
Chapter 2: ZA WARUDO

--Seth's POV--

God snapped his fingers, and Seth's body went numb and his vision went black. Seth couldn't move he felt cramped and restricted. For some reason Seth's reaction to this wasn't being freaked out like most people in this situation.

Instead he was completely calm. Though he still didn't have any idea what was happening. He just waited and waited.

-Time skip 3 months-

Seth was waiting for the past 6-3 months? For nothing in particular just something to alleviate his boredom. So what he figured he could do was try to move. Well that was a mistake, because it took him 8 hours to move his huge head

And he figured out a lot of stuff once he moved his head. Like how he was not just a head and had a body. from there it was smooth sailing as he tried moving his toes, which turned out impossible, so he tried moving his legs instead which turned to be much easier.

At first he could only move his legs a couple of centimeters. but now after some time he was able to almost fully utilize his legs meager capabilities.

But just because he was working with his legs doesn't mean it was exclusive to that he was also working on his fingers. Which turned out to be very very difficult.

But after some more months (weeks) passed. Seth finally saw something it was light? Seth mind race and just as fast as he was snapped away his mind clicked, 'OH MY FUCKING GOD'. Seth could feel himself almost puke at was about to happen.

--3rd person POV--

"Congratulations miss Cataline, Its a boy!" The midwife yelled over the screams of the baby.

Cataline von Blackhart was covered in sweat, tears and, blood as she was crying from pain and said "L-let -m-me-se-ee-h-i-m." The midwife nodded and headed over there to give her the baby. When she got there she handed the baby baby over to her and walked away and said "I'll Give you two some space." And walked out of the room.

--Seth's POV--

'GOD WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME WHY' Seth was screaming to himself as to why he was just rebirthed. But finally after some time he regained some of his senses and looked around. What he saw shocked him, The room he was birthed was lavishly decorated with furniture that looked straight out of 18th century France.

But when he looked up to see who was holding him he was even more shocked it was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen she had raven black hair that might go to her hips, If she wasn't laying down. She had snow white skin that contrasted to her black hair, she had round small melons that kind of took the flavor out of her over all appearance.

Just then the door swung open and out came what I would suppose to be my dad. He looked.... like a cuck definitely a guy who would rather watch his wife get pounded rather than him doing it himself. That's really all there is to him he just looks bland.

The cuck says something but unfortunately I couldn't understand him. And then he turns around and leaves? Wasn't I his son? hmm whatever time to stare at my mom again.

-Time skip 3 months-

Okay so I learned a lot about this world and how it works First of all I cant understand anything of what there saying not at all but I think I know my name, I think it's Adrian. But that's all I really know about this worlds language.

But beside that point I got a really good look at myself and to be honest I think I'm going to be a looker when I grow up. Because of my really unique eyes and hair, for this world at least, my eyes have two distinct colors which are black and white. Which in my opinion is pretty cool. And also same goes for my but the black side of my hair is on the side where my white eye is; and the white side of my hair is on the side of my black colored eye.

But beside that I'm average in every way.

- Time skip 3 months-

Sorry for the abrupt ending it just that I thought that this chapter was going on a little to long so i decided to stop.

Hope you liked this chapter if there are any plot-holes please point them and i will fix them. Thanks.

Naves_3697creators' thoughts