
II. The Decision

A person called a few people to come pick me up to go to a safe location, the world's view of a safer place. Then, I got there and they examined me as they put various connections to see what was wrong. They questioned me of my histories, yet I acted calm. Deep down I was thinking and telling myself more than what I was saying. I had to stay calm, it was just me at this point. Everything was fine, I felt safe. Great, as I said to myself yet was still worried at what was going on. Then, they send me to a room. I was fine till a few hours passed, everything changed. Though the unknown started to voice themselves. I wonder again, and looked around as I examine each spot within where I can hear and the weakness of their signal. It's like a different range where I walked by, okay it's the same as the old location, I told myself. Now, they wanted their presence known. The next day, I got the briefing and they started a story. I was amazed, as I replied within. Okay, let's play. I dazed off, and I was in between the awaken and asleep. I was running scared on the films, as I ran on it I felt my heartbeat raising. As I fell through, the hall appeared I was infront of a room. A room I dare not to enter it manifested itself "666". I woke up, I was laying down. I looked around, it scared me. I thought to myself it was just a dream. So, I closed my eyes visions started appearing. I did not understand it at first there was two boards. The first one was a huge U.F.O spaceship and a civilization, for some reason they somehow know me. they spake to me and asked me when will I come back we've been waiting for you, I marvelled and said. "I still have to find out how to get there". I will call everyone when it's time. The other board was next to it. Another different civilization, and they told me they are preparing. I said, okay and said the samething as what I mentioned to the first board. Now, a voice asked me to create what I want on the third board. I got an image... There was two Books, then the voice spake and said: where will you put me? I said... Okay. I put the voice's representation of what I have imagined. I put his logo in the middle of the two closed Books. He marvelled as we talk. What was your goal with this two Books? The voice asked. I said they both represents two different organizations. The Left Book and the Right Book needs to be One as a whole, that was my goal. He mentioned to me: "The Left Book was from your Mother and the Right Book was from Me."