
The Dragon King's Rise

There was a young man who fought at the top of the world only to lose. After the young man's defeat, he and the Vampire Prince who wanted to kill him were transferred to another world. Once there and they tried using magic the caused that world's race(s) to completely vanish. Once the young man saw what they done he immediately began to cry and scream. While that was happening, the Vampire Prince noticed the young man attempting to create multiple realities only to began to fail. The Vampire King looked at the young man and say, "I do not care what reality you want to belong in. However, do not attempt to ever find me or care for me. I will kill you otherwise, grow strong and once we can truly fight on the grand stage I shall call you brother." At that moment every reality that the young man was attempting to create was created. Once he entered in one both he and the Vampire Prince both liked the same room in the same hotel. They both unconsciously protected that place.

Drakeking12 · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Chapter 48 First Treaty talk (bonus chapter)

Drake had spent the following day with Aura. They went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. After that they walked along the road, talking about stuff.

Reaching the end of the road. Aura asked, "Drake why did you allow my selfish choice to go through?"

"Selfish decision?" Drake had no idea what Aura was talking about.

"The decision to allow my first child to be Elven." Aura was upset she did not think that Drake would allow her to do that.

"My feelings aside I want the planet to be in a better place in the future. If I have to wait for our child. I will do so. Please remember I have women waiting for me in the future. I have already upset myself by doing things." Drake did not want to tell everything up front.

"I am sorry Drake. Please always remember I love you." Aura knocks down Drake and kisses him. She truly wanted him to feel everything.

Drake was surprised by her trying to knock her down and followed it through. He then realized how much she loves him.

Aura then showing her smile. Made Drake hug Aura, he could not remember how much a genuine smile affected someone.

She too was truly happy when Drake hugged her back.

Nearing lunch time, the two went up and set down for a rather strange lunch. Elves not knowing how to cook meat made a simple fish meal.

Even though the fish was not cooked all the way Drake did finish it by simply using Fire Magic over his hand making a microwave.

The two finished, Aura was not feeling well. Drake figured has much because they were not used to eating meat.

Drake gave her a piggy back ride to her chambers. Aura made Drake stay, even though he did not want to he did.

Aura was happy that Drake was trying to improve their relationship by staying close to her. She never knew when they first met, they would end up becoming married.

Drake asked Aura what she wanted in the treaty with the Mermaids.

Aura honestly did not know what to think at first. Thinking about it for a little while, she honestly mainly wanted to learn how to cook meat. Even though they are not allowed to eat meat. She wanted to start the change. Doing it in the treaty would be a huge advantage.

Drake gladly kissed Aura and thanked her for thinking about him in the treaty. He too wanted the Elves to have meat for special occasions. He was truly upset when he was at the colosseum.

Drake laid in bed with Aura just about all afternoon. He needed to talk to Amelia. Aura reluctantly let him go but she told him to come back afterwards.

Drake said, "I cannot promise to come back tonight. I will be doing a lot of thinking. I can promise you that tomorrow night we will be spending the night together. Regardless if the treaty is finished or not."

Aura was not happy with that but she allowed him to do things his way for tonight.

Drake found Amelia. He talked about what she wanted in the treaty.

Amelia did not know where to start. Drake would have to supercharge his mind and think about what all they might need.

Drake stayed up all night trying to figure out what needed to be in the treaty. In the end, he came up with a few things. First, the Elves need a way to have access into the mermaid city. From there more deals can be made.

Second, the Elves need ways to eat fish. If they have a special occasion. Having something more than fruits and vegetables would be a huge upside.

First for the mermaids, was the ability to help control all of the mermaids. If Amelia could control all of them. She could control the sea. Making deals to help with the Land Dwellers.

Second, Amelia needs help with fixing the hierarchy. If they can make a Duke for every mermaid city. It would help stabilize the control of the sea. Also, each city could have good relationship with Land Dwellers, depending how each Duke is.

The following morning, Drake had been up all night trying to figure out the best way to write this and have all the signatures that are needed on there. At almost 8:00 in the morning, both Aura and Amelia entered the throne room and Drake was in the throne.

Amelia set on his left leg and Aura in his right leg. The two of them did not realize what each other was thinking but both of them were upset.

Drake tried to talk but got his mouth slapped shut by both of them.

Amelia started first, "Well, Aura it seems like the relationship between you two has greatly strengthen."

"Indeed it has Amelia. What about yourself? You seem to be confident seating on his left leg." Aura's spirit looked like a phoenix.

"My, my what a frightening spirit you have." Amelia's smile was somewhat disturbing. Her spirit looked like a turtle.

Drake picked both up and set them on chairs that Drake picked out. He had a nice table brought in for this as well.

Then the girls both moved their chairs close to Drake. Both of them weren't moving an inch.

Drake finally told the both of them to move. They reluctantly moved their chairs back to where they were.

"I wish this would not become a headache." Drake thought has they moved their chairs.

