
The Disastrous Life of a Gamer

What will you do when in the middle of the night, you will wake up with a wild Deadpool standing in front of your bed ? And how will you react when your entire life will turn into a game? I do not own anything other than the story and the OC characters.

MeatBunKun · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Chapter 12

<Tsunade POV>

"Tell me Jiraiya, what happened?"

"I don't know how to start, but as I was dying, my vision was slowly darkening and for a short period of time, I barely had the strength or will to keep myself awake. At that moment I knew that I would die and my only regret was not seeing you again. (And your sagely boobs hahaha). Fortunately for me, I woke up, healed, and with no wound on my body. When I looked around, I saw a man checking the surroundings and while I was trying to get up, he told me to rest for a while. His name is Settra a wanderer. I tried to talk to him and find more about him, but some enemy ninjas were coming towards our way and we had to escape. That's how I survived."

"Jiraiya, there are a lot of holes in your story, but right now we have some bigger problems than a man saving you. If the Akatsuki attacks our village, we may not stand a chance against them. I will gather all of our Jonins so that we can prepare and as much as I hate to admit it, we need Danzo, he may have a shady character, but he's one of the best schemers we have and it's better to have him here."

"You are right, Tsunade-chan, we may need Danzo and his root to help us. As for my story, even I can't remember it too well."

"Jiraiya goes speak with Naruto, after all, Akatsuki will come to take him away and steal the Nine-Tails from him."

<Haru POV>

"What did you do with him?"

"Changed his memory of this incident, after all, we don't want to reveal our power to the enemy, master. You may be a fan boy, but that doesn't make your decision less dangerous and thankfully you had me with you to take care of the problem before it could bite us in the ass."

"I'm sorry and thank you. At least now, I know what I should say and what to hide."

"That's a good master. You, humans, learn from your mistakes which is quite a good trait to have."

After listening to his remarks and tip on how I should behave around schemers and assassins, we continue to walk towards Konoha. Sebastian said that we have a better alibi if we walk and arrive in a less suspicious way to Konoha and that even if we walk, it will only take us a day to arrive at the village.

<Back in the Akatsuki hideout>

"How could they been killed! Jiraiya should be able to kill all of them by himself."

"We don't know how that happens. When we search the area, we didn't found any clue of any battle taking place not even the place where Jiraiya was almost killed."

"I'll create the six Paths again and I will send all of them to destroy Konoha! Konan, I want you to go with them and ensure that we capture Naruto Uzumaki. "

"I understand, Nagato. I will make sure that Konoha will be destroyed and the jinchuuriki will be brought back."

<Haru POV>

I have to agree with Sebastian on the decision to walk. Along our journey towards Konoha, we met seven patrol squad that questioned us about our destination and origin.

Thankfully for us and them, we also encounter a lot of caravans that were going from a village to another, so as any smart person would do, we bought a merchant permit from one of the caravans so that we can safely enter Konoha or any village, and I've got to say that this thing will come in handy.

When we were just three hours away from Konoha, Sebastian told me that some bugs were tailing us. Someone was getting impatient it seems.

Now, there were two possible situations and both of them are quite problematic. The first one being that a normal Aburame was using his/her bugs to spy on us and report its findings to his/her superiors which is probably the Hokage .

The second one and the only situation that would be the perfect way for us to deal with a plague was that the Aburame was from the ROOT and was tasked to tail us while the rest of its friends were waiting for us to ambush us and take us to Danzo.

"Sebastian, don't kill them. We can use them afterward, after all, isn't our plan to take control over the Root?"

"Don't worry master, I know what to do, but how do you plan to get any information from them? From what you told me, they have some sort of seal that kills them if they say even a word about their missions to an enemy."

"Athar will help us. After all, a soul that doesn't have a body could be manipulated to do everything you want as long as you know how to do it properly."

"Sometimes I think that I'm a bad influence, master."

"Don't worry about it. I don't want to become a pawn for other people to use."

After another twenty minutes of walking, we found the ambush. Well, Sebastian found it and he decided to just walk into it like it wasn't even there while I will remain behind and summons my mummies.

Just as I was about to summon them, I got a quest.

[Quest issued: Take the Root and make them loyal to you.

Objective 1: Survive the Ambush

Objective 2: Kill Danzo Shimura or Control Danzo Shimura

Objective 3: Bullshit your position in Root to the Konoha Council and the Hokage

Reward: *200 Stat points on every stat other than LUK

*Active skill: Kotoamatsukami – the power to cast a subtle mind control spell/genjutsu to a target weaker than you.

Cost: 1000 MP

For a target stronger than you, you will use 10 times the MP tills High-Class afterward it's 100 times for Ultimate-Class then???

For example: Mid-Class-10k, High-Class-100k, Ultimate-Class-10M, Satan-Class-???

*A literal army of Chunins and Jonins at your disposal. They will be loyal to you even if they are threatened with death - 1000 Chunins and 300 Jonins (Possible Kage-level ninja if you choose the second option)

Before I could summon my Kage-level mummies, two Root members attacked me. Looking at them, I smiled.

