
The Dragon and The Wolf

War has waged as long as I could remember. I remember the blood. I remember the lifeless expressions. I remember how cold their bodies were as I laid between them.. I remember never getting the opportunity to meet my unborn baby sister. And even Now as my Brother Ascends the throne, He wishes for peace. He wants to make an alliance with The Lycans. But does he honestly think that the young king would want peace?

LunaNightShade2023 · Fantasy
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55 Chs


I would Suggest starting the whole book over again. Because I am rewritting and alot of it and changing things and adding in more details and backgrounds! Really excited to get this started! 

Also feel free to comment and let me know what your thoughts are on the rewrite and the old stuff. If there is something that you wanna make sure makes it into the rewrite, let me know so I can pin it so it doesnt get lost.