
First Confrontation

The two bear like creatures that were lumbering into the clearing were no bear Chris had ever seen. While there bodies vastly resembled bears there fur was mossy green and seemed to have rocky protrusions coming out of all of their joints and all along their spine. Both had a rock coming out the top of their heads as well. The rock bear in the front was larger than Chris by two feet, and it was also larger than the second bear and clearly the leader of the two. Chris stood frozen opposite the rock bears as the leader stood on its hind legs, making it twice the size of Chris, and let out a blood curdling roar that shook the trees. Chris covered his ears as he stared in terror at these massive creatures that had come before him. To his horror the lead bear went back down on all fours and charged him. Frozen with fear the bear easily made direct contact with Chris straight in the ribs with its rock horn. He felt his chest give in as he was flung back against a tree cracking it from the force of his impact. He lay on the ground paralyzed trying to comprehend how he wasn't dead yet and that turned to how he was about to die.


He gasped trying to speak. But breathing even hurt him and it was obvious his ribs were fractured if not out right broken.

'What the hell kind of bear is that! I've never heard of anything like that! I gotta get outta here!'

Remembering his sudden speed he struggled to get up and started to stumble back the way he came. The bear seeing him get back up struck him along the back with its massive claws tearing through his shirt and knocking him back to the ground. The second bear was just watching as its leader brutalized its next victim it had done this many times. Chris lay on the ground thinking desperately on what to do next. He couldn't just leave his back exposed so he rolled onto it and braced himself for the bears next strike. The bear slammed its large paw right down on his arms which were crossed over his chest to protect himself.

To both of their amazement the bears attack was actually stopped. Both were stunned for only a moment until the bear began repeatedly striking his arms. Over and over again he struck him and each time none of the blows went through. After recovering from the shock Chris found that his chest aches but not as badly as before and his back barely hurt at all where the bear clawed him. It set within him a new determination, if he was going to die he wanted to know just how strong he was. On the bears next blow he waited till the bear was winding up for its next attack. Then he sat up and shoved the rock bear as hard as he could. To his astonishment the bear slide back ten feet before stopping.

He hadn't hurt the bear but he bought himself enough space to stand up and brace himself. If it wasn't going to let him run then he might as well try to see how strong he was before running. The rock bear just stared at Chris now feeling more cautious than it had before. But just like last time it charged him, but unlike last time he charged right back at it. From Chris's fear and will to live he found courage to face the bear head on and deliver it one blow before retreating. Chris planted his feet and swung his right fist at the bear as the two collided. And he was surprised to hear the sound of crumbling rock and breaking bone, as the bears rock horn was crushed along with the skull underneath. He looked down in astonishment at the dead bear.

The other bear seeing its leader fall was insulted. What was this fly to challenge the mighty mountain twins?

It too charged Chris, surprised by his strength and the charge of the second bear haphazardly threw his left fist at the head of the other bear as it roared at him. His fist, instead of hitting the bear flew down its throat to both of their shock. His arm up to his shoulder was all the way down the throat of the bear. Chris was absolutely horrified

'Ew, ew, ew, ew ,ew, ew... wait, is it choking? Hold on... I hate this but…this might work.'

Grabbing hold of the bears fur with his right hand Chris rammed his arm down the bears throat as it slowly began to choke. The bear reared up on its hind legs and began desperately flailing about. Trying to shake Chris off of it so it could breathe. It couldn't close its mouth because that would make it harder to shake him off. He tried desperately to reach him with his paws to claw him off but he couldn't get a solid grip on him. Slowly the bears resistance started to weaken until it eventually collapsed. To be certain it was dead Chris took his fist out of the rock bears throat and slammed it hard on on the bears skull breaking it.

"Oh my god that was awful the absolute worst. I'd prefer to nearly die than do that again."

He examined his saliva covered hand and made a disgusted face at it and began waving his arm like a little kid.

"Ew, ew, ew, ew ,ew, ew, oh please burn it with fire burn it with fire!"

Suddenly his entire arm is engulfed in flames and once again he freezes with shock. Then he begins screaming in panic and does as he learned in grade school and stops, drops, and rolls until the flames are extinguished.

Once he's calmed down again he looks down at he arm and sees that his sleeve has completely burnt off. From the position on his back from when he put out the flames he gazed into the now night sky and mutters to himself

"What the hell is going on? Am I seriously not on Earth anymore?"

Once again he tears up a little at the thought. He curls up into a ball and utterly exhausted from stress and the ordeal he just went through he falls into a dreamless sleep.

I promise this is the only time anything to do with suffocation through unconventional means will ever happen. I’m so sorry but it was the only way I could think to introduce the new discovery. Again I’m sorry it’ll never happen again. Please forgive me and keep reading my book ;–;

Thank you for reading this again I’m sorry and I hope you read the next chapter and like it to!

Leonidas5476creators' thoughts
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