
Chapter 11

Following a certain route, the Slayer reached the territory of the Fire Dragon. The climate of this place was very different and the border could be clearly seen.

If before that the mountain valley was covered with some vegetation and even spirit animals were present, now only arid land covered with cracks could be seen. In the distance was a high mountain and it seemed as if streams of a burning wind emanated from it.

As he progressed further, the Slayer sensed an unusual change in spiritual energy within. The internal channels of the Evil God reacted strangely and the core made a sound like a heartbeat.

At the same time, a group of five people flew past the Slayer and stopped high in the sky.

- It's here?

- Yes. This red area in front should be the Fire Dragon's nest.

- You're sure you're not mistaken with the Fire Dragon's power level.

- This spirit animal is on the tenth level of the heavenly step. There can be no mistake, Senior Elder, there is no reason that we cannot get rid of him!

- If we can get his Fiery Inner Core, it will be a good help for the young master to make another breakthrough. If successful, in the upcoming Blue Wind Empire ranking tournament, we will outstrip the Xiao Sect, perhaps even the Ice Cloud Divine Palace!

- We are being watched.

- Hmm, this is an elementary level first level practitioner, you shouldn't pay attention to such trifles. Let's go!

The Slayer did not care about their plans if they had nothing to do with him. At the same time, he will not seek any compromises when it comes to things that fall under his interests.

Having climbed the mountain peak, a large piece of the scarlet-red area appeared to the Slayer's gaze. In the middle was a cave about a hundred meters high. Jets of flame from time to time came out of the cracked ground.

Meanwhile, five people were already near the cave. The strongest of them was half a step away from the imperial level of inner strength. The rest were on the 9th or 10th level of the heavenly step.

- That's right. Inside, there is a huge spirit animal with the element of fire.

- We'd better lure him out of the cave first.

The man in the middle took a few steps forward and waved his sleeve, then, a dark gold blade no more than one meter long appeared in his hand. After applying the martial arts technique, the blade enveloped the flame.

- Haah!

The man raised the long blade and waved it furiously. The flame emanating from the sword was carried in a dense stream towards the entrance of the cave. The landing was accompanied by a huge explosion.



Suddenly, a loud roar was heard, which was heard from the depths of the cave. At the same time, a huge pillar of flame some ten meters thick headed towards a group of five people.

- To the loose!

The five people were a little surprised, the dragon's strength was slightly higher than they expected. They rose into the sky and scattered in different directions. The pillar of flame rose to a height of several hundred meters and dissipated. By this time, at the entrance to the cave, the silhouette of a dragon appeared.

The height of the dragon reached 30 meters, and the scarlet-red body looked like red-hot steel. The spirit beast raised its gaze and spoke in human language:

- Again, daring people dared to disturb my peace!

His voice was heavy and rough, but it further emphasized his greatness. However, a senior elder half a step away from the imperial rank ignored him:

- He is approximately at my level of development. We can easily deal with him with joint attacks!

Feng Moli of the Burning Gates of Paradise wasted no time in idle chatter. His group immediately began to conduct their attacks. Being half a step away from the imperial step, Fen Moli could single-handedly cope with the dragon, which was on the 9th level of the Sky Profound Realm.

The battle grew fiercer with each passing second and moved south of the cave. The dragon's body was strong enough that it was not easy to kill.

At the same time, the participants in the battle did not notice how another person entered the cave.


The Slayer, making his way into the depths, soon reached the dragon's nest. Examining the den, he discovered a strange round ball the size of a small berry. A yellow glow emanated from him.

Vega: It definitely belongs to your internal veins.

- This is one of the seeds of the Evil God that are scattered across this planet. Just swallow it and it will unite with your channels. - Jasmine's voice sounded in the head of the Slayer.

The Slayer did everything as she said. Having taken the missing part inside, his channels immediately began to expand to their limit and new internal energy came from another source of strength.

The inner strength began to increase continuously and reached its limit.

Elementary level of inner strength, level ten!

The internal channels soon returned to their normal state. The flow of spiritual energy from the core was restored again.

- Honestly, I didn't expect you to be able to find one of the Evil God's escape. - these words sounded like praise for Jasmine.

The red-haired woman flew out of the pearl and rose several meters into the air, as if emphasizing her greatness.

- You must understand that I did not just give you the power of the god-creation. My conditions will be very simple! - Jasmine continued, proudly lifting her chin, - For thirty years you must have time to enter the highest level of inner strength. Next, you must find 35 kilograms of divine crystals, three spiritual cores of animals not lower than the tyrannical level and find the Udumbara flower.

After listening to the speech, the Slayer went to the exit from the cave. He didn't know all these things she was talking about. In any case, it was necessary to find the remaining refuge on this planet.

- How his reaction pisses me off! - said Jasmine and returned back to the pearl.

Vega: No vibrations of energy particles. Most likely other missing pieces are too far away or in independent space. You may need to explore the planet in detail.

- Try not to die while I'm busy purification of poison! In this Empire, people are at the level of the imperial level. Your strength will be enough as long as you do not provoke others! - Jasmine exclaimed.

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