
The Doctor: My Super Benevolent System

Qin Feng was admitted to the hospital for an internship and unexpectedly obtained a world-class medical system. After three months, his usual life was changed. A family member of a deranged patient slits the doctor's throat with a knife. Her blood was splattered all over the floor, and it was serious. The injured is Deputy Director Chen Yuan-fang. At this time, the hospital could not find a suitable person to operate on her. It's about to miss the best first aid time! When everyone was helpless, a rescue that shocked them began. ...... I am a contract writer for China Literature (Yuewen). If you want to read the Chinese version, you can go to QiDian. It's more updated than the English version.

LiBinBin · Urban
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354 Chs

Precocious puberty

"Hi, I'm Zhang Chi, a policeman from the Shunxin Police Station."

One of the older policemen walked up to Qin Feng and offered his hand,

"Director Qin, it's like this..."

After the police explained the situation, Qin Feng also looked serious after hearing this, and looked at Zhang Qingquan,

"Have you contacted the gynecologist?"

"I've contacted them and will be here soon."

Zhang Qingquan nodded.

"Okay, let's do a comprehensive examination on the child right away."

Qin Feng looked at the couple,

"Doctor Zhang, call a flat car and arrange an independent examination room."

"I'll do it right away."

Zhang Qingquan walked out immediately after hearing the words.

"Thank you Director."

The young couple thanked Qin Feng.

Qin Feng glanced at the little girl in the woman's arms, and frowned slightly.

This kind of thing is really serious. She is only 8 years old. If she really encountered such a bad behavior, it would be a nightmare for a lifetime.

And generally for such a young child, most of the crimes are committed by acquaintances.

The wicked must be punished as they deserve!

Soon, the gynecologist came and the child was sent to a separate examination room.

The police and Qin Feng were all waiting outside, only the child's mother accompanied him in the examination room.

The girl's clothes were taken off, a detailed physical examination was carried out, and then a bedside ultrasound was done.

About ten minutes later, the obstetrician and gynecologist came out.

"How is my daughter?"

Seeing this, the child's father stepped forward immediately.

"Don't worry."

The female doctor in the gynecology department raised her hand and said, then looked at Qin Feng,

"Director Qin, can we have a few words alone?"


Qin Feng nodded when he heard the words, and the two walked aside.

"How is it, Doctor Xu?"

"The situation is different. I checked it in detail and found no external trauma, and the hymen is also intact. It doesn't seem to have been violent at all."

The obstetrician looked puzzled, and then explained the results of the examination.


Hearing the other party's words, Qin Feng was also stunned.

Although this result is very good for the girl, it also makes everyone very puzzled.

"However, I found other problems during the inspection just now."

Doctor Xu continued.

"What is the problem?"

"The little girl has the characteristics of early development. I suspect that it may be precocious puberty, but I can't be sure without further examination."

"Precocious puberty..."

Qin Feng fell into deep thought when he heard this.

The little girl is only 8 years old this year, if she is a precocious puberty, it would be too early!

However, if it is confirmed that there was no injury caused by violence, the scope of bleeding is greatly reduced.

Precocious puberty is not impossible!

To put it bluntly, the disease of precocious puberty is that the abnormal secretion of hormones in the body causes the child to enter puberty early, and the linear growth of the body is accelerated.

However, due to the rapid development of height with precocious puberty and premature closure of the epiphysis, the patient will eventually be short in stature, and even affect mental development in severe cases.

Of course, this possibility is relatively small, but it cannot be ruled out.

"Okay, I see, thank you, Dr. Xu."

"It's okay, then I'll go back first, Director Qin."

Xu Li smiled and nodded, then left, while Qin Feng walked back in front of everyone.

"Director Qin, what happened to my daughter?"

As soon as the child's father grasped his arm, his face was full of eagerness.

"That's right. The result of our inspection is that your daughter has not encountered violence. At present, our preliminary judgment should not be as you think."

Qin Feng shook his head, and then told everyone the result,

"However, as to why the bleeding occurred, we need to investigate further to see if it is caused by other problems.

I think this result is what you want to see. Your daughter is not what you guessed. "


Hearing this result, the man was dumbfounded and froze in place,

"Then... if it wasn't caused by violence, what could it be?"

"We need to do further examinations. There are many reasons for the bleeding. We need to confirm the results of the examinations before we can make a final diagnosis."

