
The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD)

“Why did I start killing?” Once asked this question by a associate, Mark Nathaniel Anderson, Grand Master Assassin had a few answers. “Anger at the world? Revenge for what happened to me? Because I am insane? Because I am a twisted monster? All are correct, but most importantly because it’s fun.” When it was finally his turn to die, by a stroke of luck, he was reborn in a new stolen body that had a treasure in the form of Ddraig. His new friend and mentor. His new path, the path of Dragons and Tyranny was set in stone. (MC is a ruthless hypocrite and a womanizer.)

God_Of_Wolves · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

Calypso's Choice and Looking For Albion.

Once Mark teleported into his room he saw how Runeas was grinning like a fool. Rias on the other hand just had one of her usual smiles while Calypso was looking at him like he was a bastard. As he could smell emotion he knew that she was faking it.

"So, what did you talk about?"

Runeas pointed at him.

"How you played with her heart."

Mark frowned.

"Hey, I broke her curse. She should no longer be forced to be in love with me."

Calypso's bright red face was covered in a frown as she looked at him.

"Maybe not, but you did not help by flirting with me like that. And the fact you have two lovers already did not help. Even worse that they are related?"

Mark grinned and hit her where it hurt.

"Like your father and mother? Atlas and Tethys? Cause Tethys was the grandmother of Atlas so you should not be talking."

Calypso went silent as it was true. Mark simply walked toward her and sat next to her. While she was no longer forced to be in love with him that feeling was still stuck in her mind. So she might lose interest in him or, stick around him.

"So, are you mad at me?"

Calypso shook her head.

"No, not really. I mean I have no claim to you besides the fact you saved me from that island. However, the flirting with me was a bit much when you knew how my curse worked."

He had to admit that part was a bit much. He rubbed his beard a bit as he thought about this.

"I get it. You were cursed and I made use of that to accidentally make you even mildly interested in me. As you are a Titan you must have pride to not be in the harem of a big flaming lizard. Consider this my apology, I will stop bothering you from now on."

Calypso covered her face with both hands as he got the wrong idea.



He acted confused.

"Wrong? What is wrong?"

She uncovered her face and pointed at him.

"That is not what I meant. I did not mean to make you feel that I would be fully against it. But don't think I am easy."

Runeas patted her on the shoulder.

"Trust me, Dragons are just weird creatures. They don't go by logic and Mark even less. And besides, joining his harem is a privilege only both he and his instincts approve of. Dragons work like that."

Calypso was curious about that.

"What is it like to be a Dragon?"

Mark as a former human had lost his humanity and gained more draconic-like traits.

"Well, for starters we are extremely prideful even more than gods. We have an eye for treasure and love to collect it. Even I have a giant hoard of treasure hidden away from prying eyes. We Red Dragons have an innate desire to not hoard just treasure, but women as well.

But we don't go just off looks, they need to be strong, smart, beautiful, talented, and treasures among others. And we treat our mates with even more care than our hoard. So don't think I view you as nothing more than a gem to collect. Our mates are so much more than that."

Hearing the way that dragons thought was interesting for the three of them. For one the way he described them as more cared for than their hoard touched their hearts. Calypso looked at Runeas and Rias and had to say they were both special.

Hearing that made Calypso blush as she looked away.

"What about me?"

Mark stood up and took her hands into his and knelt down. He was so tall that now he met her eyes. He removed his sunglasses and looked into her almond-colored eyes.

"Someone I would be more than happy to have by my side."

Runeas and Rias both starred at Mark who was mostly aloof to regular women, but once he found one he wanted he pulled out his charm. As for Rias, she wanted someone like Mark for her three friends. No, she wanted to give them to Mark as she might have had a voyeur fetish.

Watching Mark ravage Koneko, Kimmi, and Akeno would be so hot. He made her face go bright red as she imagined this. It was good Mark was not reading her mind or he would have been surprised.

As those three girls were now it would take them a while to earn his eye. But right now, Calypso was bright red. She let go of his hands and reached out to hold his face.

"How can I say no to that you, evil dragon?"

Mark smiled as he placed his head on her lap.

