

A/N: A great big thank you to @LotusLin for the two castle super gifts this month and to @KhanTengriHuli for the mass gift of golden tickets. Thank you both for supporting the book.


Aaron sat with a satisfied smirk on his face as his eyes scanned Lena's bruise and battered body. He placed the cup of tea on the table and smoothed Lena's tangled and unruly red hair back from her face.

He leaned down, pinning her with his icy gaze. He breathed in her ear, painfully nipping the lobe with his teeth, making her gasp.

"You can return home once I receive payment for my services. Eventually, I will release you and allow you to leave, but only after I have been fully compensated, and the Duchess is returned to me."

Lena shuddered at his words. Her entire being turned to ice. She knew this man was going to torture her unrelentingly until he got what he wanted. Tears streamed down her temples, and Aaron cocked his head at her in amusement.

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