

Midnight, it was a tranquil evening for everyone to rest and relax, where crickets singing and the rustling sound from the grass soothe the nerves.

But suddenly, a beast-like roar destroyed the peace, "WOMAN! You dared to slap this king?"

The roar startled the sleeping Rae Gu and woke her up, "What? What?" Rae Gu was still muddle-headed after waking up. She looked left and right to see what's going on, but her mind froze when she glimpse a familiar silhouette of a man sitting in front of her.

"Oh! Handsome Lord, what are you doing here?" Rae Gu smiled stiffly and meekly sat on the bed.

"Hah!You dare to slap me? now, you've got the guts to ask me why i'm here? Do you want me to deliver you in front of King Yama?" The Lord yelled at her sarcastically. Rae Gu was really challenging his limits.

"I slap you? When? and really what are you...." Rae Gu stopped when she realized that it was in fact his room and she's the one who intrude earlier. Worst, the Lord said that she slap him, when? She really doesn't have any recollection.

The Lord sneered and looked at her with murderous eyes. "You really got guts woman and you even called me an annoying bug. huh? Tell this King what should I do with you?" The Lord lean closer and closer to her as he uttered out each word. The Lord was fuming with anger this time. Apart from Rae Gu slapping him, she even called him an annoying bug. The last string on his patience was actually snapped by this woman.

Rae Gu kept on moving backwards, distancing herself from this pervert, until her back hit a wall. As the bed was situated beside a wall, so the wall block Rae Gu from moving further, and now she could only be trapped in between his arms.

[Annoying bug? Slap?], At this very moment, Rae Gu's mind was in turmoil, she tried to recall everything. When she remembered piece by piece, she smiled wryly. She remembered swatting an annoying bug in her dream. She must be mistaken him for the bug, right?

Rae Gu gulped and smiled sheepishly, trying to change the subject. "This is your room right? So, i must've sleep-walking, sorry about this, it's an old disease." She tried to wriggle her way out from this Lord.

"Old disease?" The Lord raised his brows and saw Rae Gu nodded continuously and that made the Lord's face turned darker.

"You did not have an amnesia, right?" The Lord asked with a heavy tone and his looks was like a savage wolf wanting to devoured a little lamb because of his anger.

"Amnesia? What about me having an am..." Rae Gu stopped her words when her mind trailed to a scene, where she told him that she've got an amnesia. She cough and pouted her lips like an aggrieved child, "Ahem! What do you mean? I do have an amnesia ah! But i can still remember some pieces of my memories."

"Oh? What other things have you remembered?" The Lord looked at her suspiciously and his expression turned colder with each minutes passed.

But before the Lord could continue interrogating Rae Gu, it was interrupted by a dark guard who suddenly entered the room."My Lord, there's an enemy attack."

"Report." When the Lord heard this he hurriedly stood up from the bed and strode forward to pick up his sword.

However, the dark guard knelt in front of the Lord, to block him from going to the front, and begged for the Lord to leave. "My Lord, please escape from here. There are too many of them. Captain Zhao was holding them back from the front."

"You think that this King was weak and need to escaped from here?" The Lord glared at the guard coldly.

"This servant wouldn't dare my Lord. Its just that there were more than fifty enemies on the front and only fifteen Dark Guards were on our side, so we were completely outnumbered my Lord, also there were three Dragon Slayer within their ranks, two of them was S Ranks and one of them was even a knight rank." The dark guard reported the situation in details.

The dark guard was afraid that the Lord would go and fight to the front with his condition. Though the Lord seems find at the front, they were sure that the lord still needed to recuperate to recover his internal injury,if the Lord were to fight now and used his elemental force, it might even cause him more injuries.

The Lord frowned and remembered that he had forgotten to summon back his dark guards after they were dispatch, as he was so distracted by something else. The enemies must have seen this loophole and strike their chance to kill him.

The Lord took a deep breath, he could hear rumble and explosion at the distance. He knows that he can't prevent himself from using his elemental force against those three slayers especially that there were even a knight rank slayer among them. "Hear my command."

The dark guard bowed his head to accept the command. "You go help them and don't forget, you all need come back to me alive."

"But my Lord." The dark guard wanted to escort the Lord out so he was hesitant to leave the Lord alone and returned to the battlefield,but after seeing the Lord's stern expression. He knows that he could only obey. "This servant will remember it my Lord." The dark guard kowtowed and walked towards the battle upfront.

The Lord then glance at the distant battlefield once more, and turned to face Rae Gu. "We have to escaped from here."

Hearing this, Rae Gu was indignant for his decision. "You're going to abandon your comrades?"

"Do I even have a choice? I'm not fit to fight right now, I can't even summon half of my elemental force. Do you think I would choose to leave if I have other choices? and if I die, millions of lives will also be lost." The Lord howled with grief. If he could stay and fight, he will. But now, he could only escaped and regroup with the others, besides whose fault was this, if not because of her, he wouldn't dispatch most of his guards outside to find her, and left them with only a few guards. He just stared at her eyes, but didn't said it out loud.

"..." Rae Gu could feel the anguish of grief in his voice so she could only zip her mouth and looked at him, and besides she doesn't really know the current situation in this world.

The Lord bend down and pick her up like a princess and run to the back gate to escape.


They were now inside the Dark Forest, Rae Gu wrapped her arms around his neck to avoid herself from falling, and bury her head in his neck. The Lord was moving so fast jumping from tree to tree, and she could only hear the gust of the wind.

Rae Gu felt him stopped, so she looked up, but saw a grave expression on his face. She followed his eyes and was scared to see the men in front of them, [There was actually an ambushed? and worst there are ten of them. Are they really determined to kill this man?]. Rae Gu looked at the Lord again and was curios about his identity.

"Where are you going your highness? Oh? You actually got yourself a girl ah? Heard you were staying here, so we were sent here as a gift, but the returned gift should be your body." The man sneered and looked at them with murderous eyes.

The Lord slowly put Rae Gu down to the ground, and hide her at his back. He whispered to her, "When I say run, you escape from here, and don't look back whatever happens. Understood?"

"But what about you?" Rae Gu stared at him hesitantly. Though they only have a few interactions, she knows that he didn't have any ill intentions. She didn't know why but her heart felt heavy and reluctant to leave him here alone.

"No worries, I have my ways. and besides, if I die you will also die since our lives were bound to each other." the Lord smile at her handsomely, he could see the reluctance on her face, so he needed to reassure her. "Remember to always keep yourself safe."

"What do you mean our lives were bound?" Rae Gu was ignorant on what he was saying because she didn't even know about the pearl. How much more about its rules and oaths?

The Lord just smiled and face her. He kissed her forehead and whispered to her ears. "Huang Ryu, remember your husband's name. I will certainly search for you, so wait for me, okay?

"Clap. Clap. Clap. Enough with the drama Your Highness. You will die here and so is she." The man with a gold masked looked at them ruthlessly.

The Lord prompt Rae Gu to escape. And turned back to face the enemies. "Go now."

Rae Gu looked at the the tall figure in front and shouted. "Rae Gu! My name's Rae Gu." She clenched her fist and turned to run as fast as she can.

"Rae Gu ah. This King will remember that." The Lord took a glimpse at that receding woman and smiled.

The leader of the men commanded some of his men to follow Rae Gu but before they could go after her, they were stop by a surging wind.

"Not so fast, This king will be your opponent."

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