
The Fox Charm

Levi woke up in an unfamiliar place. It was not his bedroom in the palace or any of his secret hideouts. It was also not the ceiling of the shack Anya had brought him to. He tried to remember what happened. He had lost all feeling in his legs when they had barely arrived in the shack. Anya had quickly decocted the antidote and made him drink it before he lost consciousness.

He suddenly realized he was in a strange place and grew alert. His body was still heavy, but when he turned his head to look to his side, he saw Anya leaning on her arms by the side of his bed clutching his large sword to her chest and… sleeping. He sighed in relief. At least now he knew he was safe wherever they were. He paused at the thought, did he actually feel safe with her? Abominable!

Just as he thought of that, the door to the room opened revealing a large scary man with brown hair and strict eyes. Although his body felt heavy, he pulled the sleeping fox princess behind him and pointed the sword to the man.

Kael paused at the sight of the King of Baize holding his daughter behind him. He has long heard of the rumors surrounding the famous monarch. He was a descendant of the strongest animal fairy in the world, the dragons. He was known for his cold countenance and stone heart.

That man was actually holding his precious daughter behind him to… protect her? He wasn't sure. Maybe he recognized him and wanted to threaten him with his daughter. Although not many people knew what the King of Aonani looked like, maybe he guessed. That seemed to be the more plausible explanation of the sight before him.

Anya woke up sleepily and found herself staring at Levi's back. She was confused at first, so she tapped him, "What are you-" Levi didn't let her finish and pulled her father behind him. Levi asked Kael prepared to slash his sword when Anya peeked from behind him and was shocked to see her father. She pulled back Levi's hand by the sleeve, but he turned to look at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Don't fuss. Stay back."

Kael watched their interaction silently with interest. It seems the King of Baize was really protecting his daughter. He had arrived in his brother's shack only to find an unconscious King of Baize and his daughter asleep on the side of his bed. He was confused by the sight and decided to bring them both to the palace.

It seemed his daughter had exhausted her magic again. But fighting what? He assumed it was the King of Baize. Although, after getting checked by the imperial physician, it seemed that he was really hurt. He could only question him when he woke up. He left his daughter in her room, only to find her back in the room he left the King.

"Levi, it's alright. That's my father. We're in the palace. It's safe now." Anya murmured behind him. Her father didn't hear her words but continued to look at them both. Levi finally let her go as Anya slowly got off the bed. "Father, were you the one that found us? It seems I fell asleep. I was waiting for uncle to come back and help us get back to the palace safely."

Kael looked at his daughter and remembered her disheveled state when he found her. Although he didn't want to imagine what happened, he had to ask. "What happened? Why did I find you in your uncle's shack with the King of Baize?"

"I helped Levi- Ouch!" Her father pinched her arm lightly. Levi was about to get up and defend her when Anya pouted at her father and looked at him with pitiful eyes. "Father that hurt. What did you pinch me for?"

Kael was very angry, but he deflated a bit at his daughter's pitiful eyes. Anya wanted to run and hide. Her father was the scariest when he was angry. Her pout and pitiful eyes worked sometimes, so she tried it first hoping it worked. She didn't want to leave Levi alone with her father.

"Don't call a king by his name! Did I not teach you anything? Were all the books you read for show?" Anya looked at her father with pitiful eyes again, "Father you're so mean! He said I could call him Levi, so that's alright!" She paused before tilting her head at Levi, "Right?"

Kael furrowed his eyebrows. His daughter must be dreaming. Maybe she was too tired from her internal injuries. He always knew his daughter was a troublemaker. He thought she knew what was too much, but has he been spoiling her too much? He was about to apologize when Levi actually nodded.

"I did say she can call me by name. The princess of Aonani saved my life. I have a debt to repay."

Levi moved to place his sword back when Anya moved to help him. She checked his shoulder wound before asking him, "Is it still hurting?" Levi shook his head and leaned on the headrest of the bed. Anya poured him a cup of water which he drank without fussing.

Kael watched their interaction with some concern. Wasn't the King of Baize known to be stone-hearted? It seems they were getting along quite well. What would happen if his beloved daughter got attached to him and he didn't return her feelings? Wasn't that just asking for a heartbreak? His thoughts were cut short when the King of Baize put down his cup.

