
Surgery in progress

Time passed quickly, on the third day, Qin Feng personally followed up on Xu Chenchen's situation.

In the ward, Qin Feng looked at the little girl playing with Barbie dolls on the bed, no different from the healthy little girls outside.

"Chenchen, what did you eat today?"

"Uncle Qin!"

Hearing the sound, the little girl also shouted happily, and even put the toys in her hand aside.

"Director Qin."

"Director Qin, you are here."

The young couple beside him also stood up and called him politely and enthusiastically.

"Well, there is no problem today."

"No, no, everything is fine."

The woman shook her head and said hastily.

"Uncle Qin, when will I be well? I want to go out and play."

The little girl looked at him with an aggrieved expression, her mouth flattened.

"In this way, after uncle's inspection last night, you can go down to play with your parents for a while, how about it?"

Qin Feng smiled and patted her head, pampering her.


Hearing this, the little girl stood up excitedly from the bed, extremely happy.

"Okay, Chenchen will let the doctor check it now, okay?"


After finishing speaking, Chenchen immediately lay down peacefully.

Qin Feng did a simple physical examination, and then checked the veins by hand.

The current situation is stable, and there is no increase in intracranial pressure, which shows that it is very stable now, and the physiological indications checked in the past two days also meet the surgical requirements.

"Okay, you can take her down for a walk and play for a while, but don't exercise vigorously.

Tonight, we will start the preoperative preparation, and we will operate on her tomorrow morning. "

"Ok, thank you, Director Qin."

The couple bowed slightly to thank each other, and Qin Feng took Yang Feng out of the ward.

"If there is no intracranial pressurization tonight, arrange an enema, then give 0.1g of phenobarbital orally, and sleep well."

"Okay, Director Qin."

Yang Feng nodded when he heard the words.

In the small corridor in the corner of the hospital, the couple watched their daughter chatting and playing with other children, with sad and distressed faces.

"Husband, do you think Chenchen's surgery can be cured? And the director of the emergency department, is Mr. Qin too young?"

"Honey, don't worry, do you still remember my former high school classmate Daqiang? He is also working as a doctor in the capital now, the 302-military doctor."

The man hugged the woman and comforted him,

"I specifically called him to inquire about the disease, and he originally said that if we were here, we could go to the Pediatric Department of Friendship Hospital, and their doctors have better surgical skills for this disease.

But then he asked me who Director Qin was, and I told him Director Qin's full name.

Who knew that this guy actually said that we don't need to leave, if Director Qin Feng can do it, then it will be no problem.

Daqiang told me that Director Qin's surgical level is well-known in the circle, even some old directors can't believe it, and now it is recognized as the first.

I also specifically searched for some information and news, take a look. "

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and opened a favorite website, which contained the official introduction of Qin Feng's resume.

Early the next morning, 8-year-old Xu Chenchen changed into a surgical gown, and was given intramuscular injections of phenobarbital and atropine one hour before the operation.

In the office, Qin Feng glanced at the time.

In 5 minutes, he got up and walked out of the office, followed by Yang Feng.

"Director Sun, Director Pan, you are here."

As soon as they arrived at the stairs, they saw Sun Wenhong and Pan Hai walking together, each with an attending doctor behind them, and it was Zhu Yijun who came to the pediatrics department for an examination.

"Morning, Director Qin."

"Good morning, both directors."

"The operation is about to begin, let's go."

With that said, several people walked towards the operating room.

In the operating room, everyone cleaned and disinfected, put on sterile clothes and walked in.

Everything was ready, and this time it was decided to use the method of opening a hole to remove the tumor.

In order to reduce the trauma to the child, Qin Feng gave up the large-scale surgical craniotomy, but used a minimally invasive way to enter the brain to remove the tumor.

The advantage of this method is that it reduces the trauma to the scalp and skull, and it is more direct than craniotomy observation.

In order to better ensure the complete resection of the tumor, the subtemporal approach was used this time.

"Start the anesthesia."

Soon, anesthesia begins.

Xu Chenchen immediately entered the unconscious state of general anesthesia, set up the position, and spread the towel.


"At 8:10 am on November 8, 2023, patient Xu Chenchen underwent minimally invasive resection of hypothalamic hamartoma."

"Operation begins."


As Qin Feng's voice sounded, he stretched out his palm.


The equipment nurse slapped an ordinary scalpel in his hand.

Qin Feng cut in along the back of the temple, cut back and down along the line, and opened the skin along the upper auricle.

"Hook, pull away."


Then a small bone flap was opened, turned forward, and the lower edge of the bone window was bitten down close to the level of the middle cranial fossa floor, so as to expose the midline structure of the brain base and reduce the temporal lobe traction injury.


A bone flap the size of a thumb was opened, and Qin Feng cut the dura mater and turned it down again, freeing a small section of the Labbé vein on the surface of the temporal lobe.

"Cotton sheet."

After 15 minutes, the minimally invasive bone window was successfully opened.

Sun Wenhong and Pan Hai standing aside were also a little startled by this speed, but their expressions were still calm.

There is no technical difficulty in this early stage, and the next step is the most difficult.

"Suck it out."

Yang Feng lifted the right temporal lobe with tweezers, and Qin Feng began to suck out the cerebrospinal fluid while exposing it to the deep part, thinking about the intracranial slowly.

In this way, more cerebrospinal fluid can be sucked out and the brain can be collapsed.

Only a good vision can lay a good foundation for the next resection.

30 minutes...

Soon, Qin Feng stopped sucking.

The intracranial field of view has basically been partially opened, and the edge of the tentorial notch can be seen.

Further inward, the oculomotor nerve and posterior communicating artery can be seen, and the trochlear nerve entering the cavernous sinus can also be seen on the upper part of the slope.

At this time, everyone found an irregular spherical tumor in the deep part of the oculomotor nerve and posterior communicating artery, and the pedicle was closely connected with the mammillary body.


Looking at this scene on the screen, everyone's heart jumped into their throats.

Finally found the lesion, the next thing is to look at Qin Feng!

At this time, Pan Hai, stood on the opposite side, ready to start synchronous operations with Qin Feng.


Qin Feng on the main knife position is still as motionless as a mountain, calmly asking for a weapon.

At this time, what no one could see was that his eyes had already undergone obvious changes.

"Remove the microscope."

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng's words made everyone present stunned, even Pan Hai, who was opposite him, was dumbfounded.

"Director Qin, what did you say?"

"I don't need a microscope."

Qin Feng's calm and firm voice made the entire operating room as silent as water in an instant.

What is this operation?

How can you do surgery without a microscope?

Is the hypothalamic tumor resected with the naked eye?

This is a joke!

Next chapter