"I am glad, don't worry. I am more than willing to wait for you to open up to me. What is time for immortals like us? And I want you three to become close as now you are bound as a family by me. More than those two already are."

Runeas laughed as he placed her head on a pillow.

"So, does that mean she is one of us?"

Mark looked at Calypso who nodded.

"That seems like a yes."

Mark stood up from the ground and put his sunglasses back on.

"I am glad but don't think you have to rush to do anything with me."

Calypso appreciated that.

"Thank you. I promise to help you speak to my father. I just hope he still listens to me though."

Mark hopped onto the bed with Runeas next to him.

"He better, but if he does not I can always just force him. With your help I can get some of the titans to switch sides as I know they rather not die."

Calypso nodded.

"I can help through this, as long as Kronus is gone they would either switch to your side or just die and I rather they join you. But how strong are you?"

Mark grinned as he was proud of this.

"I am in the Top 10 of the World's Strongest beings. There are few beings who can rival me, but for the most part, I am up there in power. If I pull my full power. And very soon I am going to get even stronger."

Runeas was curious about this.


"In not too long I will search for Albion and steal him away from whoever has him. Once I have Albion I will gain all his powers as I did for Ddraig, and make both the Principles of Domination and Supremacy my own"

Rias already knew that Mark was beyond powerful, but he still wanted more.

'Now this is a true Dragon. No, this is the Dragon of Domination a being who will never stop his domination of everything. And he is mine.'

She laid down on his other side and hugged him happy for him to see her as worth being in his harem. Now she had to prove to him she was not a waste even if it took her a century. As for Calypso, she was a little embarrassed to do something so bold yet.

But that embarrassment went away when Runeas stuck her tongue out at her. Calypso frowned and laid down on top of Mark. Now that they had him he was not going anywhere so they spent just a few hours together. These were times he treasured as he loved to spend time with them.

Now Calypso included. He truly was living his best life now as a Dragon. He felt truly free from being told what to do as Great Red and Ophis would not do it. And the beings who stood above him would not be his equals very soon.

'Yes, a life for a king.'

He closed his eyes as his pride flared to the extreme in both himself and his power.


3 weeks after Mark rescued Calypso, Mark, and Ares were both sitting in a bar in Stockholm Scandinavia. Several events had taken place in just those three weeks and none of them good. They left the influence of the Greek gods for the Norse gods to speak in private.

But like always the two of them were dressed in their biker attire as the bartender, a very short, but muscular dwarf poured them a big mug of ale.


Mark and Ares grabbed their mugs and both began to chug the ale until it was all gone. When they finished, they placed down their mugs. Mark had nothing, but good things to say for Dwarven drinks.

"AHH, best I ever drank."

Even Ares was surprised.

"Damn right. Another 5 for us each."

He placed down some drachmas on the table which the dwarf who served them happily took. Gold was gold after all and accepted by dwarves.

"Coming up."

As the dwarven bartender went off to do just that, Ares looked over to Mark.

"Here we don't have to worry about Zeus. He is furious that someone stole Calypso, but he does not know it was you. He is accusing everyone he can, but he has no proof of who it could be. Whatever you did not leave any trace. and that is not all."

Mark nodded.

"So, you got everything ready for your new symbols?"

Ares nodded.

"I do, but I have some bad news for you. I went to the Garden of the Hysperids in secret to ask Ladon for some of his venom, his scales, and one of his fangs which I got after I promised to help him get free once we start our little coup.

The issue is Atlas. He was mad sure, but it felt all too robotic. He was yelling about how he would force us to hold up the sky for him to show us what it was like, but he kept repeating it over and over in the same pitch. Not one change. I think the Atlas there is a fake and the real one is free. I told Athena this and she belives me."

Mark nodded.

"I will have to check it out. We need to get your new Symbols of Power forged and soon. You are the god of War along with Athena. Once you two work together with new stronger symbols we can keep Olympus from falling apart. We need to bring Hades into the mix soon as well."

Ares agreed.

"Aunty is on it. She is going to go meet with my uncle soon to speak to him. Zeus said something about how Hades has gone silent and is not responding at all. I think he has the same plan as us."

