
The Divine Dragon of the Uchiha Clan (Droped)

Uchiha Ryu, the Divine Dragon descend to the shinobi world because of Heaven's will, see how Ryu takes advantage of plot of shinobi world.

99_DRAGONS · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Work like hell

Ryu: *determined* "I'll work on refining my chakra control, Grandpa. I want to master this technique and become even stronger."

Shisui: *excited* "I want to get stronger too! Ryu, let's train together and push each other to new heights."

Ryu: *smiling* "Absolutely, Shisui. We'll become the best Uchiha brothers, unlocking our full potential."

Kazuki: *proudly* "I have no doubt that both of you will achieve great things. Train hard, stay focused, and embrace the power within you."

The three Uchiha stood by the pond, their determination shining in their eyes. With their shared goals and unwavering spirit, they embarked on a journey of growth and discovery, ready to make their mark in the world of shinobi.

The next day, Ryu announced his plan to explore the forest training grounds and engage in various exercises. He ventured out with excitement, ready to push his limits and test his skills.

Ryu: "I'm heading out to the training grounds to practice some techniques. I want to work on my leaf sticking, Shurikenjutsu, kenjutsu, and even the fire ball technique."

Aya: "That sounds like a great idea, Ryu. Just be careful and make sure to stay focused."

Ryu nodded, acknowledging his mother's concern, and made his way to the forest training grounds. There, he began his training session, starting with the leaf sticking exercise. With each leap and precise placement of the leaves, he felt his chakra and precision improving.

As a month passed, Ryu felt satisfied with his progress in the leaf sticking exercise and the fire ball technique. He now turned his attention to chakra control and decided to work on the tree walking technique.

Ryu: "I think it's time for me to practice the tree walking technique. It's all about chakra control, and I need tall trees for that. I'll head to the Nara clan training grounds."

Kazuki: "Ah, the Nara clan has some of the tallest trees in the area. Just be respectful and seek their permission before using their training grounds."

Ryu: "Of course, Grandpa. I'll make sure to ask for their permission."

With determination in his eyes, Ryu arrived at the Nara clan training grounds. He approached the Nara clan members, known for their intelligence and laid-back nature, to seek their permission.

Ryu: "Excuse me, may I have your permission to use these trees for my training? I'm working on the tree walking technique to improve my chakra control."

Nara Clan Member: *yawning* "As long as you don't disturb our peace, go ahead. Just be mindful of our shadows."

Ryu expressed his gratitude and began his tree walking practice. Step by step, he focused on maintaining a steady flow of chakra and placing his feet precisely on the tree trunks. The Nara clan members observed his training with mild interest.

As Ryu climbed higher and higher, some of the Nara clan members couldn't help but be intrigued by his determination and progress.

Nara Clan Member: "Looks like you've got some skill, kid. Keep up the good work."

Ryu: *smiling* "Thank you. I appreciate your support and allowing me to train here."

With their permission and encouragement, Ryu continued his training, determined to master the tree walking technique and further enhance his abilities. The Nara clan, while known for their laziness, recognized his dedication and potential.

While going to home, he spotted a boy with blue and orange jacket, wearing goggles.

Ryu "Are you Obito Uchiha?"

Obito: "Yeah, I am. How did you know?"

Ryu: "I've heard about you. You're quite famous among the Uchiha clan." lied with a straight face

Obito: *smirking* "Famous, huh? I guess that's one way to put it. But what brings you here fellow uchiha"

Ryu: "I saw you from afar and wanted to introduce myself. We're from the same clan, after all."

Obito: "Well, it's nice to meet you. But I have to admit, I'm feeling a bit lost right now."

Ryu: "Lost? What do you mean?"

Obito: "Well, my junior Kakashi, is strong and good looking than me and I didn't. I'm still stuck here, feeling left behind."

Ryu: "I understand how you feel, Obito. It's tough when you see others moving ahead while you feel left behind. But remember, everyone has their own journey and time line. You'll find your own path, in your own time."

Obito: *sighs* "I guess you're right. It's just hard to see it now."

Ryu: "Don't worry, Obito. Your time will come. Just keep working hard and believe in yourself."

Obito "By the way what is your name"

Ryu "Uchiha Ryu"

Obito "Nice meeting you by the way"

As they parted ways, Ryu couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for Obito. He knew that this encounter could have a profound impact on the young Uchiha's future. Little did they know that their paths would cross again, with destiny intertwining their fates in ways they could never imagine.

Ryu reached his home and watched Shisui playing, around the house, which is same as agility exercise.

Shisui: "Ryu, you're back!"

Ryu: "Yes, Shisui. What are you up to?"

Shisui: "Just playing around, enjoying the day."

Ryu: "Sounds fun. I think I'll go inside and take a nap. Training has been exhausting."

While observing Shisui playing, Ryu felt a strong desire to enhance the power of his Swift Release and the Uzumaki Clan's Eye of Mind. However, he was faced with the challenge of how to effectively utilize these abilities.

Having never practiced sensing techniques before, Ryu knew that the Eye of Mind could be a valuable asset if used correctly. It had the potential to surpass even the renowned Yakamaka Clan in terms of sensory perception.

Determined to unlock his potential, Ryu closed his eyes and focused his concentration on sensing his surroundings. He decided to start with a simple task: sensing an apple placed in front of him.

With great concentration, Ryu tapped into all his senses and delved deep into his consciousness to locate the apple. He visualized the pain building up in his forehead, which triggered a peculiar black and white image of the apple in his mind.

Overwhelmed by the intensity of his sensory focus, Ryu suddenly lost consciousness and fell back onto his bed. Unaware of what had transpired, his mother and grandpa assumed he was merely asleep and left him undisturbed.

After four hours of deep slumber, Ryu awoke with a throbbing headache, the residual effect of his intense sensory practice. As he regained consciousness, he became aware of a heightened awareness of his surroundings.

Ryu: "Ah, so this is the power of the Eye of Mind. I must learn to harness and control it properly."

Feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity, Ryu joined his family for dinner. Unbeknownst to them, he overheard their conversation about his relentless dedication and unwavering determination.

Ryu's words hung in the air, a mixture of maturity and determination evident in his young voice. His parents exchanged glances, impressed by his profound understanding of the world.

Aya: "Ryu, you're only three years old. Are you pushing yourself too hard?"

Ryu: "There is no future for the weak, Mother. I have to work hard to protect the Uchiha clan and our beautiful family. The scars of the Second Shinobi War still linger in the shinobi world."

Takashi: "But Ryu, that war is over. There won't be another one, right?"

Ryu: "No, Father. I sense that the third Shinobi World War is looming on the horizon. It's the worst-case scenario, and we must always be prepared. That's one of the fundamental rules of being a shinobi."

Aya: "My son, you worry so much for someone so young." She embraced Ryu, feeling a mix of pride and concern.

Takashi: "Despite your young age, you have a deep understanding of the shinobi world, Ryu. Now, tell us, what do you wish for your fourth birthday?"

Ryu: "May I ask for three gifts, Father? You can decide if they are suitable or not."

Aya thought to herself how mature and intelligent her son had become.

Takashi: "Of course, Ryu. Please share your wishes."

Ryu: "My first wish is to master the sealing techniques. My second wish is access to the clan library, where I can delve deeper into our rich history and learn from the wisdom of our ancestors. And my third wish is to learn the art of swordsmanship, to sharpen my skills in combat."

Takashi and Aya exchanged glances, impressed and proud by Ryu's aspirations and determination.

Parents take great pride when their child exhibits the qualities of a sigma personality.