

The dragon blood cooled in Lanfei's veins, and the appearance of her scales faded from her skin. As if a veil was uncovered, Lanfei returned to normal.

"What... What is this place? What just happened? Who are you?"

"There is a lot to explain. You must be confused, but do not worry. You are home now."

Lanfei had the urge to throttle him, but settled for grabbing him by the arm. "What the hell do you mean, 'I'm home'? Explain, now!"

A newborn dragon has no worries, not a single trouble in its head other than the wanting to play. Lanfei was too smart to be like that, and now her dragon sunk back down into her unconscious, she realized her situation. The dragon in her had willingly followed a stranger into an unfamiliar place, and even kissed him!

"Well, that maybe wasn't not completely the dragon," Lanfei thought, but pushed the notion into the back of her mind.

The boy cocked his head, looking at her with calculating eyes. He was reminded that he doesn't know the girl, just the dragon. A young dragon is easy to manipulate because it only wants for one thing, to fly, but this human might be more difficult.

"What do you think happened?" He asked, gouging her reaction.

Feeling somewhat like this was a test, Lanfei clenched her teeth. She hated the thought of appealing to this boy, but she was in an unknown territory with another dragon, who might be more powerful than her. He clearly had more allies here whilst she was just a stranger. It was too dangerous to anger him.

"You walked in my history class in your human form wearing my uniform. Some sort of spell was casted and everyone in the room must've lost consciousness because no one moved or looked like they had a single thought in their mind. You used magic to beckon me and... and w-we..." Feeling a blush rise, Lanfei pushed on, ignoring as hard as she can the smug smirk the boy had on.

"Something happened then, something in my soul. I could feel something move, something that was always there but I never realized. It was like it awakened, and took over me.

"I could feel the sensation of flying as a dragon, of seeing things, smelling, hearing things as a dragon. I can still remember what the air tasted like that high up, remember the shine of the sun... I remember you."

Lanfei looked him in the eyes, and felt that sensation again. The air was thicker than water, but who knew drowning could be so... pleasurable?

Lanfei's lungs froze as if they were glued to her rib cage, and she could see his eyes glow. He felt this too.

"Who are you?" She repeated again, this time a whisper.

"My name is Wanhai, I am the second prince of the Nine Skies, son of the emperor and the late empress."

Lanfei shook her head. "No, but who are you... to me?"

"...I am your destined."

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