Just as they were talking, an old bearded man sat next to Mark. The man wore a glass eyepatch over his eye. He wore a black hat and a navy blue regal outfit. When Ares and Mark saw him they knew who he was.

Mark smiled as the dwarf came back with their drinks.

"Odin, care to join us?"

The King of the Norse gods nodded.

"Sure. I am always up for a good drink. Anyhow, what are the Greek God of War and a Dragon doing here?"

Mark honestly spoke about why they were here.

"Have you met Zeus?"

Odin laughed.

"Met him? I handed his ass to him long ago when he tried to expand Greece into my turf. I showed that brat the one-two."

Ares laughed.

"Well, we are planning to overthrow him. My friend here saved a Titan he had trapped and now Zeus is being paranoid. We came here for two reasons, one to speak in private and meet you. My sister belives that once we dethrone Zeus, we should make allies."

Mark also agreed on this point.

"And I respect you Norse Gods a whole lot more than I do most Greek gods. I may be a Heavenly Dragon, but I have no interest in destroying a world so would you ally with us in this little overthrowing."

Odin rubbed his beard as getting rid of Zeus would be nice.

"Fuck it, I am in. What is the plan?"

Mark grinned.

"Well, I will kill Zeus in one go while Ares or Athena will take over as King or Queen. I plan to offer an alliance to Hades who has been vocal about how much he dislikes Zeus and Poseidon would also join me. I plan to offer an open hand to the minor Greek gods who are treated poorly, and even to the Titans.

Having the Norse on our side will just make things go smoothly for the reformed Greek Pantheon. As for me, I will just be the Nuclear bomb who keeps things in check."

Hearing the plan made Odin grin.

"And once the Greek Pantheon is reformed you wish to become allies with us? I have been itching for another war. Reminds me of my youth."

Mark shook his head.

"Not war, peacekeeping. Zeus and Poseidon nearly caused a war just a while back so I am removing the unstable element. Zeus."

Odin nodded.

"Fine fine, peacekeeping it is. So, when do we start?"

Mark looked at Ares.

"Soon, we just need to forge a few new symbols of power for my allies. As Hephestus has become my new personal smith, using his skill to make new symbols of power which Zeus banned will give us an unfair advantage."

The dwarf from before walked over.

"Care to show me one of his works?"

Mark looked at his bracelet which turned into his giant blade. He handed it over to the dwarf who held it with both hands with no trouble. This dwarf was not just any dwarf, he was a powerful one.

Laevatein did not mind being held by others as long as Mark allowed it. The dwarf, Odin, and Ares all were stuck staring at the blade that Mark had.

"This is the former symbol of the power of Kronus after it has been reforged for me. His name is Laevatein."

Ares grinned as he already wanted his new symbols of power. As for Odin, he rubbed his beard as he was itching for something too.

"Now that is a weapon."

The dwarf handed the sword back to Mark who turned it into his bracelet. He looked over to Mark with a grin.

"I see Hephestus knows his work."

Mark nodded.

"Course he does, he is the god of blacksmiths. Though I heard you dwarves also make divine weapons, like Thor's hammer and Odin's spear."

"Course we do. Care to have a spear to match that sword?"

Mark thought about this and nodded.

"A second weapon would not be bad. Will you be making it?"

The dwarf shook his head.

"Not me, my great grandfather, Eitri would. He and my granduncle both would be willing to make a spear for you. Have your blacksmith work with them and you will have a spear better this Odin's."

Odin scoffed.

"I am right here boy."

"Who cares?"

Mark nodded.

"Sure, I will ask them. Anyhow, I am also here for a second reason. Have you any clue where I could find the White Dragon Emperor? For some reason, he is hidden from my sense of smell."

Odin placed his hand over his glass monocle and activated his power of future sight to search for him. When he stopped using his power he chugged a full mug of ale before he spoke.

"Grigori, that brat Azazel is keeping him hidden."

Mark grinned.

"Good. I will make that my next stop as what I do to him depends on him. Thanks, Odin."

"Don't worry about it. Let's just have some fun before we get down to the gritty details."

For the rest of their night, the two gods and one dragon drank themselves silly. And they also got an agreement for when they would fully dethrone Zeus.