

The prince could feel her, his bride in the skies, enjoying the euphoria of flight. He could not imagine a life without weaving through clouds, feeling the warmth of the light.

The yearning to join her took over, and a devilish smile broke on his face as he shed his mortal form like a jacket. The window frames were too small for the prince's true form to fly through, but that didn't matter. The metal bended and broke apart like melted chocolate to a hard knife. Nothing of the mortal world were any match for dragon scales.

He could hear her heart beat joyfully from miles away, and flew faster. She was singular, not a single soul could kiss him like she did. She felt her power run through him, her lips, her tongue... her teeth.

He wanted her.

The clouds were blown away as he passed, excitement running in his veins. No one told him finding the river goddess would be like this.

He forgot how to breath when he laid eyes on her—she shone a pure white as she tumbled around, circling and twisting.

She was all his.

As gently as he could, he whispered to her mind as dragons do to communicate: "Follow me".

Lanfei, with her newfound bewilderment, flew past him instead, teasingly close. Sensing her playfulness, the prince lamented and played along.

It was childish, something the prince hadn't indulged in for years, but for her sake, participated. After all, flying is a magical thing, and discovering it for the first would make anyone frisky.

It was like a dance in the skies, a sight to behold. A dragon as dark as night twirling around a shining white dragon; they were two sides of a whole finally colliding.

They played for hours, and both of them forgot their age and their place in the world. In that moment, they were just two kids enjoying the taste of freedom together for the first time.

They had found each other, and finally weren't alone.

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