
Dragon’s Kiss

By god, Lanfei was bored. She had spent he last half-hour listening to presentations in her history class, and she was the last to go up. Trying her best to stay awake, she peered outside the windows.

It was cloudy today, but the sun tried its best to shine through. The expansive blue sky was a sight to behold, and Lanfei yearned to be outside. She dreamt about flying more than she did sleep. It was something about the idea of flight that just seemed so right, she couldn't explain it.

When the door swung opened, she sheepishly turned her head to look, but she found herself unable to look away.

He was... ethereal. Beautiful, but in a... divine way? Lanfei thought of him an angel, or perhaps a nine tailed fox, because they were known to transform into impossibly beautiful people to trick maidens to eat their hearts.

He had midnight hair that seemed to tousled around his face perfectly, swaying in the breeze. His eyes reminded Lanfei of burning embers, so flaming and alive.

Everyone in that instant grew silent, even the presenters. They faded out of sight as Lanfei looked into his eyes, breathless.

She didn't realize she was walking towards him until her body moved by itself. This... wasn't natural. She couldn't control her body, and everyone else in the class looked as if they were asleep with their eyes open. They looked hollow, with no trace of consciousness.

Lanfei would've been scared, but the spell was too strong. She couldn't help but be attracted to this mysterious boy. Every thought she had seemed to be about him. Her panic was drowned out by this attraction—the magic consumed her.

She stopped at an arms length away from him, and she could've sworn his eyes were set ablaze.

"I've finally found you..."

Softly cupping her cheek, he leaned in. His lips found hers, and she gasped. She could feel electricity run through their kiss, and she was pulled into it. Her arms moved on their own accord but this time, it didn't feel like a spell.

She closed the gap and wrapped her arms around him, feeling his silk hair around her fingers. He was so warm to the touch that it burned.

He was hungry, but Lanfei was ravenous. She kissed him like she wanted to melt into him, and he responded with the same eagerness.

When they parted, the air felt heavy. Time seemed to stretch out and that one moment felt like it lasted forever. Lanfei had the sensation of trying to breathe underwater, and her lips felt swollen. She gasped her breaths, as if the oxygen ran away.

It was instinct that took over her then, and she turned towards the windows. She hadn't noticed her skin flaking away, revealing pale blue dragon scales beneath. Placing a hand on the window glass, she felt it crack under her touch. Closing her eyes, she summoned a gush of wind so powerful it shattered every window on that side of the building. Without another thought, she leaped out.

The transformation happened instantaneously; one second she was human, the next she was flying. She thirsted for the sky, so upwards she flew. Lanfei felt the clouds' moisture on her scales as she parted through them.

It reminded Lanfei of coming up for air when you're in the sea; through the water, you can see the sunlight. Swimming up, up, up, and finally feeling the sunlight touch your skin, finally being able to breathe.

She emerged from the clouds to an endless blue sky. She couldn't take her eyes away from this sight. She felt different. Stronger, bigger... simply more. Her body was different, her sight, how she moved, it felt so different, but so right as if it was meant to be.

Her sight stretched further than it did in her other form—her limbs where different now, she had talons and sharper teeth and a long, graceful body. The sun reflected off her scales so she glowed, and Lanfei knew she had never feel like this before.

She was alive.

In the classroom, the boy looked up in the sky, to the mysterious girl. He lightly grazed a finger against his bottom lip, where she bit him. She was a dragon, alright.

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