Qin Feng explained,

"Doctor Zhang, contact the doctors from the Department of Pediatrics and Endocrinology."


Upon hearing this, Zhang Qingquan immediately contacted the doctors in the two departments.

The woman also walked out of the examination room with the baby in her arms. She was also a little dumbfounded when she heard the result, but she was still very happy, but at the same time worried.

After all, the cause of her daughter's bleeding has not been found, and if not, what could it be?

As for the two policemen, they also went back.

After the transcript is completed, they still need to arrange the case.

Because the results of the hospital's examination are different from what the couple guessed, they still need to wait for further information.

If not, they might as well close the case.

Soon, the attending doctors from both the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Endocrinology arrived.

Priority is given to physical examination of young girls to assess the developmental level and determine bone age and organ development.

"Dr. Zhang, call the laboratory department and ask them to give us the results of the six hormone tests first without affecting the normal test results."

Qin Feng said to Zhang Qingquan who was on the side.

Six items of hormones: Six items of sex hormones, mainly including estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, prolactin, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which are specially used to detect the levels of various developmental hormones in the human body.

In addition, serum sex hormone determination, gonadotropin determination, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) stimulation test, vaginal exfoliated cell smear examination, B-ultrasound, X-ray examination, magnetic resonance (MRI) and so on.

Although it is true that the little girl develops early after the bone age and physical signs examination, it is necessary to go through more complicated examinations to prove whether it is precocious puberty.

The diagnosis of precocious puberty generally involves 3 steps.

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether it is precocious puberty;

Secondly, judging whether precocious puberty is central or peripheral;

The third is to find the cause. The diagnosis process of idiopathic precocious puberty is mainly to exclude other causes of precocious puberty, especially to differentiate from tumors of the central nervous system, adrenal gland, gonad, and liver.

Now it is necessary to figure out what causes the little girl's precocious puberty.

"Director Qin, why does my daughter need so many tests?"

The woman looked at the inspection reports that kept being sent back, her heart raised her throat again, her face flushed nervously,

"Is there something wrong with her body?"

"Ma'am, don't worry, our preliminary opinion is that your daughter may have precocious puberty."

Qin Feng looked at part of the report sent, and the cause of the disease has been determined in his mind.

But he still needs to wait for the last report to confirm the diagnosis!

Because even if I know what caused the little girl, I don't need to rush for a while, and the operation can only be performed after everything is confirmed.

"What did you say? Sex...precocious puberty?!"

The woman was also dumbfounded when she heard this, without any concept at all.

"Well, to put it simply, your daughter developed early at an age that shouldn't be. As for what caused the development, we are still not sure, and we need to wait for the test results."

Qin Feng nodded.

"But...but isn't it a good thing for children to develop?"

The woman doesn't seem to understand, and even has some doubts.

"She was fully developed early, which means that the puberty period ended early, and the consequence was that the epiphysis would close prematurely, so she would be shorter than children of the same age.

And children can't understand it, and they can't manage it by themselves, which can easily cause psychological harm, understand? "

Although Qin Feng feels funny about women's thoughts, he can understand them.

After all, they are doctors, but others are not!

The patients themselves and their family members usually lack common sense and understanding of the disease, which is the disadvantage that doctors and patients sometimes cannot communicate smoothly and understand each other.

Some patients and their family members even broke out conflicts and disputes between doctors and patients because of serious misunderstandings.

In the end, the doctor is unwilling to cause trouble, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't cooperate. The patient feels that the doctor is deliberately defrauding money and only wants to treat the disease according to his own ideas.

In the end, as long as the consent form is signed, it is not the responsibility of the hospital to make trouble.

Indifference belongs to both sides!

The root cause of this indifference is human nature, which cannot be solved by simply changing the rules.

In the examination room.

"Director Qin, it can be confirmed that the child is indeed a precocious puberty."

The doctor in the endocrinology department gave Qin Feng all the reports, and then said.

"Well, I know this, why?"

"Whole body CT is coming soon."

"There's no need to wait, let the clinical department release the brain and send it over directly."

Qin Feng was really anxious to wait, so there was no need to keep procrastinating.

He had just done a palpation of the meridians of the little girl's whole body, and he had already determined the location of the lesion.

And the culprit that caused the little girl's precocious puberty was in her mind.

"Okay, Director Qin."