

Jake got to his room and wondered why his father doesn't stay with him often. After a while of resting from the food, Jake decided to go check out the cave of last night. So he took his bag and ran off in to the woods back to were he found the cave last time.

On getting to the place where the cave was Jake found out that the cave was no where to be found and it was so strange to him. He tried to recall the exact place he was standing wen he first saw the cave and was even confused the more about the whole thing. after a while he decided to head back home as his adventurous spirit was killed.

On heading back home Jake saw mike his child hood friend, mike was Jake only friend, even if mike didn't drop out of school like Jake, they were still very good friends. Hey, Jake shouted at the top of his voice, and waved his hand continuously at him, mike look at him and smiled while walking closer to him,


mike punched Jake on his stomach with an angry expression on his face how dare you?, mike said

How dare you tell Jane that I love her? You know how shy I am, and now I will have to run away from her all day from the rest of my life. Jake said with a crying expression on his face pretending to be crying. Jake who was now on the floor started laughing.

He was not on the floor cause the punch hurt, in fact he was surprise that the punch didn't hurt at all so he just assumed that mike did not put effort in the punch.

Dude chill out its no big deal, all I did was to help. And trust me she will come looking for you, Jake said

Of course she will come, to kill me that is. He started the fake cry again. Its just a matter of time before I die, please Jake tell my mom that I love her and my dad that I was the one who eat his munched potatoes. And I'm sorry.

Mike said after a while.

Jake was now getting red, not from anger but from laughter. Jake laughed so much his mouth ached, come back to school mike said with a serious face, as Jake started to adjust from his floor position. I cant, school is not my calling, Jake said.

Then what is your calling Jake running in the forest?, hunting?, please Jake come back to school you have a bright future ahead of you please don't throw it away. Mike said with a sad face

I'm sorry mike for letting u down, I cant come back to school and I know my future is not a lined with school, I have to go now, sorry for telling Jane, I just wanted to help you out since I know how much you loved her. A piece of advice go for her. Jake said. As they departed.

On Jake's way home he noticed the change in his body, his body was getting bigger as if he was swelling. His hand was bigger and he felt a rush of power from his right hand to every part of his body his body was indeed glowing now. As he observed with shock in his eyes and an open mouth.

bam bam

Pains went through his whole body and he went to the ground and cried out in agony. As he cried he saw a white light come down to him in full force, as the light hit the ground he noticed that it was an old man in white robe.

Come with me, if you want to live. The man said.