"Surprise Motherfuckers!"

The moment I said that two huge scorpions emerged from below the ground and caught the two ninjas. Without wasting my time with them, I took a metal rod that I took from the Paths and throw it towards the Aburame root, piercing his right shoulder. The second metal road pinned the poor fool into a tree immobilizing their sensor for good.

After I was sure that neither of them could escape, I summoned my mummies and walk towards Sebastian where I found him, dancing while dodging all sorts of jutsus and attacks. It was quite funny seeing him beating the enemy with one hand while on the other hand, he was holding a woman root.

Sometimes, I wonder what things he doesn't know. Until now, he proves to me that he can do every single thing to perfection.

Two minutes after I arrived at his dancing ring, all of the root ninjas were paralyzed while only Sebastian was on his feet. Even the poor woman was unconscious from all of the flashy things he did while dancing.

"Poor woman, she was used by a handsome man and then throws away."

"Please, master, I'm a gentleman. I wouldn't throw her away. I would just toss her to a predator to enjoy her."

"You know what, I don't even want to know. Athar please see what you can find from one of the jonins."

"As you wish my lord, these mortals will know true fear from today onwards."

Taking one of the vegetables, root ninjas, Athar put his right hand on the head of the ninja and after a while, he put the man down.

"Master, I can show you the way or should I transfer the information to Sebastian?"

"Transfer it to Sebastian as he can teleport us directly there."

When he got the information, Sebastian asked me what to do with the prisoners.

"Put them to sleep, after all, we don't them killed."

After he made all of the root ninja unconscious, Sebastian told me to unsummon my undead so that he could teleport us towards the Root HQ.

The barriers that prevented people from finding this place were useless against someone like Sebastian and as soon as we teleported into Danzo's office, tens of root ninjas were surrounding us.

I fucking hate the fact that I can't fight against a jonin and I have to rely on my undead and butler to do the dirty work for me.

Taking a good look at Danzo, I could see that the man really took a hit from old age and his paranoia.

Sebastian didn't like the situation he put me in, but a quick mind control spell and memory alteration spell to Danzo did the work for us.

"All of you stand down. My son and his bodyguard have returned. Go away and let me speak with them."

Hearing the words of their leader, all of the root ninjas were shocked by this revelation. Their leader had a child and now he returned.

After all of them left, Danzo look at us, which to be honest was quite creepy.

"What did you used, Sebastian?"

"I just opened his memories, master. After all, how could your own father not recognize you? Unfortunately, I can use this method only once every three hundred years, so don't expect any more free power-ups from me, master."

That's a massive fuck you, isn't it, Sebastian. You want to play like this, well who am I to say no to a free bodyguard and bloody good shinobi that see me as its son now that you modified his mind and memories.

"So son, why didn't you send me a message about you coming back?"

"About that, father, it wasn't planned. We didn't want to come to Konoha too soon, but a certain Sannins got himself into a lot of troubles so we had to save him."

[Lying level up]

"Jiraiya most likely, my men told me that a toad arrived in the village yesterday, and after some time, Jiraiya pop up as well. But, now that you are back in Konoha what do you plan to do?"

"Relax and enjoy my life for a while."

[Lying level up]

"I see, and then maybe you will like to take my position because I'm already too old for this shit and someone should take this position, someone that I can trust."

Sebastian what the fuck did you do to him. He's even scarier now that he cares and acts as a good father.

"We will see, father. Being the leader of Root is a huge responsibility and I would have to earn the respect of all your people."

[Lying level up x2]

"Don't worry about that, they will listen to every command you will issue without a doubt."

"That's the problem, I don't want mindless pawns, I want people that will think and know how to improvise, I want them to be more independent and not follow the mission orders to the extreme. As every single one of them is very important and their death will sadden me."

[Combo! Lying level up x10]

Danzo or should I call him my new father… hell no, was smiling at my words. It seems that I impressed someone with this bullshit reason of mine. (A/N: Before anyone go berserk on me, Danzo won't follow the MC for some reason...)

"You don't have to worry about anything. Your words were transmitted to all of my subordinates and I assure you that you are probably the only one that cares about their lives. So congratulations, son, you just become the leader of the Root."

[Congratulations host for earning maxing out the respect for Root]

[You earned a perk: That's my ninja way

You will have an easier time increasing the respect with male Spec-Ops

You will have an easier time increasing the affection with female Spec-ops

Trait unlocked for all Root members: Unquestionable loyalty]

[Game] sometimes I feel like a cheat.

[That's normal, host. As you already know, you are a cheat character and one that's slightly better than Jihan at the start]

"Live and assume my mistakes, right?"

"That's how life is. Even my old friend, Hiruzen had to live his whole life with his mistake that cost him his life years ago. You opened my eyes and I saw that I don't need the position of a Hokage to protect the village all I need is the power and ways to do it in the dark. Because we are assassins in the first place."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

You can also check my patr3on for advanced chapters.


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