

A year later…

Akira with the age of 1, who has a mind of a 19-year-old girl in her past life, understood at least that the world she lived in now is like those she saw in fantasy movies and read on fantasy books — a world where magic exists.

But that was all she knows, because physically, she's still a child. She could not move on her own. But now that she's been a year old, she can at least crawl 'flawlessly' and even stand up… for seconds. When her mother once took her to the market, they passed by a bookstore. She immediately moved on her mother's back where she was sitting on a strap. She pointed her small finger to the bookstore, hinting her mother that she wants to go there. She didn't stop making a noise to get her mother's attention, and her mother, as a doting one, gave in to what she wanted. Even though her mother didn't know what she saw there in the bookstore.

And that's how she got the books in front of her now. It's a book about the history and present of their continent, Minora. Where it is divided into 5 regions; the Kingdom of Acrisia, which is ruled by a human mage. Next is the Kingdom of Eilfaren, which consists of elves. The third is the Kingdom of Grouldroth, which is the territory of dwarves. Fourth, the Kingdom of Rohildr, a kingdom of gnomes. And last, the sole land for guardians, the Guardians' Nest.

She also learned that not everyone will can be a mage. It's all about talent and genes. Unlike other races that are one hundred percent of them are actually going to have the ability. And also, everyone doesn't start from birth on obtaining an element for their desired element as a mage. A human should be awoken its abilities at the age of 10, an elf is as early as 7, for dwarves, they should be awakened at the age of 8, and for gnomes, same as dwarves. They used mana from the environment to themselves to cultivate their bodies to be awakened.

And now, Akari is currently reading a page about the type of mages; ranged mages- they usually use wands to cast spells since they're akin to long-distance spells. They have faster adaption from the environment since they usually offense on a range distance. But here comes the disadvantages, the spells often take longer to cast since they're focusing their mana on a spell that usually damages a large area. As they're casting, the caster often leaves themselves in a vulnerable state. Last, melee mages, they use their body and weapons to offense by augmenting mana to their body and weapons. And by that, they usually consumed less mana since it's all about physical attributes to them. And the cons, they only have finite mana, that's why their attacks are just in short-range since the farther you cast a spell, the more mana it costs.

Akira flipped to the next page. And the content is all about the elements that someone can get. The basic elements that can be found in Minora; Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. For humans, they can attain the four elements, with their specialties; lightning, ice, sound, and gravity. For elves, they can attain three of the elements except for fire. And with only with the specialty of wind and an exclusive specialty of earth and water, forestry. Next, the dwarves can only obtain two elements which are fire and earth. And with its exclusive specialties, earth to golems and a combination of earth and fire that results in metal. Last, the gnomes, that can also obtain two elements; water and wind. With the specialty of water, ice, and the exclusive specialties; water and ice to an avalanche and water and wind to a whirlpool.

And when Akira was about to move to another page, someone suddenly picked her up. "How's my daddy's baby? Why are you holding a book? Where are our baby's toys?" said her dad in a baby tone. Akira's face distorted to the way her dad is acting. She used to think that he was strict, but he was actually soft, at least to her. It's not that she's not being appreciative, she's not just kinda used with the setup, a loving family she has is far from the family she had back in her past life.

"Our baby looks smart, dear. I took her the other day to the grocery store, and she herself wanted to go to the bookstore and wanted to buy those books. I even went to a toy store to let her see the toys, but she didn't want any of it," said Akari's mother. His father looked at Akari as if watching her reaction, so she nodded as if she understood what her parents were talking about, when in fact she really did.

Her dad, looking surprised, pinched her cheeks, "Please don't grow old quickly, baby. You even nod there, as if you understand us," his father laughed, find it amusing, "But what can we do? That's what our baby wants," her dad finally released her cheeks from pinching it after she pouted.

"Come on and have breakfast, you still have to go to Everdale, dear," said Akari's mother. While Akari is seated in her own chair made by her father. While they're eating, her parents were talking about the work of her father, which is her dad being a Royal Guard in the city of Everdale.

And now, she can't help but think what's her father's elemental attribute. Since she came in to this world, she had never seen him use magic. She had to re-read the books she had bought. She needs to know what's with the world she has been rebirth as soon as possible.

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