
Chapter 2

The souls were pulled to a separate cage that had two doors. There was a strong smell of blood both fresh and dried. The soul who has found a name Luce the owner of the charcoal fur was intrigued while Cheshire simply hid in the back of their mind hoping to never see that caused such emotions. The man came in with a sharp needle in his hand with what looked like a dark liquid. "Luce you're going to make me lots of money but to make sure you do I'll give you a leg up on the competition," Luce didn't understand what he was talking about but backed away none the less.

He felt the sharp pain of the needle and the warm liquid flowing into his vein. Then the cage door opened up to a large cement floor with blood splashed periodically around it. Was he being put down for his coloration? His chain that he was attached to extended from the wall. Curious, he wondered out further.

There was another dog chained at the opposite wall to him. "My apologies young pup." the other dog said with his head hung in shame."About what?" Luce said.

There was a loud noise and then their collars shocked them. The chains extended further allowing them closer. Luce was nervous the people were screaming the word fight over and over in a way it was wracking all the bones in his body.

The other dog lunged at him going for his hide. He lunged out of the way as quickly as he could.

"Hey what did I do?"

The dog got up again, this time Luce was ready as the dog rushed him and he sank his teeth into the dog's hind leg. The dog let out a yelp causing the bad man to shout with joy. "Good boy, Luce," With a newfound sense of pride he fought harder for his as he is now known master. The other dog whipped around trying to bite his throat. Luce growled.

"You were supposed to be a bait dog," The other dog cried.

Luce bit down harder causing the other dog to get dizzy and lose his footing. Luce let go of his leg and bit into his throat when his chain pulled him back he released going where the chain took him.