

Hahahaha... As of Oct. 02, 2019, 7:27 PM (GMT+08:00, Philippines). I just received an email stating Webnovel want to sign a contract with me (for this book), but being a lazy author that I am (you know it guys) and I don't have a bank account yet (the old one expired from being too lazy- so sad for being a NEET) and I don't think I deserve to make this a paid story just to make you waste SS (and your time) and pay for breach of contract (since I'm not fully committed to writing). I decided...

(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻ ***** THE CONTRACT!!! (For now, too lazy to read the whole contract and hate being restricted to writing as of now) I love you guys more than I love myself... Maybe when I have a bank account (that I can connect to Paypal or any international transfers) and a pretty decent and motivated story and work attitude. I'll probably sign it, but now Nahhh, I don't think I can follow the contract since this is just a hobby or a side-thingy I'm just doing.

So I hope when that time comes you'll still support me guys!!! (๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥

[P.S.1. Even if I didn't sign the contract, I hope (slash BEG YOU) no one will share/reupload this to other platforms unless I say I did... I LOVE WEBNOVEL, it's a great platform, it's just that I don't want to be restrained by the contract for now, hope you guys support me. THIS IS COPYRIGHTED BY ME and in the future by THIS PLATFORM, WebNovel.]

[P.S.2. I don't think I can write what they want me to write per month that I deserve income from this platform (it's a lot or words BTW)... I'll probably sign it when i think the time is right.... (SORRY WEBNOVEL)]

I DON'T REGRET IT~ I WON"T REGRET IT!!! Since it's the truth.. The story is kinda shit, the plot is kinda twisted to angst now instead of romance (full of plot holes), in short it's all over the place

MomieIxai's State of Mind seeing the email...

Excited Momie: 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》OMG!!!! Webnovel wants to sign with me... OMG!!!!

Scared Momie: (「⊙Д⊙)「 Ehh.... This contract is scary.... Too many clauses...

Paranoid Momie: (((φ(◎ロ◎;)φ))) I shouldn't sign it for now, this is way too risky...

Sad Momie: .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. I don;t even have a bank account to begin with T.T

Denial Momie: ヾ(@゜∇゜@)ノHahahahaha!!! I'm just imagining it... This isn't real...

Lazy Momie: ┐( ̄∀ ̄)┌ Nahh... too much trouble...

MomieIxaicreators' thoughts
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