"I am Queen Aura of the Elven Community. I know you already know this, however we should do introductions." Aura was the first to talk because it was in her territory and she wanted Amelia to know her status.

"I am Queen Amelia of the first mermaid city. I just recently received my title because of Drake. Seeing that I need help, told me to start getting treaties." Amelia knew she would not win in a straight fight, with politics, so she decided to be truthful.

Hearing what Amelia said Drake was happy. Aura was different, she now knew Drake should be at least Baron in Ritocian hierarchy.

Drake showed off the first treaty explaining that this was something for both parties to look over.

Aura did not like the fact that they could talk in the mermaid city. She was willing to deal with it of they would help them cook meat.

Amelia was worried about Aura not liking the treaty. She would rather make sure that Aura is fine with the treaty before she looked at it.

Drake knowing what was on Amelia's mind told her to look over the treaty. Aura had too noticed she did not look at it and did not know is she was worried or scared about this meeting.

Aura took a moment and calmed herself. She started to do small talk with Amelia to make her feel calm.

After calming down Amelia felt much better. She wanted to make sure this treaty went well.

They both agreed on the treaty. Drake asked, "What will you name this treaty?"

The girls stared and both said, "The Husband's Treaty."

Drake froze for a minute having to almost repeat it out loud for the girls to hear.

They laughed seeing Drake not knowing what to do with what he heard. They both went and hugged him.

They both enjoyed hugging Drake. After a minute, they realized that Drake put his name on the treaty.

Aura wanted something to remind them both of Drake. Aura then wanted to call it, 'The Husband of both Elves and Mermaids Treaty'.

Drake did not want his name on the treaty. So he came up with the treaty's name. He called it, 'The First Treaty of both Elves and Mermaids'.

In order not to have both of them upset. The sentence in the treaty went like this, "I am Drake, husband to the Elves and future husband of the Mermaids."

Both parties were happy with it. Amelia thought that the first Elf to come should be Aura. She could explain everything better than what she could.

The two then started to talk more. Drake went and got lunch for the three of them. Coming back with lunch he saw both of them completely naked.

The girls were both happy to see Drake stunned about them being naked. Even though neither one wanted to lose. They would take this has a win.

Coming back to reality, Drake was worried that they would hate each other. He did not want that to happen.

The girls explained that were truly happy. Drake did not know what to say at the time. He was happy to know that they were happy.

"Um...Drake," Amelia was nervous.

"What is it Amelia?" Drake could tell she was nervous but did not know why.

"Aura and I were talking earlier and we wanted to know who you were going to sleep with tonight?" Amelia did not want to say this but she wanted to sleep with Drake tonight.

"Amelia do you want to sleep with me?" Drake figured out what she had wanted but he needed to her to answer.

"Yes Drake. I want to sleep with you." Amelia was now depressed that she had to say it.

"Aura what do you think?" Drake wanted her approval before he did anything.

"Amelia can sleep with us. We need to talk has friends not has royalty." Aura wanted Amelia to know what she wanted.

The trio went out to see what they wanted for supper. Aura still had enough meat left for one meal it would be a small amount for the trio.

Drake went outside and had Katsumi and Drago go get some fish and seaweed. Katsumi got the fish they could use for sushi and Drago went to get seaweed.

Drake asked if the meat could last another day. Aura thought it could. She did not know why but Drake changed their dinner plans. They had the best fruits and vegetables for supper.

The trio went to the chamber for the night. Amelia was the first to talk.

"We need to talk about what happens in the future." Amelia was worried about what she would have to do.

"What is troubling right now?" Aura needed to know not only has a royal but has a sister.

"Now that this treaty is in. How will I be able to keep everything together?" Amelia was worried about keeping not only her city but trying to keep the treaty.

"You have the right start Amelia. What you are feeling now is something that only you can feel right now. You were forced into your position and not having enough time to prep for this. I also forced this treaty on you." Drake was trying to explain what he did. He also had to explain her feelings at the same time.

"Amelia, do not worry about the small things. You have me and Drake right beside you. We will always be right here." Aura somewhat knew what Amelia was going through and did not want her to be worried about the feelings right now.

"Okay. What happens next?" Amelia still worrying about the stuff that did not matter at this time.

"Simple. You either get the rest of the mermaid cities under your control or get more treaties under you then get the cities." Drake already had the idea in mind to get the cities and he wanted Amelia to make the decision of what to do.

"We will get the other cities." Amelia declared.

"Congrats on making a decision." Aura knew that was the decision she needed to make.

"Thank you Aura."

"Amelia, how much help do you want or need to make things work?" Drake wanted Amelia to figure out how much help she wanted or needed.

"For the first one, I want the two of you. After that I hope that you, Drake, allow me and Aura to continue on our own." Amelia knew she needed to get the help on her own and knew Aura would help her.

"She sure is making things work on her own." Both Aura and Drake thought.

They went to sleep for the big announcement they would make tomorrow.

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