity. She did care for him. Perhaps the only thing she cared for around here besides her horses. But she couldn't stick around for anyone. Not even him.

"I know. I've loved spending time with you too. But I can't stay here in Brossta my whole life till I'm old and weak. I want to see the world and travel like my parents did. I'm just not cut out for living here. Kresha turned over and put her hand on his arm. "I was happy sharing my time here with you. But I can't be apart of it forever. I'm sorry.

Durgan turned away saddened. He didn't want her to leave. She was his best and only friend he had ever known.

"When.., When do you think you'll go?" He asked hesitantly.

She sighed. "A few months. The time is almost right I think to move on. I've almost saved up enough. I found another coin in the brook two weeks ago."

"Maybe Drest can give you the stable to run? Rumor has it he's getting sick since he hasn't been coming to town much."

"Pfftt! Not a chance. That guy drink's ten kegs of beer a day at least, and that fact that he's still standing mean's he's not going away any time soon. So that's why I have to. I love the horses, but I never want to see Drest and that stable ever again.

The two sat in silence for a while longer atop the hill. Kresha kept checking over the hill every few minutes until finally seeing the glorious sight of Drest fast asleep snoring loudly with his favorite romance book beside his lap.

"Finally he's out! Said Kresha victorious. Durgan didn't notice. He was too busy fiddling with his fingers anxiously in silence. "Alright wait here. I'll get a horse and I'll lead it outside of the stable around the hill so we're not disturbed. Hope you're ready to pet a horse! these are some very petable creatures. She smiled.

Durgan nodded.

Kresha crept down the grassy hill and sneaked up to the side of the small house. Carefully opening the door of the stable which suddenly caused a loud creaking noise. She stopped. Drest let out the disgusting sleep noise of gargling spit. Kresha stuck her tongue out in disgust and kept sneaking. Carefully putting her hand's on Skipper's face to gently wake him.

"Hey boy.. She whispered. "Sorry to wake you. But my friend is here and he really want's to meet you." The horse grunted and scoffed from being disturbed but ultimately agreed in the end by stretching his legs and walking slowly out of his pen for her in front. As Kresha led him by the reins out of the stable. She saw the only saddle Drest had tucked away in the corner which had started to collect dust.

She shouldn't.. But.

Kresha felt bad about being so blunt with Durgan before. She thought he would have been ready to hear the news from her in person. But It probably wasn't the right time. She felt guilty and didn't want to sour his spirit for the rest of the special evening they spent together. So she would break her own rule's just this once.

She carefully crept closer an picked up the old saddle. Pulling it away from the cobwebs and blowing off the dust quietly. Then having to hold in and muffle her sudden sneeze with both her hands. She turned around gripping the edges of the saddle in her hand. Much to skipper's agitation.

The young horse started to back away slowly and huff in discomfort. He hadn't been fitted with a saddle since the day of his accident.

The scarred horse started to panic and rear its head nervously . Kresha carefully closed his mouth and held his head against her face. Trying to calm him down.

"Shh! Shhh. Shhh....." She began petting him up and down his long face slowly. "Don't worry boy. It's just a walk around. I'm not going to let him make you gallop. Its just a walk. That's all you have to do." The horse still continued to grunt and resist sternly . Kresha sighed.

"Please boy. Bear is too old, and lady is too tiny. You're the only one he can ride. Please I want to make this a special moment for him to remember but I need your help. Can you do that for me please? Kresha smiled softly. Caressing his neck to sooth his uneasiness.

Skipper finally scoffed and agreed with her loving caretakers reasonable request. Finally standing still and allowing her to approach uninterrupted.

"Thank you." She whispered and smiled. I'll make it up to you I promise. Extra apples for days." Skipper especially liked that remark, as evident from his ears perking up instantly.

The time it took to fasten the saddle on to Skipper's back took a lot longer than expected, she didn't do it that often to begin with. After a while and a lot of fidgeting with the straps she led him out of the stable slowly and back around the mound quietly.

"Here he is!" She said excitedly. Holding Skipper and patting him across the back. Skipper started to almost stand at attention from seeing this new face in front. Wanting to make a good first impression one last time just like he had when trotting proudly in front of crowds during tourneys. He could put one final show for the both of them.

Durgan's melancholy mood and troubled thoughts vanished almost instantly as soon as he saw the saddle. His eyes widened in excitement.

"Oh my gosh..., You, that's.. Saddle. Ride. Me?" He stuttered uncontrollably.

Shena smirked and laughed. "Not necessarily in that order I think. This saddle isn't quite your size. But it's perfect for him. Want to give it a go?" She stood out of the way and gestured to the stirrup hanging off to the sides of Skipper's torso.