"Thank you for your help. Let me know what I can do to repay you and Aonani." Levi said as he prepared to stand up. Anya was going to stop him, but she froze when she saw her father's inquisitive stare. She quickly explained how she had helped Levi escape from assassins. She was about to speak some more, when her father cut her off. "It is quite alright Your Majesty. There is nothing I or Aonani needs from you. It is only natural to help someone who is hurt."

Levi furrowed his eyebrows at his reply. Were people from Aonani normally this nice? Anya had also answered the same way. If it was a normal person who had saved him, wouldn't they have asked for the world? His riches? His kingdom? But these people actually wanted nothing in return? Levi could barely believe it. Still suspicious, he nodded at the King of Aonani. "If there is something you can think of, let me know." His voice was still cold and his face expressionless.

Kael couldn't fathom how someone as young as him… could be so frigid. He decided to leave it alone and gave a warning glance at his daughter before leaving the room. Once the King of Aonani had left the room, Levi moved to get out of bed.

"Levi shouldn't you rest longer? You still haven't recovered."

Anya blocked him from getting out of the bed. She remembered how vulnerable he had looked back in the shack. His breaths were so shallow, and his skin pale. Although he looked fine now, she couldn't get the image of him fainting somewhere along the way out of her mind.

Levi paused when he saw Anya's concern. He didn't like it when people fussed over his health and well-being, but he was actually considering resting just because she said so? Abominable! Levi's self-control had always been phenomenal. He was greatly annoyed with himself at the moment. He looked at Anya's pale form and suddenly remembered when she coughed blood.

"I have rested long enough. The palace must be in chaos right now that they can't find me. I need to go back as soon as possible." He paused before adding, "You are also injured from depleting your magic. You must rest."

Anya felt her cheeks reddening at his words. She looked down before mumbling, "It's nothing serious. I already rested for a whole day."

"Ah, I knew you weren't that weak. After all, you were trained by your father. One of the best generals in the world. Depleting your magic must be nothing, right?" Levi paused and pointed at the basin of water on the side, "If you don't mind, won't you bring the basin to me? I need to wash my hands."

Anya bit her lip and looked at the basin filled with water. It looked really heavy… If she carried it at her weak state right now and dropped it, wouldn't she embarrass herself in front of Levi? When she met his eyes, he was looking at her intently, but still cold. "You can't do it? Maybe you're lying about resting?"

Anya immediately shook her head, "I can get it for you!" She pretended she didn't mind and went to pick the heavy basin up. The moment she lifted the basin, she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. Suddenly, Levi was behind her, taking the basin from her hands. He quickly set the basin down before catching Anya who was about to fall over.

"Levi? I can do it myself… My grip just slipped… That's all." Anya said meekly.

"Stop fibbing little fox. Rest now."

Anya felt that his arms were really warm and comfortable. Because of her fatigue, she quickly fell asleep. Levi carried her outside the room where a maid was waiting. Her eyes grew wide as she took in the sight of the Dragon King carrying the little fox princess. "Your Majesty." The maid quickly fell on her knees to a bow.

"Where is her room?" The maid quickly curtsied before leading him to another hallway. Levi looked at the sleeping fox in his arms and shook her a little. Anya was sleeping so deeply she didn��t even feel the jolt. Levi quickly realized that she must have been watching over him the entire night without sleeping herself.

Levi felt a bit unhappy at her willingness to trust just anyone to carry her.

When they arrived in the room, Levi carried her to the bed and laid her down gently. He uncharacteristically placed the covers over the fox princess who scrunched up her nose before turning to find a comfortable position. Levi thought she looked cute and almost smiled.

His expression was still cold as he told the maid to watch over her closely and made sure she rested. He briefly brushed the red hair from her forehead. If he wasn't the King of Baize, then maybe he would pursue whatever it was he was feeling about her.

He felt that she trusted people to easily and she was too innocent. There was no place for her in his cold palace. Her warmth would probably turn cold, just like everything in his palace. He strengthened his resolve and turned around to leave. Whatever he felt for her, he can't pursue. He paused by the door when he saw a small fox charm made of silver on her side table. It was a popular memento from Aonani, a fox clan.

He quickly took the charm when the maid wasn't looking and left without looking back. So what if he took the charm? It had nothing to do with the little fox princess that saved his life. He just wanted a memento from his brief stay in Aonani.

Levi left Aonani, feeling a bit hesitant. In the end, he raced back to Baize.

I wrote a pretty long chapter~ I hope you guys enjoy :D

yunxi_creators' thoughts
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