

The pieces of me that had been blown up and scattered started being attracted back to each other in the form of raw soul energy and started reforming me from scratch once again, For the first time in a long time I felt what should be freedom to actually be able to do what I wanted so I knew that I had to try to do something because the moment I was fully reformed I would be sealed again but I was still incomplete and too weak to do anything at the moment so I started to think about what could I do while waiting for the opportune moment.

The moment I was fully reformed, I'd definitely be sealed again so even if I could do anything I'd only have a split second for a quick momentary action so I had to pick what was my best move. Trying to unlock my powers was a waste of time because I had no idea how, trying to examine the seal while it's being formed was a worse choice because I'm pretty sure I know jack shit about seals or things in the supernatural category as a whole.

I could try to split some of my powers away so it doesn't get sealed but then which one would be useful as I'm pretty sure I haven't explored even a quarter of the powers I'm supposed to have.

The cogs in my brain seem to be working overtime as I suddenly get an idea, what about the second me that was sleeping inside me, I tried to search for him where I sensed him last time. Luckily I was able to find him but sensing him seemed to be getting harder the more my soul was being restructured so I had to be fast about my plans.

I decided to split the flame that my soul seemed to be using to run as the flame seemed to be a lot bigger now after the restructuring and it was growing bigger still. I was going to split a part off of it and send it off towards the part of me that was asleep but then a thought struck me and instead of splitting one part off, I split it into three directly for a high risk idea that had popped up in my mind.

I then waited at high alert for when the seal would form, when I saw the stage my body restructuring was at I tried to calculate in my mind how much time was left and then I started forming hand signs,( the same hand signs I had recorded in my mind to research later) with my still incomplete soul and then the moment my body's restructuring was completed and the seals showed up coincided with the moment the first part split of the soul flame I made the hand signs for blew up as the seal was in formation and as the energy blew up I strengthened my perception to look for any flaws that should have shown up because of the explosion but I couldn't see anything that looked like one.

I checked left and right, up and down but still couldn't see anything, my time was running out and it seemed my gamble failed,until I manage to spot a tiny crack on one of the chains. I quickly moved the second split soul flame there and tried to mould the flame to be as thin as a needle and thread, a needle to go through the crack and the thread for flexibility once the needle shaped part was out and could pull the rest of the flame in the form of the thread as quickly and as flexibly as possible. The soul flame was surprising easy to mould into the shape I wanted it to be in

I managed to pull all that part of the flame just before I was sealed again and the seals showed itself as some sort of tribal tattoos that were strung tight across my torso.

I let out a sigh of relief as I lay down on the floor drained as the split part of the flame that I managed to bring out clustered together once again to form a flame that made me feel alive just by being near it. After a while I sat back up as I had a lot to do for my escape and it was best I got started as soon as soon as possible.

I started by splitting the flame into two, one big and one small. I sent the larger part of the soul flame towards my other form of consciousness while leaving the small flame behind as I need to know what to do and what not to do and to know the limits of the soul flame.

I had a lot of things to work on so I quickly got started.

10 years later…

It's been 10 years since I sent the soul flame towards my other consciousness and I think it should be waking up soon.

I look at the small amount of soul flame left after all my tests to know what I can do with it. I've discovered quite a few things that I'd test once I awaken my other consciousness.

I've also come up with quite a few theories. I believe there are three parts of an intellectual being like humans,dragons, phoenixes and any other intellectual race across the universe. The three parts are the body(the physical), the soul(the consciousness) and the spirit(the true consciousness) and all three have access to different forms of energy.

The body has access to some sort of energy that is present everywhere around us, while the soul has access to some sort of life energy that keeps us alive and then finally the spirit that only awakens when all form of life energy present in a body is gone. That explains why I was only able to sense it when my soul literally blew up but because in some way I was still alive it didn't really wake up and was only aroused a bit and I was able to sense it for a little bit.

Speaking of life energy, it seems splitting my soul flame into three would hasten my next soul reincarnation. That may end up causing a problem sometime in the future.

3 years later…

The spirit consciousness is finally awake but it seems its not fully awake because I literally slapped me awake. Continuing the awakening process may bring repercussions I'm not ready to face yet so I'd leave it like this.

It feels really strange being in my spirit form as it seems being awake as a spirit turns my default consciousness into my spirit and it's kinda hard to control my soul form so I employed my usage of two different thought formations being able to control my soul passively in a way by giving it orders though it's no longer direct control but I can live with that.

To escape from this seal on my soul I came up with the idea of blowing up a whole lot of soul flame on the seal but unfortunately I don't have that much flame and thus came the idea of taking the energy in the air that even though is scarce can be accumulated over the ages.

Luckily I have the time.

We didn't make it to 20 powerstones today but i'll still drop 3 chapters because I want us to get into the main story quickly but please do take the time to leave a review and vote powerstones

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