"Thank you Kresha!! I can never repay you!" Durgan leaned in quickly and gave her a great big bear hug. Lifting her entire body off the ground. Kresha rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Yeah yeah. Come on quit wasting time. We don't want to stay out here too long. Get on."

She helped Durgan on to the saddle which was immensely difficult. Durgan fell over twice. How you could fall of a horse standing completely still she could not begin to imagine, but she wouldn't scold him for it. Instead she just stood smiling and giving nervous thumbs up even if he looked like a turtle trying to jump over a log. After some time he finally stood in place.

"There you go You got it!" She clapped. "Alright, so here is what we're going to do. Skipper's got a bad leg so he can't run. And since your still new a this ill lead you through the field by his reigns. I trust you. But this is my baby you're dealing with, so not enough to let you go willie nile with him all around like a wannabe knight.

Kresha thought he might complain again, but instead he nodded and smiled. This was her horse not his. So he would follow her rules too. Kresha clutched the reign.


"Hold on, said Durgan. Rubbing his hand up and down his arm nervously. He breathed a heavy breath.

"Think there is room up here for one more?

Kresha's eyes widened. her mouth widened slightly before becoming slight grin.

I don't know, I'll have to ask him. What do you think boy? You strong enough to support him? He's pretty heavy. Skipper cheered enthusiastically. The young horse welcomed the challenge.

"Oh haha very funny. You know I'm actually pretty well built for my age., and my mom said being husky is nothing to be ashamed off. It just means more of me to cuddle.

"Oh brother..." Kresha said annoyed. Fine I'll get on the horse if you stop talking about how cuddly you are? Deal?

Durgan smiled. "Deal."

He reached down and pulled her up on the saddle behind behind him. Skipper still held strong and firm upright on his four legs. Compared to holding up a full steel plated armored knight. This was child's play.

Alright, when you're ready. Just give him a gentle kick on his side and he'll do the rest. I'll guide you.

"Got it." He listened and carefully collided his heel with Skipper causing him to begin his march into the tall grassy field behind the house. Causing fireflies to scatter and glow as the massive animal pushed apart the tall grass and entered further into the swaying meadow. The two enjoyed walking about the field aimlessly and with no destination in sight for what seemed like hours. Durgan holding the reigns steady and calmly with a smile across his face. Kresha relaxing and watching the stars while holding on to his back tightly. After quite a long time, Kresha spoke first. Not wanting to spoil the pleasant moment, but she knew it was time to call it a night. As evidence by both of their constant yawning.

"Alright its getting late." She stretched. "Let's go back to the mound and I'll walk with you home after we put Skipper back. Sound good?"

Durgan sighed and nodded. Grabbing the reigns and gently correcting Skipper's direction back to the house.

Suddenly The horse stopped.

His black nostrils flared as it started kicking dirt. Huffing and puffing nervously as its ears twitched in every direction. Kresha was confused. There was nothing out here but the three of them.

"What is it? What is it boy?" She asked worried. "Is it your leg?" Kresha turned in her seat to look behind. His leg was just fine.

"Kresha is he ok? what's happening?" Durgan asked timidly. He was becoming afraid. So was she.

"It's nothing, lets get back to the house. Come on boy, move." She patted his backside. He still would not budge. He was becoming more anxious and frantic. Both were now having to hold on to avoid falling off."

"Skipper what's gotten in to you!!!" Are you sick what is it??!!!" Kresha screamed terrified for her horse's health. The horse started spinning in place in circles before finally locking its terrified eyes upward toward the night sky. Both of his riders' slowly followed it's nervous gaze to look upward. Only to see the glowing full moon.

"Kresah..." Quivered Durgan. "What.., Is that?"

Something was emerging in the distance. Something massive. It's silhouette was becoming more prevent and visible as it quickly grew in front of the enormous moon from a small dark spec to a large narrowed shape moving up and down against the wind. It looked like giant bat. But there are no bat's that large. It was larger than any animal durgan had ever seen.

Sweat began to pour down both of their faces. "Skipper we need to go now! Please! Kresha kicked the side of his stomach, desperate to get him to move. But he would not out of pure all encompassing fear."

The creature howled through distance. Its roar mighty and terrifying. Its booming voice instantly caught up with the two of them even it it's body had not. The sound shook Durgan to his very core and in his place. Making the pebbles on the ground rumble from the sheer noise. He had never heard anything like it.

But Kresha had.

Her eye's bulged in fear as the creatures glowing yellow eyes and fanged mouth began to open. Creating a pit of bright red fire to illuminate the inside of it's gaping massive jaw. Soon, it was upon the both of them in a field of fire.